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Everything posted by beaverbeater

  1. Well ended up with a nice sized crappie today down twin bridges.
  2. As I am limited to no boat for the moment. I will be hitting up the twin bridges and war eagle areas. Just wonder what kind of river conditions are ideal for the spring catch. AKA discharge, water temp, guage, and turbity. I've taken fishing very seriously this year and I'm out of the for by 5, lately. Just wondering what everyone's opinion on these conditions are, seems like I fish the worst times and am trying to understand the charts alot more before going out. Thanks in advance on any input!
  3. So I've had some moderate success catfishing around Beaver and the white, but we have been running into a huge bait issue. I've recently learned to castnet and I've got it down spot. But we are just plain striking out. Anybody have tips? What size castnet you use, depth generally, how they move on beaver during this time of year, day/night. It's just killing me to strike out immediately on bait! We've got a boat and depth finder (and all that jazz). What are we doin wrong? Thanks in advance!
  4. Looking to get some help on the area. Have had moderate spotty success. Would like to make it more consistent.
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