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Everything posted by crappiekayaker

  1. We used James River Outfitters and thought they did a great job. Super nice people and I'll use them again, most likely this fall.
  2. It was a nice float but was crowded. I'm thinking next time, start at Y and float to Blunks.
  3. Floated Kerr to Y-bridge yesterday. I didn't do any fishing, to many people for me, but my buddy did. It seemed like almost every cast he'd hook up. They weren't nothing to come home and brag about but still a sold bite.
  4. I'm going out here in a little while, I'll post what I find.
  5. I've seen many people lunch jon boats off the old ramp by the boat house. You just have to carry the boat over the chains.
  6. In the winter, for every 10 to 12 incher I catch, I have to sift through alot of 6 to 8 inchers. Im not a fan of keeping the little ones (not enough meat). That being said, im not a fan of keeping the 13.5+ either. I figure, if I throw it back some kid might catch it. Im glad some nice fish are being caught. Good work.
  7. http://www.ozarksfirst.com/news/car-pulled-from-lake-no-one-inside
  8. I figure this is the best place to ask. Has anyone ever frogged Ward Branch? How did you do?
  9. The first picture is what the ramp looks like now. The second is the parking lot below the dam.
  10. How much did fellows come up? I've been catching crappie in the weed beds but nothing of keeper size.
  11. The ramp looks pretty bad. Ill post a picture tomorrow.
  12. Ive only been out a few times this month. About three weeks ago, I did good on crappie. I went back last week and couldn't get a bite. It seems since april its been hit and miss for me. I can say this, its been busy on fellows. Im surprised there hasn't been any posts.
  13. What a horrible person! I hope they find they scum.
  14. Thanks for the info slabtracker.
  15. Slabstacker, when do they start to go into a summer pattern? I cant seem to catch like I was in the winter. Im hoping they stack up on the same brush piles in the summer. Ive tried shallow and deep brush piles and cant find the numbers I was.
  16. For crappie, I use 4bl test with a Bobby Garland baby shad on the end. I primarily target the MDC brush piles across from the boat ramp but since the water warmed up I cant find them. Although, last Sunday I found 5 on a brush pile in 47ft of water. That lake has thrown me for a loop. I've never caught crappie in 47ft of water in April before (this winter I was catching them in 32ft water). I think the water temp was 62, Sunday.
  17. Great information. Thanks for sharing.
  18. Where you on the south arm, slabstacker? I now know what my problem was yesterday, I was fishing way to deep. I started in 20 and worked my way deeper. I only caught two and that was in 50 foot. how did your all's tournament go?
  19. Thanks wuteversbitin awesome report! Sorry to hear about your grandpa.
  20. Well hot dang! im happy to hear fish are being caught. Hopefully its starting to pick up. I like Springfield because it's easy to fish after work.
  21. Springfield can be tricky, now that there is so much pressure on the lake. I used to go out every night and catch a few but it seems like the fish have disappeared. I was out there Monday and seen a bunch of fish on my graph. They were all scattered about in front of the old boat ramp but I couldn't find a bite. I seen a few huge bait balls out there too. The Monday before last I managed two crappie but nothing more. I hadn't caught a crappie (of size) out there in about a year. I suggest getting a cheap kayak and heading to fellows. Fellows has been great to me this year, so far.
  22. At least once a week, I've been going below the dam at Springfield. All I have snagged is a few sticks. I figure im way to early but its always worth a try.
  23. I didn't have a chance to go last weekend but plan on going this upcoming one. Fellows is hard to fish without a boat and heck, can be hard to fish with a boat. Its taken me a good year to year 1/2 to find crappie out there. I'd sure like to find a walleye pattern though. I've only caught a few bass out of that lake but I rarely target them. I know they are in there, I've seen the pictures.
  24. I didnt have time this weekend to take my kayak. Tried to find a cat from the bank but ended up empty. I did find a school of suckers but the biggest one was maybe 6 inches.
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