I have heard from multiple people that Simpson has possible state record bass in there, but I gave up on that place a few years back due to multiple fishless outings. I fish Jefferson Lake in Forest Park quite a bit and pull 2#'s out of there quite frequently. I seem to have the most luck right where the lily pads end, and around the fishing platform if it is not busy, which it usually is. I also recently have been having luck at Tilles Park, pitching under the dock there. I was very surprised at the amount of bass that are in that lake. Nothing too big, maybe 1#-1.5#, but they were little footballs, and put up good fights. Another surprisingly good spot is the Pond at Logan Chiropractic Campus. Not the one in the front of the campus, you aren't allowed to fish that one, but towards the top of the hill on the left side. It is open to the public, and there is a shocking amount of quality fish in such a small body of water. They opened a disc golf course there last year, so you may have to dodge Frisbee or two, lol, but I have always done good there.