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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Basschomper

  1. Thank you to you fella's for the help and insight of clearing this up. Hopefully this will answer everybody's questions. I know it did mine.
  2. I concur on all 3 accounts. Money seems to be very powerful. I would trust any one of the guys in our little"club" in a paper tournament. It is their eyes and handwriting I mite question. Lol
  3. I I thought so but couldn't find it for the life of me today.
  4. You are killing me. We always bring a coffe can full of spoon billing sinkers to shove down the throats of any that just aren't "perky". No just kidding someone will always take them and clean them, and any other subspecies like catfish or walleye brought in to show off. We have a big fish fry at our end of the year fish-off.
  5. Spoke Derek Farwell this afternoon. He is the conservation agent for Cedar county. He said the only way to get another limit would be to take your Saturday limit out of the boat (home to freezer) so you could start your Sunday limit at midnight. Which comes back to the " words of wisdom " from Walcrabass " don't get caught with 12 bass in your boat at one time by yourself ". So in order to take your limit to the freezer would mean leaving your boat, which is a violation of tournament rules, and starting with 0 fish in the livewell with 1 hour to fish.
  6. Bass fisher hope to see you there great group of guys. Always have a good time. Jerry I am currently trying to get some of these questions answered as it did not cross my mind about 2 separate days or if they are separate in this instance Walcrabass I feel that I trust MDC would not allow the tournaments if there was a signicant mortality rate. As far as the honesty all I can do is control my own which is led by God above and was driven, I mean persuaded by my dad's belt. Not to mention just being a night tournament opens a lot of doors for dishonesty.
  7. Here is a link to the CSR as well http://s1.sos.mo.gov/cmsimages/adrules/csr/current/3csr/3c10-6.pdf
  8. https://joebassteamtrail.com/missouri-has-a-no-culling-rule-in-the-summer/
  9. The rule is located CSR Title 3 10-6.405 (3). Here are just a few screenshots that I took a year or so ago that explains it pretty well I believe. I am gonna do a little more research to see if I can find the original and complete article.
  10. Good ol' Boys open buddy bass tournament July 16, 2016, Old State Park, 6pm-1am, $55 entry fee includes BB, pay at ramp, no membership fee, pays 1 place for every 5 boats up to 4 boats. On a side note, July and August are the months the "no culling" rule applies. I have copies of this rule for anybody that is interested in reading them.
  11. Good ol' Boys open buddy bass tournament July 16, 2016, Stockton Lake-Old State Park, 6:00pm - 1:00am, $55 entry fee includes BB, pay at ramp, no membership fee. Pays 1 place for every 5 boats up to 4 boats
  12. Congratulations that is one nice fish!
  13. July 16 Old State Park 6:00pm-1:00am $55 entry includes BB (BB is optional) pay at the ramp pays 1 place for every 5 boats. No membership fee. A full copy of rules will be available at the ramp also. 5fsh is always trying to get the tournament to pay one more spot so MAYBE I could get a check, always thinking of others. Also, now I am speculating, but I believe $10 per entry goes to our end of the year championship.
  14. Oh I forgot we don't have a website or Facebook. Just a group of guys/gals that gets together once a month and fish
  15. The good ol boys tournament this Saturday isn't an open. But we are having an open buddy bass tournament July 16 6:00pm-1:00am. Great bunch of guys.
  16. Well how did the 4 days go? Us working stiffs need a report. I also just want know so I can know if I need to call MDC about u having too many fish in ur freezer.
  17. Even a blind dog can find a bone once in awhile
  18. Our tournament Saturday out of CC was 1st-14.87 2nd-12.?? and BB-5.04 5 fish limit
  19. Thanks for report. Sounds like you made the right decision. My decisions usually don't turn out like that.
  20. He caught his first bullpen session for Wainwright. But has yet to swing a bat. They did say is wearing a splint. They that opening day is still uncertain due mostly to batting
  21. Good ol Boys open buddy bass tournament. February 27, Mutton Creek Ramp ( south or campground ramp) 7:00am-3:30pm, $55 entry includes BB, pay at ramp, no membership fee
  22. I went with a buddy today and could almost paste and copy skeeter's post. With a few exceptions. We fished from Greaser Creek to Googer Creek with maybe a little less visibility.
  23. Thanks for all the info. I purchased the rod probably 6 years ago and have cleaned my receipt drawer out out since then. There is a good chance it went to file 13 since I assumed it was only good for one year. I will definitely go rummage through it though and get in touch with falcon to see what they may do. If they can't do anything I will give Wrench's solution a shot. I actually broke the dern thing by grabbing it and 3 bass rods at once to carry them into the garage. I was a little less than pleased with myself to say the least.
  24. I am wanting to attempt to repair a crappie rod. I have glued new tip guides before but never tried this before. It is a Falcon 6' Ultralight. It broke about 12" from the tip, almost equal distance between the guides. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  25. Not sure if you have already traded or sold your Revo. I have a Curado I would be interested in trading you.
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