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Everything posted by FishinHogFan

  1. I did pretty good the other night with a maroon body bugger with a black tail
  2. Wow. That's a big one. They sure are ugly things
  3. Olive & Brown buggers in a size 6 to 8 have been really good at night too.
  4. get a pic if they are still open. I would love to see that.
  5. When I saw that pic, I couldn't believe how high the water was. Have they closed the bridge? I miss fishing there. I went one day last year, and the Mill owners had a security guard working the parking lot. He wouldn't let anyone that was fishing park there. I started going up toward Huntsville, and fishing the war eagle branch up there. Great spot for smallies. I can't wait till I get home in July. I'm ready to get back on the water.
  6. Here is a pic from War Eagle Mill
  7. I moved from Northwest Arkansas to New York City in January. A friend emailed this pic to me yesterday. I was told it had been raining a lot, but this is crazy! I used to fish there at least once a week.
  8. I was out today. I got there right after the generation. Not a good day for me. I got one bow. I can confirm that the fish were very spirited. I saw several bows jump a good foot and a half to two feet out of the water. I wish I had gotten a pic of it. It was pretty cool.
  9. Nope. No story. It was just the last fish of the day. It coudn't have been any bigger than 7 maybe 8 inches. The rainbows were all between 14-16 inches. One might have been 18. Not any bigger than that. Last year on christmas eve I caught a nice brownie there where that little creek dumps in front of the rock pile on the opposite bank. It was probly about 3-4 pounds.
  10. I fished the cut today and landed 6 bows, and 1 brookie. I could've had 3 or 4 more but I got trigger happy and tried to set before the fish had it down. Anyone else out today?
  11. Sure was a nice day to be out there today. I fished between Bertrand and Parker's today.
  12. I fished in a creek.
  13. So I took my exwife fishing today. Today is the last time I will be taking her. She out fished me. She caught several nice fish, including this nice smallmouth.
  14. One of my very favorite spots is War Eagle. Pretty good smallmouth fishing.
  15. I would love to have a place near the river. It would be great. I agree, Jeeps Forever!!! I have a 98 Wrangler that I will have to be surgically removed from me when I die, and I have a 79 CJ5 Renegade that I am building up. I am a Jeep guy for life!
  16. Well, I was fortunate enough to get another one. Here is a pic of my Christmas Eve catch. I did keep this one. My grandfather asked me to bring one home for him.
  17. I did let it go. I wanted someone else to have fun catching it. I've fished the tailwaters for about 10 years now, and it's the first time I have caught a brown outside the trophy area.
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