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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Does anyone fish the Fort section during the winter. I have connected with some decent smallmouth when the water was up but now that it's back down and clear, I can't find a fish. Not looking for spots just looking for some confidence to keep looking for fish as aposed to going else where.
  2. I appreciate you guys taking time to throw out some pointers, tips, and pictures. This was just a prototype so I will definitely use earth tone zonkers for the tail next time.
  3. Hello all. I'm planning on doing some winter smallmouth trips around the FLW area in the next few months when my work settles down. I have a few ideas floating around in my head for some hair jigs both bottom style and float/fly style. I whipped one up on an 1/8 oz stand up head, with a Zonker tail and a fox fur body. Just looking for any critiques or advice. Thanks.
  4. Thanks for the welcome and tips guys! Fished for a few hrs on the big piney around post and managed to find a few small smallmouth. Caught 6 in the 10-12inch range and lost one a lot bigger after he bolted toward some flooded shrubs. All where caught on a hand tied deer body hair jig on ultralight tackle.
  5. Just want to say hello to all. Awesome site from what I have looked at. I am used to coastal fishing so this is a big change for me. Hope you guys and gals can lead me in the right direction. Tight lines!
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