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Everything posted by BiteMe

  1. Walleye & Crappie Classic Center City Marine January 2 & 3, 2009 Friday 7pm - Eric Olson & Mark Courts Saturday 1pm - Eric Olson Saturday 3pm - Mark Courts Free hotdogs, popcorn & soda all day Saturday Draw Prizes and Giveaways Sponsored by Center City Marine, Evinrude, and Ranger http://www.strikebass.com/Walleyeclassic.pdf
  2. Mid-South Walleyes 2009 Tournament Schedule March 21 Norfork Lake, Henderson Park - Mountain Home, AR April 18 Truman Lake, Long Shoal Marina - Warsaw, MO May 16 Stockton Lake, Mutton Creek Marina - Stockton, MO June 20 Bull Shoals Lake, Hwy 125 Marina - Peel, AR Sept. 12 Stockton Lake, Mutton Creek Marina - Stockton, MO Oct. 10 Bull Shoals Lake, Bull Shoals Lake Boat Dock - Bull Shoals, AR http://mid-southwalleyes.com/index.html
  3. Walleye Anglers to Enjoy “A Day With the Legends” FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Springfield, MO, December 27, 2006 -- Anglers in the Springfield area may soon enjoy a unique opportunity to learn more in one day about catching walleyes than they could discover on their own in the next 10 years! Mid-South Walleyes is proud to bring walleye fishing legends and long-time In-Fisherman Professional Walleye Tour pros STEVE FELLEGY and JIM RANDASH into town for a full day of talkin' walleye. Both men are past PWT Champions, and offer a vast store of tips, tactics and techniques to help anyone catch more and bigger walleyes than they ever thought possible! Fellegy and Randash are versatile anglers, skilled in all of the techniques currently in use within the pro ranks, and are widely regarded as “the best in the business” when it comes to live bait rigging and reading electronics. Their lively, in-depth discussion will cover all aspects of walleye fishing, especially as it relates to fishing local lakes such as Bull Shoals and Stockton. The style is fun and highly interactive; questions are encouraged, and a great time is assured for all. “When Jim and I speak about how and where to catch walleyes, there’s no fluffy product promotion or the like,” said Fellegy. “We talk from the REAL world of walleyes. Our goal is to be sure that after spending the day listening to us and having us answer any and all questions that Mid-South Anglers throw our way, everyone can already taste the walleyes this seminar will net them!” This unique walleye-intensive seminar is open to the public and runs 11:00 am to 5:00 pm on January 27th, 2007 in the White River Room at Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World in Springfield, MO. Cost is $45 per person, with a $5 discount to MSW members. Mid-South Walleyes, LLC, chartered in Springfield, is dedicated to advancing the sport of walleye fishing within the four-state area through education, environmental stewardship and conducting high-profile live-release tournaments. Meetings are held at Bass Pro Shops in Springfield on the second Thursday of each month. For more information on MSW and “A Day With the Legends,” please contact Bill Ackermann at 417-859-4539 or visit www.mid-southwalleyes.com.
  4. The results are posted here: http://www.mo-walleye.org/shedule.html
  5. Phil, here is a link to the CrappieUSA Tournaments site. Looks like they use a team format and weighin 7 fish. http://www.crappieusa.com/index.cfm
  6. For all the armchair tournament fisherman, we have four more tournaments coming up this season. You can view the schedule here: http://www.mo-walleye.org/shedule.html
  7. HD, the three resorts that we use in the Isabella area are: Thunder Bay Twin Forks Fin & Feather There are no resorts exactly on the water because it is pretty much bluffs everywhere in that area. These all have covered docks with power a short drive or walk from your cabin. The Twin Forks dock is right next to the Spring Creek ramp and the other two are a short boat ride from the ramp.
  8. Thanks for posting the results Phil. Not many fish caught and all were about the same size. I updated the site and the big fish was 3.16. All and all much better than last year where only one legal fish was caught, also by Wake & Smith.
  9. I haven't fished for catfish down there for a number of years, but we usually catch a few nice channel cats trolling for walleye and fishing off the resort docks at night with nightcrawlers.
  10. My parents live on Hwy HH and we usually take at least one week of vacation down there in July. We stay at Thunder Bay or Twin Forks. Have had good luck on Pt. 13 for both spotted bass and walleye. Good area for crappie if you can find the numerous brush piles put in by the locals. The area across from Pontiac Marina has been pretty good for white bass the last two years.
  11. Several guys have been going as far as Barker in the last two weeks with no problem in deep-v boats. I don't know of anybody trying to go any farther than that.
  12. The Missouri Walleye Anglers Association will be showing the video "Your Lowrance, a complete basic instruction on the Lowrance sytem" by Doc Samson at their next meeting. The meeting will be at the Springfield Conservation Nature Center on Thursday, March 2nd at 7pm. Guests are always welcome.
  13. MT, it is a team tournament. We allow singles to fish but the entry fee is per boat. Also limited to weigh in four fish vs. a team can weigh in 6. I will be down there fishing Wed-Thur-Fri also, flag me down if you see a Tracker walkthru with an OptiMax.
  14. You are welcome to fish the tournament with us if you are so inclined. We will be launching the boats during the 7-8am time frame. You might want to plan to launch a little before or after that. Even with the low water, there will be plenty of lake for all of us.
  15. Can't think of a particular book off hand, but a couple videos on The Next Bite pertain mainly to reservoir fishing. http://thenextbite.com/store/site/product....C498B1D6BFACF3D
  16. For those that are wanting to learn about walleye fishing, the MWAA is hosting an event called Walleye University, at Bass Pro Shops. Here are the details. On January 14th, 2006, professional anglers Johnnie Candle and Jim Carroll will share as much of their walleye fishing know how as they possibly can in six hours. Walleye University is the most comprehensive walleye seminar ever created. It is a full day of discussing the fine points of jig fishing, live bait rigging, spinners and crank baits. Boat control, trolling techniques, and marine electronics will also be covered in depth. There will be plenty of time for questions and answers as well. "Sharing our knowledge is a big part of professional angling", says Jim Carroll, Professional Walleye Trail veteran and Tracker Boats Pro Team member. "Nothing is more gratifying than meeting up with fishermen who have attended Walleye University, and hearing about their successful fishing trips using information learned at one of our schools". "There is no other place to learn this much in one day". PWT veteran Candle says, "walleye fishing is really growing in the southern reservoirs. Lakes like Stockton and Bull Shoals are just full of walleye. The professional tournament circuits have done a lot to bring these reservoirs to the forefront. Jim and I have both fished these lakes and will be able to offer tips that will help everyone catch more fish". Walleye University is hosted by the Missouri Walleye Anglers Association and will be held at Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World in Springfield, MO on Saturday January 14th. It begins at 11:00 am and runs till 5:00 pm. Please pre-register, as seating is limited. For more info or to register, call Lee Brown at 417-886-2046 or Bass Pro Shops at 417-887-7334. The cost is $35 per member, $40 per non member.
  17. The Missouri Walleye Anglers Association has announced their tournament schedule for 2006. 2006 Tournament Schedule Feb 25 - Bull Shoals Lake Beaver Creek Marina May 13 - Bull Shoals Lake Bull Shoals Lake Boat Dock Jun 24 & 25 - Stockton Lake State Park Marina Sep 16 - Stockton Lake State Park Marina Oct 28 & 29 - Bull Shoals Lake Theodosia Marina For tournament rules and entry forms go to MWAA
  18. Actually the fishing report above is written by Rick Culver at www.wildernesstrail.com. He writes a good report every Monday morning and has years of archives of his weekly fishing reports at the bottom of his website.
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