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Everything posted by zosk

  1. Went out for a couple hours from about 10 to noon and caught two 14" spots on a plastic worm. Two others were in the boat with me using cranks and spinnerbaits but didn't catch anything. Went back out after lunch and tried trolling for a couple hours. We caught 9 fish total 8 spots and one flathead...was a bit surprised about the flathead.
  2. I use a 5.5 foot medium-light spinning rod. I actually catch a lot of ribbing from my friends about this and they are always asking me what I am going to do if I catch a "real fish". At times I've tried to use a longer (6-6.5 foot) rod, but I just have trouble getting it caught up, and since I have used the shorter rod all of my life I have trouble casting as accurately with the longer rods. Usually I use 6 lb test, and I can't say I break off very often. This could either be because a) I've been pretty lucky or I don't catch many "real fish". I did catch a 12 pound channel catfish on a 1" tube once and managed to bring it in. That was a pretty good time, but I really thought I was going to lose that one a few times.
  3. I don't know if this is really all that strange, but I did catch a good sized one on a 4" tube jig a few years ago when bass fishing. Like I said, probably not altogether odd, but I was really surprised at the time (especially since I didn't know there were any crappie in the lake I was fishing).
  4. Ok guys, I am going pretty far back here, but It was probably around 25 years ago when I remember *everyone* on tablerock was throwing electric blue worms. Any of you still throwing these? I don't have any of them and can't say I've bought any in years.....been reading the board though and it just brought back memories of that particular lure for some reason.
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