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Everything posted by Nearki

  1. I have never thought of the big swimbiat but could see it working. The way it has been described and how I understand it is the spoon is a reaction bite. They arnt thinking so much they need a shad to eat or that a shad naturally falls that fast when it's dead. It's moving so fast and loosely resembles a shad so they hit before it gets away. Like a set of keys, If your sitting there and someone throws a set of keys to you, your going to try and catch them. Not because you need keys but because its a natural reaction. This is part of the reason it works so well when its hot and nothing else will work. The fish are clustered up under the dock, in the shade and cooler water. The grub I can see working when they are actively feeding but I don't see it replacing the reaction of a fast falling spoon.
  2. My guess is because it's such a localized technique and even around here not everyone uses it much. The best part is the fish don't have to be active to catch them on it. Also if you don't put the time in to learn it you probably don't have the confidence to try it. Im sure more will be trying it now that it was brought to light on MLF....... What a beat down.
  3. Man I love catching them like that. Was wondering why no one done it on dale hallow. Although I've never used a spoon that big it gets quick results when nothing else will for me. I'll have to try some larger spoons too.
  4. Stick with it j-doc, it took me awhile. After the first two I was able to run from dock to dock pulling out at least one on each stop. Now I have to sit at home and think about the next trip. Its such a violent strike. Try setting your reel up so the spoon can free spool as it falls without back lashing. That was how I was getting most of my hits. Just flip it to the shadiest spot on the dock and let it free spool down.
  5. David, for me it was the speed that you can fish them. I fish fast, its hard for me to slow down. Also watching the binks video on youtube a few months ago and seeing how effective they can be. It took me several trips but had I stuck with trying to learn the spoon instead of putting it down I don't think it would take as long. Its also a reaction bite. So you can catch fish that arnt actively feeding.
  6. Thanks a lot guys! How about the Rapala jigging rap? Anyone messed with them much in the summer? I'm new to this whole clear/deer water deal so it's pretty much spanish but I feel like I'm catching on. The lake I'm use to fishing the deepest water is 15' and that's at the dam. Tons of info and thanks guys for being so willing to share.
  7. Mjk, thanks for great info. I was doing exactly as you stated flipping it in as shaded of a area as I could find. Seemed most come on the initial drop I only caught one while working it back. What size line do you use? I had been using lighter line and threw it on heavier 17lb floro and started getting hits. Seemed the heavier line may have slowed the fall a little and made it a lot easier to follow the spoon down. I have a few slab spoons but will pick up a couple more, academy actually has them clearance right now. I have really struggled day time fishing the last month until this weekend playing with the spoon more. It opened my eyes, you can cover so much more water and fish more effectively than with any thing I have been trying..... that's how it was for me anyways. Now just to expand on it and find more places I can fish it.
  8. Rps, is the thread your refering to the "question about working a spoon" thread? Iv read through it and it does have a lot of good info. Was looking to build on it and maybe find someone with some norfork experience. The war eagle spoons are the ones I caught all of my fish on this trip, but have some bombers and I will try them too. As for bluff ends are y'all sitting out off the end and casting toward the bank working back, or marking fish and dropping straight down? Thanks for the help guys.
  9. Hey guys, being from the flat lands spoon fishing just isnt something we do much. After catching a few on it this weekend, I need more. My questions are what areas do y'all prefer? Points, bluffs, bluff ends, channel swings, big flats, and depth ranges. My fish this weekend come from docks and bridge pillions. But other than the obvious, what are some areas to spoon? Also any spoons that seem to work better on the Ozark lakes? Iv spent most of my time on norfork and it has been tough the last few weeks for everyone it seems. Any guys in the area that want to show a out of towner how its done I have a passenger seat with your name on it. The only other way I was managing any bites was dragging Carolina rigs....... lets face it that can get monotonous and boring.
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