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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. Bull Creek, the fishable part, is really nothing more than a big cove of Lake Taneycomo. It is hardly ever floated and isn't serviced by any outfitters, also I float it when I get a chance. Beaver and Swan are quite a bit different. Actually, Roark is fished more than Bull, I bet. I'll have to think on this one a while. But I would lean to leaving it as part of the lake, at least for now.
  2. Last I checked it was 50.
  3. Generation is practically nonstop these days with the continual rain patterns. Table Rock is dropping slowly, then inching back up after a good rain. We will see this generation pattern for the rest of the summer and into the fall. Trout fishing continues to be good but in strange places. We've never sent this many anglers down to "The Landing" to catch their limit of trout before... but it continues to be the hot spot. Speculation- MDC is stocking more rainbows in this area compared to past years. Use to, the stocking boat would come up to our place (Lilleys Landing) and make their turn-a-round above the dock, dumping their fish all along the way. We haven't seen them up here all spring. The best area are just up from Monkey Island to just past it, from Scotty's Trout Dock to Bass Pro's Dock and then from Belk's past Roark Creek (I never thought I'd use a landmark like "Belks" to describe where to fish- almost sac religious). Rooster tails in yellow are catching freshly stocked rainbows as well as Spin-a-Lures plus drifting a white and pink Gulp Egg using a drift rig. The stockers being caught are good sized- averaging 12-13 inches. Also try a jig head with a Gulp Egg, orange, under a float 4-5 feet deep in these same areas. Early morning, it's been fairly good up below the dam, drifting a red san juan worm / scud #14 gray combination under a float 12-14 feet deep on the hatchery side of the lake from outlet #1 to just past the Big Hole. The rainbows we're seeing are thick, strong and big- most over 15 inches up to 19 inches. I had one almost take all my line off my reel before turning it and it was only 18 inches. Also drift a white 1/8th oz jig straight and get it on the bottom. If we weren't on the bottom we weren't getting bit the other day. Yes you'll lose some jigs but you'll also catch some incredible rainbows and one or two browns.
  4. I can separate the upper and lower and make the image bigger but can't with the whole map. I'll change the cove- I missed it.
  5. See if I've missed something. I know there's some places on the upper end but don't have much room to add names. This more of a lower map, detailed.
  6. I was under the impression that most if not all the guides on the White had this thing down. I've read over on John Wilson's board a list of rules for boating on the White, especially the area below the dam. Actually, pretty impressive IF everyone knows them but it's impossible for everyone to know them unless you read the forums. Most of it is common sense. May be your guide was a rouge guide from out of state... may be Missouri!!
  7. Saw you on the water today... didn't recognize you till you were past. Hope the fishing was better for you! It was tough for us.
  8. Yep- real weird not seeing a dock there.
  9. http://www.swl-wc.usace.army.mil/WCDS/Repo...ata/Tabrock.htm Check this link out for generation... as you can see no low or down time at all. Springfield south side got flooded the other day and the James got most of the runoff. Table Rock came up almost a foot so they've picked up generation here. The fish we caught all fought very hard and were good size- very healthy.
  10. Haven't done one of these in a while... it's been tough but not impossible. We got out this morning and boated to the dam. Lots of boats out today- good thing. Babler, Gries and Welch were all up there and catching fish. We started drifting white 1/8th oz jigs- had to be on the bottom almost dragging before we got bit. Coy caught the first rainbow- nice 16 incher. We ended up each bringing 4-5 trout to hand- all but one on white and the odd duck on a sculpin. Did miss alot of bites though. Out of practice. Did hook several in eddies along the bank including brown in pic. Coy got out last evening and boated down to the last bridge and drifted white/pink gulp eggs on the bottom from the bridge to Bass Pro and caught 4-5 on every drift. That's where alot of the guides are going to get their limits. The last pic- where do you think this was taken?
  11. Here's the new version. Holes in right places? Any other landmarks or holes that should be on here?
  12. Good to have you. Thanks for registering and joining in.
  13. We haven't had any problems for so long... it's been nice to let people register and be able to get right on the forum. But that might change if our friends over seas start frequenting out forum. Dan and I will zap them when we see their posts...
  14. Thanks everyone for the help. Just a quick update- Talked to Jim for the first time at length yesterday. They had not unpacked one tube with several low end fly rods so they aren't totally fly rod-less. They did lose all their reels and high end rods though. Salvaged all their spin equipment... they were hanging outside the dining hall and were grabbed up before the flames got to them. They have a small box of flies left in a boat plus Jim's vest that was also in a boat. Duane didn't lose anything thankfully. The worse probably is losing their reservation book and lap top computer with all their records. There's an old building on the lot next door that was supposed to have been torn down last fall that's still standing. They are in the process of moving it to the burn site and use it as a dining hall. Unable to get timely permits for water discharge, they will pump their gray water into a tank and have it pumped out wand taken away. Phyliss will have a job on her hands cooking for up to 20 people on a small butane stovetop and a grill. The church people of King Salmon and Nakenk have really stepped uo and helped the Johnson family. Lots of donations and helping hands have some out to Lake Camp. Jim said it's been cold so far this summer. Mid 30's and blowing wind in the mornings... and not much past 50 during the day. Locals say this is "normal" for Alaska, that their global warming has passed. Personally, I liked global warming.
  15. Thanks for the report... I seemed to have missed it. I moved it over to the Stockton forum. Post again soon!!
  16. Glad to have you here Troy. You can't have too much fishing information! Look forward to your posts.
  17. PTL for google! Welcome to the group.
  18. George- it was a great game. Thanks again for the tickets. We made it a dad's day- me and dad and Jimmy and his dad. If you like hits, runs, a 2nd baseman retiring the side, people being tossed for no reason, it was THE game to go to. Wonderful weather too.
  19. I will Micheal. At this point, I don't know what Jim has done as far as equipment or flies. I know they'll need beads by the end of July. I should talk to him today sometime.
  20. Weather- speaking of... my friends in AK say that their weather is "back to normal" which is 40's and 50's instead of 50-60's like it's been for the past 4-5 years up there. Very wet. Snow too.
  21. Is there a place on the bottom right of the screen to add an event? There is on mine but I'm logged in as an admin. Not sure if anyone's ever asked that question. If it's not, I'll have to go in and enable the feature for the "common man".
  22. My friends in Alaska need woolly buggers. Purple, black, white and olive. #6's and #8's non weighted. Very simple. Their lodge and cabin were burned 3 nights ago and in it were all their fishing equipment for the season. No insurance. Can't get it up there. I'm heading up there on the 26th of June and I want to take as many supplies as I can, including flies. I'm going to tie up as many articulated leeches as I can to replace all the flies Jim bought from Leonard. Anyhow, if you know of any place I can get real cheap woolly buggers or anyone has any stockpiles of woolly buggers they're not using... they make the best sockeye flies- it's amazing. We'll go thru a bunch. I don't ask this lightly. I don't want to take advantage of this forum or the people who frequent this place. Please don't feel obligated to oblige this request. FYI - Duane (Duckdoty) is hard at work with the rest dismantling a small house close to camp to move it over to the area where the dining hall once sat. That's the latest news I hear.
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