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Chris Musick

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Everything posted by Chris Musick

  1. ive straightened several hooks lol and only place i know to get minnows is shell knob and thats 30 minute one way trip to any place ive heard for whites.
  2. Ive been 3 times in the last week. Visited blunks hole, under 76 bridge in cape fair, old road bed across from flat creek resort. Ill ive managed to do is make my wife mad and realize braided line is a MUST w umbrella rig. Ive used big grub and minnows, little ones, white, purple, blue, green, and white rooster tails. Plz help lol. Oh and i dont have a boat lol
  3. Ive always been told anything worth catching bites before 10am. And that dude filled my deep freeze in three days w whites and crappie last year lol although it was at a spillway in kansas
  4. I eat dinner around 7. Thats a lil too late isnt it?
  5. Well im more familiar w table rock and its closer so id like to stick to table rock or one of its creeks or rivers
  6. Ive been told white rooster tails work too.... is this accurate?
  7. Taking a family member fishing while he is down for a couple of days. Was wondering where a great spot would be to take him to catch some whites. Also was wondering what time of day would be best. I fished blunks hole the sunday morn and didnt have a lot of luck. No boat so every bit of advice down to the last detail is much appreciated.
  8. I've been trying to buy my first boat. Made a deal with the mrs so I get 2k of taxes to buy a fishing boat. I have two little ones but they wont be able to fish for at least 5 years. I know NOTHING about boats except I do not want a jon boat.
  9. My ceiling got lowered to 1800 and that ranger sold before I got my taxes back :-(
  10. ive got a wife who might go twice with me, and i have two kids. A 2 yr old girl and a 3 month old boy....i guess you could say this will be daddy's toy! I plan on fishing table rock mostly, possibly stockton and even lake of the ozarks since i have family there. I hope to fish for everything. My favorite is crappie. But i fish for cats and bass as well and would like to try for walleye!
  11. Im a first time boat buyer.... I really got into fishing the last couple years and amm getting tired of trying to schedule fishing days with boating friends lol. Anyways, the boss (wife) gave me a limit of 2k to spend. i know im not looking at an amazing boat for that price but was curious if anyone had any good pointers. I know NOTHING about boats. i know that i like having lots of storage, and decent sized fishing areas. I found a pretty good 1978 ranger with a good working 115 hp merc, 82# thrust troller, and lowrance fishfinder and good trailer with the electricals all redone this past year. Its aged but this guy keeps a cover on it when not using it and stores it in his pretty good sized work shop. So should i go with this once i get my tax money or keep looking for better? Open to any and all advice and thanks so much!
  12. 7-28-13 Fished from A dock...again, but top water bite was hot from the time I got there (6 am) til the time I left (10 am) Used a black and white popper and caught em as fast as I could get the lure back in the water. Tried a Zara spook for a while but still have yet to figure out how to make it work I guess. All in all a fun morning!
  13. What do I need to look for when testing one? And what all should I need accessory wise? (Fish finder, troll motor, life vests, live well, swim ladder etc...) I'm completely new at all of this. I've only driven a boat once and it was a regular bass boat.
  14. I'm looking to buy a pontoon boat to fish and take our family out when the kids get older. We plan on having 4 lol. Already have a lil girl and a boy due in October. Anyways we are looking for a reliable 1st boat with everything a rookie would need for around 4k including trailer. (Live well, trolling motor, depth finder etc.)
  15. I'm really want in to catch catfish....don't care where as long as its close to clever
  16. Delaware....I paddled up stream then floated down stream just past the bridge then paddled back up. Didn't have anyone to pick me up or I would floated to shelvin rock
  17. I went out this morning. Around 8. Got up late. But I've seen everyone talking about drop shot so I looked it up and tried it off a dock in shell knob. I caught about 15 fish. I'm new to anything that isn't trout so I had a blast. They stopped button around 11 tho.
  18. Apparently I dunno where the holes are and that water is SWIFT
  19. Borrowed a kayak and am literally putting in right now. So we will see. Thanks!
  20. I've fished trout from roaring river and pond fish w worms. Any advice at all (in lingo I can understand) would be greatly appreciated. I've been Goin down to Delaware town mostly. Caught an accidental gar on a minnow and couple small goggle eyes on worms. I'm really interested in walleye and catfish as I've yet to ever catch either in a river.
  21. I'm new to river fishing in general. Would you have any pointers for a rookie who has been going to Delaware town and shelvin rock?
  22. I'm new to river fishing in general. Would you have any pointers for a rookie who has been going to Delaware town and shelvin rock?
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