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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. You'll just have to watch the levels along with the rest of us... I don't know.
  2. I see where you asked about it on Western Slopes Forum back in January... can't hide from Google Power. Didn't see anything- but I'm sure you already googled it.
  3. Caught off the dock on worms just 15 minutes ago. 22 inches. Bob Pfender from Shreveport, LA I guess fishing isn't too bad!!
  4. Interesting numbers. More people commit suicide than are murdered.
  5. We may have gotten an inch- not that much. Table Rock and Beaver both are holding steady so far.
  6. Don't know. Sorry- it's all speculation. We've heard lots of rumors and even "official" reports and seen just the opposite. As far as flow on Taney, and I assume you're referring to the level of Taneycomo since you posted this on Taneycomo forum, I don't see any change in this flow for at least 4-6 weeks- more if it keeps raining.
  7. Welcome. You're moving to a fabulous place.
  8. Henry- I would agree with you but the water at the cable is about the same color and density as the water here at the resort, may be the water here is more stained. Your finding on the status of the bottom there at the outlet is very concerning. There are stretches in the lake where we drift where you can hear the gravel shifting under the boat and there are others that you don't hear anything. Take the stretch from Andy's down. Before the "flood", you could hear is all the way to Fall Creek. Now you can only hear it at the flats- where the channel narrows on the bluff side. We also now aren't catching many trout in this area. I just don't know what to think. I may head up there tomorrow morning at day break and see if I can see the bottom- if it's mud or if it's gravel.
  9. Not muddy... stained. It is green but visibility is only 24-30 inches, if that. It's the first time I know of water coming from TR thru the turbines is NOT clear, probably in the history of the dam. It's very unusual to see stained water at 130 feet of water in a 200 foot deep lake. We could have a great discussion on lure vs flies. One question I'd have to ask is if you could get a fly (streamer) to act like a jig. I can drop a jig straight down and pop it right back up on a retrieve. Using a sink tip and a lead-eyed clouser, can you do the same? I believe our trout take at least a jig on it's movement rather than it's looks although I know the live action of the marabou helps. But granted, I think you can catch the same trout on a clouser most of the time vs a jig, but not every time. BUT you can probably say the same thing about a jig vs a clouser. I saw a young man fish right behind me one day above the boat ramp during low water catch rainbow after rainbow on a spin outfit and a small jig while I was using small midges and catching 10% of the fish he was. It has to do alot with talent and feel for the jig too. If you're a great jig fisher, you're a great fish catcher.
  10. And where did you grow up? My home town is Parsons.
  11. I used a 1/32nd oz jig head, white.
  12. Fished this morning. Boated up the lake a quarter mile and fished the near bank down to our dock. I was told by a guest he'd done well drifting the run using power bait and wanted to pass the tip on to others if it proved accurate. But I rigged a float and jig head and tipped it with a Gulp orange egg and set it 6 feet deep. They were running may be 2 units, the current wasn't that fast. Missed a couple of bits on the drift but when I got within 100 feet of the dock I hooked a rainbow. Trolled back up to the same spot and hooked another. Long story short- there's a pod of rainbows in front of my neighbor's small dock. Tied on a Husky Jerk, blue with an orange belly #5 and drifted the stretch again. Caught 3 rainbows and then a fat-big of a brown just above our dock. 19 inches. Didn't hardly fight he was so fat. Probably been eating guts under our dock. Cleaned 4 rainbows and had them for lunch. Went back out searching for more good patterns. Threw the crank bait quite a bit and had limited success. The sun had come out and that usually is the death of crank baits. I worked the bank across from Fall Creek down with jigs- straight 1/8th oz white and sculpin- nothing. So I headed up to KOA and fished the south bank, hitting the eddies. Not until I put the boat on the bank-side in the eddies did I start catching fish. White 1/8th oz jig. Several browns and nice rainbows. They were out in the current, on the edges and in the slow water. Not the easiest fishing fighting the trees... but ok. Fished the bluff bank with crank bait and white jig down to Fall Creek- very few bites. All in all it was pretty slow. They did pretty good off the dock though. Others in boats didn't do as well. May be it was just the day- front early and sunny later.
  13. OK- it's up. I did some research and came up with a description. Didn't know much about it. Nice place for St Louis residents.
  14. I used to catch bass, crappie and blue gill in the pits when I was a kid. Thanks a beautiful fish! Great to see a kid caught it, in a derby no less.
  15. Someone write a short description for me and I'll create it.
  16. JEFFERSON CITY-Changes in deer-hunting regulations approved by the Missouri Conservation Commission at its April meeting include one that enjoys popular support from hunters and one that is likely to be a hit with hunters 15 and younger. The Missouri Conservation Commission has more than doubled the number of counties included in the so-called “four-point rule.” This regulation was tested in 29 counties from 2004 through 2007. This year, with strong support from hunters, it will apply in the same counties as before, plus 36 new counties. The Conservation Commission also voted to add a second, late Youth Portion of Firearms Deer Season. Hunters under age 16 will have their own times to hunt Nov. 1 and 2, 2008, and Jan. 3 and 4, 2009. Counties included under the four-point rule this year are Adair, Andrew, Atchison, Audrain, Barton, Bates, Benton, Boone, Buchanan, Caldwell, Callaway Camden, Carroll, Cedar, Chariton, Clark, Clinton, Cole, Cooper, Daviess, DeKalb, Franklin, Gasconade, Gentry, Grundy, Harrison, Henry, Hickory, Holt, Howard, Johnson, Knox, Lafayette, Lewis, Lincoln, Linn, Livingston, Macon, Maries, Marion, Mercer, Miller, Moniteau, Monroe, Montgomery, Morgan, Nodaway Osage, Pettis, Phelps, Pike, Pulaski, Putnam, Ralls, Randolph, Ray, St. Clair, Saline, Schuyler, Scotland, Shelby, Sullivan, Vernon, Warren and Worth. The four-point rule allows hunters to take a buck only if its antlers are less than 3 inches long or have at least four points 1 inch or longer on at least one side. The Conservation Department decided to try antler restrictions for two reasons. One was to encourage hunters to shoot more does. This could help the agency control deer numbers in areas where they rise above target levels. The four-point rule also was designed to allow more bucks to reach ages of 3 years or older. This would produce a deer population with a more normal age and sex distribution. The traditional hunter bias toward shooting bucks, rather than does, creates a population with a disproportionate number of does and young bucks. Requiring hunters to pass up deer with no more than three points on a side allows more bucks to live to maturity. A population with more mature bucks has more large-antlered deer. For many hunters, the opportunity to take buck with big antlers is an important part of a high-quality hunting experience. Information gathered during the four-year test of the four-point rule showed it increased doe harvests in central Missouri counties, but not in pilot counties in northwestern Missouri. The four-point rule increased the number of mature, large-antlered deer in both central and northwestern counties. A mail survey of firearms deer hunters statewide found a majority of hunters in 74 of Missouri’s 114 counties favored the four-point rule. The 30 counties where half or more of hunters do not want the four-point rule are in southern Missouri, generally southeast of a line from St. Louis to the southwestern corner of the state. More than 70 percent of hunters expressed support for the four-point rule in 22 counties that lie mostly in northern Missouri. Hunters and nonhunters who expressed opinions at public meetings and through written comments were even more strongly in favor of the four-point rule. Comments from 60 counties ran in favor of the four-point rule by 70 percent or more. Only fourteen counties had comments with less than a majority in favor of the four-point rule. “We found that most hunters in most parts of the state like the four-point rule,” said Resource Scientist Lonnie Hansen, the Conservation Department’s top deer biologist. “We also discovered people liked the rule more the longer it was in effect in their counties. Approval of the four-point rule increased in adjoining counties during the four-year trial, too.” Hansen said the rule’s popularity was a major factor in extending it. “It didn’t work quite as well as we had hoped as a management tool. It did a better job of shifting harvest from bucks to does in central Missouri than in the northwest, where we really need more population management tools. But hunters really like it, especially in the northern half of the state.” Hansen said the Conservation Commission decided not to implement the four-point rule in counties around urban areas at this time because it actually seemed to reduce deer harvest in some northern-Missouri counties. “The four-point rule doesn’t seem to be the best way manage deer in urban areas, because we encourage harvest of all sex and age categories,” he said. The late Youth Portion of Firearms Deer Season will give youngsters the last shot at deer hunting at a time of year when many can take advantage of it. Hansen said the additional days of youth deer hunting are part of the Conservation Department’s continuing effort to make hunting more accessible to young people. “A lot of Missourians take vacation around the holidays,” said Hansen. “Youngsters who get deer rifles for Christmas will be able to use them. The youth-only season allows adults to focus their attention on teaching kids to hunt. That enhances the hunt’s value as a time for family.” The length and timing of other 2008 fall deer and turkey seasons remain unchanged from last year. These include: --Archery deer and turkey - Sept. 15-Nov. 14 and Nov. 26-Jan. 15 --Urban Portion of Firearms Deer Season - Oct. 3-6 --November Portion of Firearms Deer Season - Nov. 15-25 --Muzzleloader Portion of Firearms Deer Season - Nov. 28-Dec. 7 --Antlerless Portion of Firearms Deer Season - Dec. 13-21 Other changes in deer hunting regulations approved at the April Commission meeting include: --Removing two counties in the Springfield area - Christian and Webster - from the area open to hunting during the Urban Portion of Firearms Deer Season. --Removing seven southwest-Missouri counties - Barton, Christian, Dade, Jasper, Lawrence, Polk and Webster - from the area open to hunting during the Antlerless Portion of Firearms Deer Season. --Adding one central-Missouri county - Miller - to the area open during the Antlerless Portion of Firearms Deer Season. --Adding 12 southwest-Missouri counties - Barry, Barton, Christian, Dade, Jasper, Lawrence, McDonald, Newton, Polk, Stone, Webster and Wright - to the area where hunters may only fill one antlerless-only deer tag. Additional details of deer and turkey hunting regulations will be published in the 2008 Fall Deer and Turkey Hunting Regulations and Information booklet, which will be available from permit vendors statewide in July. -Jim Low-
  17. http://www.harrisondailytimes.com/site/new...16928&rfi=6
  18. My sister, who lives in Harrison, said a friend of hers called just now and told her a 5 year old boy drown on the Buffalo yesterday- she thinks below Pruitt. I guess there's a underwater log that the livery people have tried to get the feds to move because it's very dangerous. It was lodged underwater is a fast spot during the past month's rains and high water. There have been quite a few incidents and injuries the past couple of weeks and now a death. The boy was trapped with the canoe for an hour while his family members and others tried to free him. I'm sure it'll be in the news shortly.
  19. That's why I asked... cause I've been having trouble catching the numbers now we were catching before the last big water. But I have gotten off the white jig, esp below Lookout. But to be honest, I haven't had much time when I get out and only have time to try a couple of things. My fishing has been limited to 60-90 minutes late evening lately. I do want to try the am bite because the water is much slower early. Plus I want to see if I can see the bottom of the lake is some spots to see if there is any silt deposits where there should be gravel. This murky water is real different for Taney. NEVER has it been this way for so long- and I think it will be this way may be for all summer and into the fall.
  20. Was hungry for more fish... so I headed out about 7:30 and just took the fly rod. I thought I could pick them off using a midge in a particular spot. It's just above the iron steps coming down the dirt bank from the condos at Fall Creek. I've been seeing trout midging in the seam the last couple of evenings I've gotten out. But again, the "fishing for food" curse got me again. I only saw a couple of rises while there and nothing on a soft hackle or a zebra midge. So I dashed up past Lookout Island up to the next island on the right- actually it's a big grassy point that's flooded. There's usually a bunch of trout rising there- and this time I wasn't disappointed. They were there. Still had a zebra midge on under an indicator 12 inches so started with that. Caught 4 rainbows- 2 under and 2 over 12 inches. Caught another short rainbow and they quite the zebra. Went to a soft hackle- they wouldn't look at it. Back to a zebra and caught one more rainbow over 12 inches and then it got too dark to see. Took only 3 eaters home. When I cleaned them they had micro-small midge larva in their stomachs- but tons of them. No wonder they weren't REAL interested in my #16 zebras. When I came up to the house, 2 college boys were studying in the den. So I threw in some extra potatoes. Then Caleb came home, then another kids showed up. I went and got some white bass fillets out of the freezer and started running water over them. Then another, and another. I think they could smell the fryer from all the way across the lake. Ended up frying 1/2 a sack of potatoes and a sack of fillets, with the small rainbows. They loved it.
  21. Where did you do the best- what area?
  22. Bill thinks they're gizzard shad.
  23. PRO DIVISION FINAL RESULTS DAY ONE DAY TWO PL FIRST LAST HOMETOWN ST # FISH WEIGHT # FISH WEIGHT TOTAL 1 CURT GRAVES PARSONS KS 5 17.79 5 14.57 32.36 $5,000.00 2 SHANE LONG SARCOXI MO 5 17.69 5 13.72 31.41 $1,800.00 3 BILL BECK KIMBERLING CITY MO 5 16.42 5 13.89 30.31 $ 800.00 4 CLYDE FREY KIMBERLING CITY MO 5 13.93 5 15.52 29.45 $ 600.00 5 LUPE GARCIA SPRINGDALE AR 5 13.87 5 15.43 29.30 $ 500.00 6 MARTY CONRAD CRANE MO 5 14.32 5 14.37 28.69 $ 400.00 7 TIM SAINATO WALNUT SHADE MO 5 15.10 5 12.75 27.85 $ 300.00 8 TIM TAYLOR NIXA MO 5 13.43 5 13.65 27.08 $ 300.00 9 RICK LAPOINT SPRINGFIELD MO 5 14.15 5 12.73 26.88 Free Entry 10 DAVID BARKER HOLLISTER MO 5 14.12 5 12.55 26.67 Free Entry 11 MIKE WEBB OZARK MO 5 14.23 5 12.19 26.42 12 SCOTT PAULEY HARTSBURG MO 5 13.38 5 12.83 26.21 13 CASEY SCANLON LENEXA KS 5 13.68 5 12.22 25.90 14 MARC CZACHOWSKI SPOKANE MO 5 13.09 5 12.16 25.25 15 KELLY POWER CAPE FAIR MO 5 12.35 5 11.85 24.20 16 ANDRE DICKNEITE FREEBURG MO 5 14.13 5 9.63 23.76 17 PAT ADAMS ROGERS AR 5 13.16 4 10.37 23.53 18 JACKIE DAVIS WILLARD MO 5 10.97 5 12.48 23.45 19 MARK WIESE, JR. HIGH RIDGE MO 5 12.25 5 11.08 23.33 20 PHILLIP STONE HARRISON AR 4 8.70 5 14.17 22.87 21 JOHN JACKSON MARIONVILLE MO 5 10.92 5 11.86 22.78 22 TADJEN PETERSON OLATHE KS 5 9.19 5 13.23 22.42 23 MARVIN WELLS CLAREMORE OK 5 11.62 4 10.70 22.32 24 MIKE SUTHERLAND AURORA MO 5 11.60 5 10.70 22.30 25 DWAYNE LUBY ST. PETERS MO 5 10.94 5 10.94 21.88 26 RICH CAMPBELL WARRENSBURG MO 4 10.44 5 10.53 20.97 27 BRYAN HOLLAND GRAVETTE AR 5 14.57 2 5.38 19.95 28 MIKE WHITE WILLOW SPRINGS MO 3 6.40 5 13.46 19.86 29 JAMES MILES BERRYVILLE AR 5 10.37 3 8.20 18.57 30 BOBBY ALBERT SPRINGFIELD MO 5 12.75 2 5.39 18.14 31 RICK SCARBERRY LAMAR MO 5 10.77 3 6.73 17.50 32 DWAYNE FRENCH MAMMOTH SPGS AR 5 12.89 2 4.45 17.34 33 JOHN RAKESTRAW SHELL KNOB MO 4 8.96 2 7.87 16.83 34 JIMMY DAVIS, JR WILLARD MO 5 10.68 2 4.37 15.05 35 JIM BROWN TURPIN OK 4 8.46 3 6.56 15.02 36 TOM MASON NORWOOD MO 2 4.43 5 10.28 14.71 37 JAMES GILZOW BELLA VISTA AR 3 6.86 3 7.25 14.11 38 LINDA REDFORD BLUE EYE MO 2 3.74 2 4.44 8.18 39 VICTOR HAVELKA CORPUS CHRISTIE TX 0 0.00 0 2.00 5.31 40 RICH SEALS BENTONVILLE AR 2 4.91 0 0.00 4.91 41 JERRY WATSON ENERGY IL 2 4.62 0 0.00 4.62 42 TERRY THOMAS NIXA MO 0 0.00 2 4.54 4.54 43 RANDY BARNES NIXA MO 2 3.77 0 0.00 3.77 44 JEFF FARLEY OZARK MO 1 2.72 0 0.00 2.72 45 DAVE DONHAM HIGHLANDVILLE MO 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 46 SEAN GALLOWAY SAGINAW MI 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 47 ROBERT LANDRUM WICHITA KS 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 48 ROBERT ROBBINS BRANSON MO 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 BIG BASS CURT GRAVES 5.90 $ 625.00 2ND BIG BASS JOHN RAKESTRAW 5.47 $ 335.00 AMATEUR DIVISION DAY 1 RESULTS DAY ONE DAY TWO PL FIRST LAST HOMETOWN ST # FISH WEIGHT # FISH WEIGHT TOTAL 1 BILL DAVIS GREENWOOD MO 5 15.83 5 11.81 27.64 $1,100.00 2 JOEY PENZO SPRINGDALE AR 5 13.12 5 13.73 26.85 $ 625.00 3 JD DUDLEY SPRINGDALE AR 5 12.15 5 13.79 25.94 $ 575.00 4 BRYAN TRACY ST. PETERS MO 5 12.90 5 11.75 24.65 $ 475.00 5 CRAIG WARREN SPRINGFIELD MO 5 10.89 5 10.59 21.48 $ 450.00 6 JOE BREEDLOVE ST. CLAIR MO 3 9.51 5 11.87 21.38 $ 350.00 7 ZACH HAMPTON ST. CHARLES MO 3 6.34 5 13.13 19.47 $ 150.00 8 CHRIS SYKES ROGERS AR 5 10.61 4 7.76 18.37 $ 150.00 9 RON DULLE JASPER AR 2 6.44 5 11.34 17.78 Free Entry 10 JOHN TAYLOR PACIFIC MO 5 13.19 2 3.80 16.99 Free Entry 11 SCOTT STALLINGS GLENCOE OK 4 8.83 3 6.89 15.72 12 MARK THIELE ST LOUIS MO 5 12.16 1 2.47 14.63 13 ELIJAH PAULSON JONESBORO AR 2 5.88 4 8.70 14.58 14 LARRY SALLIS FESTUS MO 1 2.01 5 12.36 14.37 15 SCOTT BURK ROGERS AR 5 11.11 1 2.23 13.34 16 DON CARLSON ROGERSVILLE MO 4 8.45 2 4.22 12.67 17 SCOT FLOYD WENTZVILLE MO 2 4.23 4 8.41 12.64 18 JOHN R. KURTH ATCHISON KS 2 5.31 3 5.90 11.21 19 DAN MCGENNIS JONESBORO AR 5 10.87 0 0.00 10.87 20 BEN ROBERTS FORSYTH MO 1 5.25 2 4.11 9.36 21 ROBERT BAKER SHELL KNOB MO 0 0.00 4 8.66 8.66 22 BILL HOFFERT COLUMBIA MO 3 6.48 1 1.84 8.32 23 BILL AMIS SHAWNEE KS 2 4.10 1 4.06 8.16 24 BOBBY KING GENTRY AR 3 7.97 0 0.00 7.97 25 JASON TAYLOR PACIFIC MO 0 0.00 3 7.10 7.10 26 CHUCK BRAMWELL NIXA MO 2 3.88 1 2.95 6.83 27 BILL EDWARDS OZARK MO 1 1.96 2 4.80 6.76 28 JOHN HALEY BRANSON WEST MO 3 6.29 0 0.00 6.29 29 RICK LATHAM ARNOLD MO 0 0.00 3 5.79 5.79 30 BOBBY JONES WARR ACRES OK 1 3.01 1 2.30 5.31 31 JOHN KITE FESTUS MO 1 2.64 1 2.27 4.91 32 MIKE MUELLER COLUMBIA MO 1 1.83 1 2.82 4.65 33 JAMES BAKER CASSVILLE MO 0 0.00 2 4.18 4.18 34 TORRIS CASTON ST. LOUIS MO 0 0.00 1 3.54 3.54 35 CHRIS DUNLAP FORISTELL MO 1 3.20 0 0.00 3.20 36 KEVIN STUHLMAN FLORISSANT MO 0 0.00 1 2.65 2.65 37 JON NICHOLS CASSVILLE MO 0 0.00 1 2.59 2.59 38 DONNA GILZOW BELLA VISTA AR 0 0.00 1 2.08 2.08 39 DAN ALTHISER STRAFFORD MO 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 40 TYLER DUNN SPRINGFIELD MO 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 41 KEVIN JOHNSON ROGERSVILLE MO 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 42 DAVID KELSEY INDEPENDENCE MO 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 43 ROGER TILLMAN PEA RIDGE AR 0 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 BIG BASS BEN ROBERTS 5.25 $ 275.00 2ND BIG BASS JOE BREEDLOVE 5.02 $ 145.00
  24. John and Tami- thanks for the honor. I've forwarded your post to everyone at the Landing. He's a cute little bug... you need to bring him down for a visit.
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