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Everything posted by trythisonemv

  1. I'm no Muskie fisherman guys but upon doing a mere fifteen minutes research found that Muslim primarily feed on bait fish. Sunfish suckers shad etc. One article done on the New River in Carolinas stated when checked only five percent of the food found in muskie were small mouth in this particular river. Another article said that small to medium muskie feed mostly on signers and small sunfish where as large mudslide are more opportunistic feeders. They will eat whatever is dumb enough to cross their path... either way they aren't locals and were put here for sport so enjoy!
  2. It made me a think that they won't be running water from table rock until is fixed. With the cold weather that could be bad for people in Arkansas that rely on the electricity.
  3. Main power unit caught fire and dam is shut down! Army Corp of engineers is investigating fire cause
  4. Beautiful but with you on the whole winter being over thought~.
  5. I'll keep a sharp eye out for You. I'll probably hit the catch and release section first
  6. Opening day falls on a sunday this year. Hope to be out the Monday following after the mass lightens a bit.
  7. Went this morning river very low no fish from 215 to Taylor. Think once we get rain it'll start up.
  8. Didn't miss much. Very low clear and empty. Need a good rain before it'll be any good
  9. Sometimes from what I've gathered. Just depends on the temps. I'm looking for them in a place it two where I think they'll be holding predawn. Probably jumpin the gun but I always catch fish down there and don't want to waste a pretty nice day or two on the couch. So I'm going convince myself that I'll catch them.
  10. Didn't see any redds either
  11. Had the opportunity too hit the creek for a few hours today. It was Crystal clear below the dairy farm and plenty of fish cruising around. Managed two today, one Parr marked and one about twelve. I was drifting an olive wooly bigger and some zebra midge patterns. The Parr came on the midge while the larger took the wooly. Beautiful day for the prettiest trout in MO.
  12. Big rocks and sand washout from current next to eddies
  13. I found one of those cq streamers down at Capps one day. Good looking fly not surprised you had good luck with it. Good report
  14. I'm thinking of heading Monday maybe I'll run into you. Gold ranger with black wheels
  15. I'm heading Monday so I'll post how I do.
  16. Also I think the low volume of fish is directly related to the over abundance of New members to the "bucket brigade". I've seen hordes of people keeping fish down there.
  17. That makes sense Tim. I had great days up until about the second week of January I think. Jtram don't be stealing my monster now ! I hope that guy hangs around until I get a day off!
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