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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Adjusted the cable one notch now it doesn't kick off trying to reverse. Thought I'd give an update.
  2. The install had a step to adjust the pedal flat with the boat deck, looked pretty flat to me so I didn't mess with it. It only does it when it tries to go back and to the left. It was also dead calm. But I think your right since it will go beyond straight reverse in the other direction. It is one sweet trolling motor for sure.
  3. Gave my ultrex a good test last weekend and it has exceeded expectations. The only issue I've found is when you spotlock and it wants to back you up it will hit the limit of the cable steer and kick off. If you straighten the motor and reset your good if your headed into the wind. Just as fast or faster than a fortrex or maxxmum and no more standing on the trolling motor to run a bank.
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