7 teams weighed in. Everyone weighed in their limit. A good time was had by all... especially a couple of green-horns from College of the Ozarks! Jimmy Cummings and John Cartwright thought they were having a pretty good day of fishing. Little did they know how good it was! Although both guys, did I mention they are room mates?) hadn't had allot of time on Taneycomo, they'd both grown up fishing. And Jimmy had been introduced to trout fishing by my daughter, Megan, who he's dating. Now you know most of the story.
My father-in-law, Dave Woolery, paid their entry, I gave them a jon boat, a map, some worms, a blow bottle, showed them how to enject air into the worms, told them to anchor on Short Creek and stay there all day. They missed Short Creek by about 100 yards- they anchored above the gravel bar. But it turned out- John landed a 22 inch, 4.46 lb brown and together they weighed in 8 trout weighing 12.14 pounds. Yes- they would have won the contest without the brown! They didn't have a clue they'd weighed in one of the largest weights in years, at least for of our tournaments. The rainbows they caught were all over 16-17 inches up to 19 inches but didn't have alot of weight on them. If they had, add 3-5 pounds to the total.
Everyone else had respectable weights.
1st - Cummings/Cartwright 12.14 (big brown 4.46 lb)
2nd - Shawn & Garry Pingleton 5.70
3rd - Tom Johnson & Chuck Puckett 5.46
4th - GT & Randy Bracy 5.12
5th - Brower/Branneky 5.10 (big rainbow 2.50 lb)
6th - Hanson/Huston 4.50
7th Woolery/Waldo 4.14
All Cummings/Cartwright's trout were released including the brown.
John Cartwright