Generation is practically nonstop these days with the continual rain patterns. Table Rock is dropping slowly, then inching back up after a good rain. We will see this generation pattern for the rest of the summer and into the fall.
Trout fishing continues to be good but in strange places. We've never sent this many anglers down to "The Landing" to catch their limit of trout before... but it continues to be the hot spot. Speculation- MDC is stocking more rainbows in this area compared to past years. Use to, the stocking boat would come up to our place (Lilleys Landing) and make their turn-a-round above the dock, dumping their fish all along the way. We haven't seen them up here all spring.
The best area are just up from Monkey Island to just past it, from Scotty's Trout Dock to Bass Pro's Dock and then from Belk's past Roark Creek (I never thought I'd use a landmark like "Belks" to describe where to fish- almost sac religious). Rooster tails in yellow are catching freshly stocked rainbows as well as Spin-a-Lures plus drifting a white and pink Gulp Egg using a drift rig. The stockers being caught are good sized- averaging 12-13 inches.
Also try a jig head with a Gulp Egg, orange, under a float 4-5 feet deep in these same areas.
Early morning, it's been fairly good up below the dam, drifting a red san juan worm / scud #14 gray combination under a float 12-14 feet deep on the hatchery side of the lake from outlet #1 to just past the Big Hole. The rainbows we're seeing are thick, strong and big- most over 15 inches up to 19 inches. I had one almost take all my line off my reel before turning it and it was only 18 inches. Also drift a white 1/8th oz jig straight and get it on the bottom. If we weren't on the bottom we weren't getting bit the other day. Yes you'll lose some jigs but you'll also catch some incredible rainbows and one or two browns.