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Everything posted by hillbillyfisher

  1. How much is entry?
  2. Where were you at if you don't mind me asking?
  3. Went out two weekends ago for a family trip went out on a charter. Had 10 keeper lady fish, and 4 vermilion snapper. Caught a lot of snapper but this time of year they are out of season.
  4. I'm gonna try it under the lights maybe they'll move up a little of a night.
  5. How is the crappie bite going up this weekend around the high point area. Looking for some tips.
  6. there have been a few females that have made a run but mostly males, if we could get at least three days 60's and over and the water temp hits 50 they should move. I'm thinking by Tuesday. or perhaps sooner.
  7. anyone catching any crappie? looking for somewhere to go sat that is somewhat close.
  8. thank you for all the replies. i have always fished the sac for whites but I've heard there is good fishing down around there. I'm going to go down Saturday and check is it out.
  9. Is there anywhere to bank fish on flat creek or James?
  10. went today caught 4 throw back crappie, 1keeper 10 and a half, 1 13 inch white, and 4 small large mouth only twokeepers but lots of fun.
  11. I'm headed up tomorrow. look at water level and see if any small whites hit. with it only getting down to just below 50 and a front moving in might be a good time
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