I have ordered some tots from Radical Outdoors. They have a great selection with all the colors and sizes. Hot-N-Tots , Smashing Shad and Wiggle warts run $3.99 to 4.99 depending on the size. They also offer free shipping at times.
Battled the wind Saturday around KK area pulling cranks and worm harnesses, even tried vertical jigging spoons a long some of the old road beds points around hoggels ......like trying to find a needle in a hay stack...not a bite. Hit some of the conservation brush piles and picked up a few short crappie. Going to try the osage and sac later in November /December. Anyone know when that migration starts for walleye ?
Thanks for the reply guys. Rainbow, the time you trolled wiggle warts, was that spring or fall? Going to try trolling cranks and bottom bouncers w/ crawler harness this weekend around KK and up tha pommie arm.