Back- and had a wonderful time with my kids, extended kid, future extended kids and my best friend Marsha.
Kids- Sara and her husband Josh who just made the move from KC to Denver. Megan who got engaged the night before we left... Jimmy Cummins from Floristell, MO. We took Jimmy with us too. Caleb and Greg, 18 and 20 who both attend College of the Ozarks.
Now that we got introdutions out of the way...
Our first impressions- there's alot of people at this airport! Lots leaving and more arriving. Lots of guys who wanted to help carry our luggage (for a tip). We would find this common on the whole trip.
Got to the hotel- the Golden Crowne Parinessus. We bought an all-inclusive package which included all meals and drinks. The boys loved that part. Five restaurants and an all-day buffet plus 24-hour room service. Good steaks and seafood! We had move than our share of vigin fruit drinks... the natives gave us a hard time for not drinking the hard stuff. The beach was beautiful and the water was incredible. The most blueist blues and good wave action. One day they wouldn't let anyone in the water cause the waves were over 7 feet.
We took in 2 adventure trips- Xcaret and Chichen Itza. Xcaret is a theme park of sorts- jungle atmosphere with animals, an underground river which you can swim with snorkle gear (lame... I hit my head I don't know how many times), swim in a protected cove off the ocean as well as swimming with dolphins. We were scheduled to snorkle a reef but due to a overbooking, we were bumped to snuba which is alot like scuba but not as hard. Kids loved it, I liked it but had a hard time in the beginning getting used to beathing. We got a 10 minute lesson on using a regulator before being dropped in the water in 30 feet of water... alittle different than getting certified here in the states I understand. The kids saw a baracuda and an eel as well as a bunch of fish. We saw 4 sea turtle- Marsha got to touch one... another no-no in the states I bet. Chichen Itza was a bunch of old stone structures... a long day of driving in which I wouldn't do again.
I did get to go fishing. I hired a guide who took me out to the lagoon Wednesday morning to find some snook and baby tarpon. Tide was low, last year's hurricane messed up the lagoon/mangroves, too sunny, wind didn't blow the right direction... all good excuses for a slow fishing morning. Had a great time though and learned for the next trip. I used an 8 wt Loomis with intermediate sinking line, shock tippet and what looked like about 20 lb tippet. Best fly was a white/blue deceiver. First area was the best- 4-5 missed strikes, 3 hookups with 2 landed- about 20 inches and one hook pulled out on a nicer 30 inch tarpon which pulled real hard and jumped several times. We fished a dozen other banks- saw a few snook but no takers. Rick, my guide, said alot of the mangrove had died in the hurricane last year (pic) and was hurting the fishery. But as always, it will come back. I know what to do next year... it's really pretty easy fishing if you have a boat.
Glad to be home... the heat and humidity was getting real old (for me). Although we didn't get over to the island, I'd try Cozumel next time.
I heard the server was down for a day. Jim said a 'smart switch' went bad.
Megan and Caleb... bamboo spey rod material?