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Everything posted by steven1231

  1. Anyone have any reports they would share, I was wanting to take the kids when they was thick on the gravel bar.. thanks
  2. Did anyone get to go fishing this weekend, I went last week before the rain, and caught 3 females with bloody eggs, so this week should great
  3. Thank you I appreciate it. I will post my reports. When I get a chance to go
  4. Just wondering if anyone had any reports they would share thanks
  5. Is anyone catching white bass or is it still to muddy
  6. Is the water clearing up yet
  7. Any new reports guys
  8. Thanks for the reports .. I would say its going to be flooded for a week now
  9. Let us know how you do roge.r it should be getting good
  10. Yep looks about right Im taking vac next week. And its looking like a flood is comming and rain all week. I'm not sure why I expected anything different lol
  11. Fished till 11 nast night and never caught a fish lol I guess when I put my boat in they stopped bitting they are in there they was splashing around but they dam sure wasn't very hungry
  12. Its not bad at all more a green and yes they are still bitting
  13. Swimming minnow. White sliders. Vib. Rooster tail . I have had best luck on swimming minnow
  14. Water is falling pretty fast. Looks like more rain in the comming weeks. Wed. The whites where all the way up to the corner before Taylor's I didnt see any running it but they are going to be scattered now.. I checked the river yesterday and it was fast and muddy. Unless the cool temp slow the spawn down they are a lot closer than most think. If onyone gets out in the next few days reports are appreciated
  15. Where's the whites at.. thanks for any info
  16. And the fishing was good before the rain last night lots of big females
  17. Does anyone have any reports they would share I'm thinking the small males will be moving on up by this weekend. Fishslayer have you been anymore.
  18. Went last night fished from 7 untill midnight. only caught 2 lol water temp was 51. we fished from blunks to mecord bend. I believe it will still be 2 more weeks before it gets good
  19. Two weeks guys. And then call in sick water is still a little cold
  20. Thanks for the reports fishslayer how is the water conditions
  21. Fishslayer was you fishing from boat? Day or night thanks for any info I plan on going this weekend so I will relay my reports back as well
  22. White are on down south at haskins.. do you guys think they will any at blunks this weekend?? Any reports is much appreciated. And I will share my info on down south I just live closer to galana.
  23. I was told today that they were allready moving up down south
  24. If you want to catch some good catfish your best bet would be Truman, or lake of the ozarks. Use cut bait. Perch works best for us, live bait for flat heads if your using jugs fish them ten foot in about 20 to 30 feet of water.
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