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Basscatcher1's Achievements

Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. How many boat are in your tournament?
  2. Thank you sac river Jim I hope to find some nice size largemouths this weekend
  3. Thank you I really appreciate it
  4. Tournament takes out of old state park. Is there anything to watch out for running down there or is it pretty open? Just trying to get an idea if it's worth staying on the main lake or running down there don't really want to take a chance of tearing up the boat.
  5. Never been to the lake will be there Saturday morning. How far of a run is it to come out of old state park and run to Ruark? Any help I would appericate it thanks
  6. What water temp we're you fishing?
  7. What was he catching the large mouth bass on? And what water temp and was he fishing main lake points or pockets?
  8. Best areas to catch bass
  9. Burtons out of smithville mo
  10. I have a tournament next weekend on March 29th and going to pre fish on the 28th. It is a bass tournament and I'm new to the lake so just looking for some advise on trying to catch some nice bass. Thanks in advance
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