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Arkamo Traveler

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Everything posted by Arkamo Traveler

  1. Fish Hunter is right on with his book suggestions. The Earth is Enough is about a boy growing up in Arkansas flyfishing with two oldtimers. The book is one you will want to pass on to your friends and children. The story is set on Starlight Creek which has sent many a reader on pilgramages in search of this mythical Arkansas honey hole. MUST READ! The river why is a great work on the same caliber as A River Runs Through It, although quite different.
  2. Crane is very succeptable to drought, which has been the case the past few years (except for last fall). There is a large loosing section above the town of Crane, which has been completly dry for months. There are still some fish. I enjoy and respect Crane too, which is why I haven't harassed those fish for awhile. It seems like this naturally reproducing population has enough stress trying to find food and dodge otters in the nearly isolated pools comprise Crane Creek at the time being. Oh, and one more thing--Crane Creek has a huge population of eastern cottonmouths. MSU did a mark and recapture study and estamated more than 1000 inhabit the lower part of the creek. Step carefully when its warm.
  3. So, Seldom I have a question. Are you Seldom Scene like "Boots of Spanish Leather," Seldom seen like Smith, or just plain rarely witnessed?
  4. Hey trappers, not supprised to hear you have had a high catch rate on Upper Taney. When I am down there night fishing I hear and see lots of critters. I have tried my hand at trapping but was less sucessful--so no tips from me. I must say, however, that I am hoping the fox didn't come from the rocking chair hole area. There is a friendly fox there that apparently likes to watch guys with flyrods catching fish. Don't tell me if it's him.
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