Okay. Let me clarify. The barricades are actually concrete with about 3 to 4 feet between each. You can park at the site but about 50 yards from the river. As to the trout. It must have been a chub or shad but I
know it wasn't a sucker. I didn't realize that shad could get to about 10-11 inches. I really appreciate everyone's comments.
I'm pretty sure that I saw several trout in this area. They are streamline looking and about the right size. The one I caught, which swallowed the lure like they usually do when I fish on Taneycomo, didn't have the rainbow coloring but was not a brown trout either. What do you think it was?
What is the deal with all the barricades around the old Riverside Inn site? I was all excited after looking at the area via Google Earth and then I
get there and there are barricades everywhere. I wanted to put my kayak in there but now I can't without dragging it at least 50 yards. Instead,
I had to put in at the Ozark park and kayak along the river. The fishing is good there now that the teens are back in school. I caught a small
mouth on my very first cast! I have also caught a trout which surprised me. I didn't think there were trout on this river.
The river is really down. Last Sunday morning I was headed upstream from the dam and encountered a beaver. The river is so low and the beaver(s) have been moving some
of the logs. I got past the log jam and caught several keeper bass (small, large and striped). Where there are usually 2 ways around an "island" there is now just one way to go.
I couldn't even get to the place the high school kids usually jump off the rope and the tree house. It would have required pulling my kayak. Just praying for rain.
I am new to kayak fishing and want to know how to get to the area below the dam at the Finley Park in Ozark. I need access that doesn't require carrying my kayak.
I have been told to go to the car dealer or the Chinese restaurant. I am not sure where these places are. Does anyone out there know?