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Everything posted by RiverFisher1

  1. Have some chemist genetically modify some amberjack and we are in my dream lake!
  2. What you guys do when this happens: Throw rocks into the water and make a lot of noise until he leaves, that way he can't catch anything! Although you will have to change spots as well, at least you get the satisfaction of getting your point across.
  3. I don't think all of them migrated that way. I'm sure I saw some on my radar and from other contacts. Thanks for sharing your thoughts though!
  4. I trolled around the white (right before point 12) with various baits on the 29th. The water clarity is slowly getting better, next weekend should even be better if theres no downpours... Fishing wise I only caught 1 crappie, and saw no white bass or stripers surfacing. Still think the brownish water is affecting the fishing.
  5. went to point 12 this evening. Still brown and couldn't see my bait even a few inches down. didn't catch any white bass but there were a few jumping around
  6. I use the AGFC report to mainly see another angle of where the stripers/white bass are heading. The basic rule of thumb: if there are open parking spots at the boat ramp under twin bridges, the white bass haven't swarmed yet.
  7. I was right below point 12 the other day, didn't see any big schools. There are people fishing at twin bridges again, not the crazy amount like you would see when the full run is on. There might be a few early swimmers down there but in my opinion the temp has to stay in the 60s for about a week and a half for the magic to start happening.
  8. I was just wondering what you guys did. I rent a boat slip and its easier to get it done at the cleaning station. I know of a lot of people who do the ice chest method and the fish go to sleep pretty quick (much like if you breathed on the moon, you'll pass out pretty quickly,then you'll die without knowing it). I'm not a PETA guy but I sure am thankful that I didn't live in the Civil War days when whiskey was the only anesthetic. I also thought the topic was interesting haha.
  9. I mostly show mercy by using a knife to the fish's brain. I was wondering if you guys practiced other ways before filleting a fish.
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