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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Just thinking about making the drive to Aldrich, and was wondering if anyone has done any good there? I’ll be out in a yak, so I can access most anything.
  2. I’ve been using a Sword 3/4 wt reel for about four years now and absolutely love it, it’s bomb proof. The thing that I like about it is that it’s machined and the spool threads on.
  3. Rutledge-Wilson is well manicured, and the odds are good, you'll catch something.
  4. Alright folks, I'm not looking for specifics, locations, or tactics (unless, of course, you wanna give that kind of info up). What I'm wondering is, have any of you ever fished Asher Creek, north of BB Hwy? I apologize, in advance, if I've failed to find this, already addressed in this forum.
  5. I'd say that's the most likely explanation.
  6. Anyone ever see an eel break the surface to take something off the top? I saw something, in my youth, on Bryant creek, that I've never been able to explain. I was casting dry flies, just to see what might bite, and something, very long and slender broke the water, like a big bass hitting a topwater lure. I don't know, to this day, what i saw.
  7. Thanks! I'll do that.
  8. Hi everyone, I'm an old rookie. Ha! I've dabbled with fly fishing, since I was a teen, I'm fourty one, now, and still a novice. I have always enjoyed a love of the outdoors, and fishing, but life and my career have kept me busy. I have young children, in whom I am anxious to foster that love of the outdoors. I, recently, had the chance to fish the Little Red River, below Greers Ferry Lake, as well as, Roaring River. I didn't catch a thing, on the Little Red, and still had a great time. I caught two beautiful Rainbows, at Roaring River, boy what an experience! Those weren't my first bows, but my first in a while. Anyway, enough of my rambling, just wanted to say hello.
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