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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. I have YMCA meetings today and have to buy a new cell phone this afternoon so I won't be around the shop but I'd like to see it. I have an email into MDC and hope to hear back shortly.
  2. That's a cool fly!!! But if it's soft plastic... I don't know. I'll try to get someone from MDC to look at it and tell us if it's legal in the trohpy area or any flies only waters. I hope it is! What is the tube- strech tubing ?
  3. Dubbing... did I spell it wrong? Dubbing- you use on scuds... fur... you know... You got me paranoid on this one Brian.
  4. http://ozarkanglers.com/events.php Both tournaments here.
  5. I have my cell most of the time- during the daytime anytime. Leave a message if I don't pick up.
  6. No tourneys here this weekend... must have been from one of the shops or a private thing.
  7. http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsme...10/default.aspx Go here and update your windows media to version 10. Then it should work.
  8. Fishing was much better today... it's amazing what a little wind will do. Believe it or not, that's what made the difference. Almost everyone went home happy today (I always have to say almost cause there's always that one person... you know...). Everyone that checked out caught trout today- bait fishermen and lure fishermen. Vince reported to me he had a nice evening of fly fishing at the MDC boat ramp. He caught numerous rainbows on what he calls a woolly bugger - size #20 - which I may call a bit scud (Rader's name). He was wading up from the ramp in the slow moving, shallow water there. He also said there was a young man doing well throwing a 2-3 inch rapala fishing from the bank close to the ramp.
  9. Just click this link and it should start automatically. http://ozarkanglers.com/troutcam.php
  10. I have a saying and I hope you don't take offense but... You Dog!! I really wish I fished today- I knew it would be good. Enjoy those filets!
  11. We may have part of the issue fixed with multiple users... to date 5 was the highest number that could view the page. We may install another light tonight so check back.
  12. Come by the shop- call or email first- and I'll set you up with some flies and instruction. Jeremy Hunt is around now- if you can come down for one of him fly tying classes, you'll get tons of info on fishing. He'll even take you fishing- he's not too busy right now. Sorry - I own Lilleys' Landing here on Taney and have a fly shop. I can give you directions when you call.
  13. I have 5-6 scuds in a bag and 2 sow bugs. The scuds are #18 and #16's but the sow bugs are #22- real small.
  14. It was on purpose... an going to try live scuds next.
  15. Bragging board - My daughter is shown in today's Springfield NewsLeader More and more children find it's fun to play at the YMCA She's the one with the kids.
  16. Montauk - Maramec - they are close to you right? Hope to keep building that area of Ozark's Waters- keep an eye on those forums. Welcome!
  17. I'll have to have names and at least phone numbers- something to contact them and ask permission to use their image. In this day and age, people are protective and I don't want to make any parents mad. Thanks! Any help would be great!!
  18. You're so funny... but right.
  19. I've floated a bag with minnows in front of the camera this morning to see how the trout react to it. So far they are ignoring it except a couple of times a trout nosed real close to it but backed off. I think I'm going to do some experimenting with a minnow on a cut hook or just a line no hook, drop it down in camera view and see how the trout takes it. I'll try to record it and post it. When we get more camera we want to take them to the dam and record trout taking flies.
  20. Ya- it worked for me. I was looking in my cp controls as admin and didn't see anything wrong. This board is very complicated - I'm still learning it. Thanks
  21. I've never tried that... let me play around with it and get back. I find the "View New Posts" helpful, next to "My Controls" top right.
  22. Nice.... I assume you're the one with the StL hat on
  23. Another thing... I'm listing shops and lodging at the parks in the rack cards. I have the following on my list - Weavers Fly Shop Jim Roger's Fly Casting Lessons Larry's Motel Sand Srings Gastons Fly Shop Reading's Fly Shop Any other suggestions? The idea is that these businesses display and promote the forum for current fishing conditions and education.
  24. ditto the other parks. Kids preferably.
  25. I'm designing a rack card for each of the trout parks to promote the forum. I need a few good quality fish pics from Montauk... kids and trout would be prefered. You can send them to me via email at phil at lilleyslanding.com or post them here if they are on the web already. I'll have to have written permission to use them. Thanks!!
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