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Phil Lilley

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Blog Entries posted by Phil Lilley

  1. Phil Lilley
    since my last entry- sorry. It's been a hectic winter, believe me. But my intentions are to keep this up at least a couple of times a week.

    In saying that... I'm going to make this entry short because I have many things to do and the evening is going fast.

    We've had several entries and new blogs but no first-posts. It's alittle tricky getting your entry to post for the first time so I'm going to send an email to those who are having trouble. Later I'm going to catch up by blog.
  2. Phil Lilley
    Some of you have been asking about a gallery... you can post pics here and use this as a gallery. If you have pics you want to post and need them on a server, you can email them to me or use several on-line services (I'll have to research and list them).

    Examples -

    This blog has an extra step to post your entry if you start one. After writing and hitting done- or whatever- it will appear in a window box like it's done. There's still one more step---

    At the bottom left below the window there's a buttom that says "entry options". Hit it and then hit "publish". Then you're done.
  3. Phil Lilley
    The "off season" for most isn't really an off season for us... if anything it seems busier than the "season" but I'm not sure what that is anymore. With all the projects here at the resort, the nice weather and great business we're having, it's been hecktic.

    Still working frantically on webcams and other internet goodies... the streaming underwater video has been a challenge. We've got it on a url address at http://ozarkanglers.com/troutcam.php but as of right now it's only letting 5 people view at it at a time. Not sure if it's a router issue or something else. But it's a process... We are going to have to sell advertising on the page to help pay for expenses.

    Working on rack cards for ozarkanglers.com. Want to get them out to the trout parks by opening weekend as well as other key places. I want to build up alot of traffic on different waters on the forum. Rack cards seem to be the easiest and cheapest way to do it.

    As long as we're talking business, those that know we had spinning rods made a few years back - special made for jig fishing. They were one piece 6 and 7 foot rods. Well, I'm picking up the new version spin rods next Friday. I've had 4 sizes made this time and asked that they'd be alittle more softer in the tip as well as a better grade guides. They are 5-6", 6-0", 6-6" and 7-0". I expect they will sell for about $60. They will have the Lilleys' logo. Cool!

    For those who know him, Jeremy Hunt is moving back to Branson. Didn't know he left you say? Well he moved down to Rim Shoals on the White River with his dad but decided he was spending all his time here (staying at the resort actually) so he's making the move back. He's getting his guides lisense and buying a boat for guiding on Taneycomo. He's still doing a fly tying class on Wednesdays at a fly shop in Cotter and still has his class here on Tuesdays.

    Got out permit from the corp to add to the dock. With the permit, we can add a 24x36 building to the dock for meetings and such. We're getting estimates on materials right now. May have to wait a bit to start but it'll be a cool place to hang out. Lots of ideas for it but mainly want to resurect the TU club here as well as holding the fly tying class down there.

    Church is doing well. We're kicking around the idea of having a Saturday night worship gathering. My son is a senior at College of the Ozarks and leads worship at BSU and other gatherings. There are several worship "bands" at the school so we have plenty of possibilites. Caleb's praying about starting a coffee house (a 70's throwback concept) and our church building is a perfect place for it. We're not using it except on Sundays and we're open to do whatever if it's what we should do.

    Master is coming up next weekend... no not golf. I named it the masters cause I wanted it to be THE top tournament for the lake and I think that's what it is. There's some great jig fishers as well as fly fisher who fish it. It's quite a challenge to beat these guys that fish it every year. It's a ton of fun.

    I can't believe how far down the lakes are. And when is it going to start raining!?!? Table Rock is going to be an interesting place for boaters and skiers this summer if it continues. Haven't been to Bull Shoals yet but it must be down around where it was a few years back when we fly fished below the dam about a mile where the lake actually riffled in places. Taney isn't going to see much in the way of generation this winter at all so flyfishers are happy and boaters- beware!! It's shallow!!!

    That's caught you up for now.
  4. Phil Lilley
    Eph 1:3-14; 3 How blessed is God! And what a blessing he is! He's the Father of our Master, Jesus Christ, and takes us to the high places of blessing in him. 4 Long before he laid down earth's foundations, he had us in mind, had settled on us as the focus of his love, to be made whole and holy by his love. 5 Long, long ago he decided to adopt us into his family through Jesus Christ. (What pleasure he took in planning this!) 6 He wanted us to enter into the celebration of his lavish gift-giving by the hand of his beloved Son. 7 Because of the sacrifice of the Messiah, his blood poured out on the altar of the Cross, we're a free people - free of penalties and punishments chalked up by all our misdeeds. And not just barely free, either. Abundantly free! 8 He thought of everything, provided for everything we could possibly need, 9 letting us in on the plans he took such delight in making. He set it all out before us in Christ, 10 a long-range plan in which everything would be brought together and summed up in him, everything in deepest heaven, everything on planet earth. 11 It's in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are living for. Long before we first heard of Christ and got our hopes up, he had his eye on us, had designs on us for glorious living, 12 part of the overall purpose he is working out in everything and everyone. 13 It's in Christ that you, once you heard the truth and believed it (this Message of your salvation), found yourselves home free - signed, sealed, and delivered by the Holy Spirit. 14 This signet from God is the first installment on what's coming, a reminder that we'll get everything God has planned for us, a praising and glorious life.

    The promises of God are Yea and Amen.

    Have an excellent year-

  5. Phil Lilley
    Being raised in a Christian home all of my young life (Presby, Assembly of God), you could say I've been "brain-washed" in my present beliefs, a subject of my environment. If so, I am blessed. But you know I see lots of people who were raised the same way who are as far from God as I am close to Him so I guess you might say- it comes down to choices... little ones... throughout this journey.

    I have made good choices and poor ones. I have made very good choices and very bad ones... unlike anyone I know of. Some of those choices have been reactions to experiences and circumstances I had nothing to do with... how I reacted to death, sickness, tragedy, betrayals, offenses-- all shape character.

    But as a Christian, several foundational truths remain constant deep in my belief system: My position, who I am, will never change- never. It cannot. I am a child of the Most High God, adopted into His family through the sacrifice of Jesus death and His resurrection has given me life and victory over sin and death, eternal death and separation from God. My name has been written in the Lamb's Book of Life, never to be erased. How did I get there? I was confronted with a choice, deep within my heart, and I chose to accept the urgings of the Holy Spirit who was drawing me to that place of decision. I acknowledged Jesus as the Son of God and His death and resurrection. I confessed I was in a sinner and didn't have a relationship with the One true God and my Creator... and I wanted it. I accepted Jesus as my Savior and confessed Him as my new Lord of my life.

    So what do we do with Jesus? Some put Him on a shelf and only pull Him down when we need Him. Some have formed our own opinions about Him, not researching Him out truly, honestly and with an open heart. We have formed our own "theology of life" taking bits and pieces from the Bibles and from lessons learned. We have justified the way we live by examples of other people, even some "Christians" who live sinful lives while spouting "Jesus is Lord" when their life doesn't the evidence at all. All these things don't change God, who He is, His character, what He requires. He is the "I Am". He is love. He is almighty and all powerful and He alone is worthy of our praise and admiration... there is no other.

    Search Him out- He is faithful to reveal Himself to those who truly seek Him with all their heart. But if you don't make the effort, life will pass, like a vapor, and it will be too late.

    So what do you do with Jesus?
  6. Phil Lilley
    This is supposed to be the "offseason" for us being in a tourist town... but it's been anything but.

    Internet - trying to go wireless. I have a friend who claimed he could install routers and repeaters and cover the resort with wireless internet for us and our guests. Three weeks later, we've dropped DSL and am now on wireless only by our fingernails. It seems we have some interference or something. We might have found the problem tonight- a bad router. We're using a Linksys WRV54G router and a couple of WAP54GP access point routers (we ditched the repeaters). We've ordered a new WRV and another WAP so hoepfully this will close the gap. But it's been very trying... you don't reallize how dependant you are on something until you don't have it.

    WebCams- am still looking for the perfect webcam software and video capture card to host the cams. The underwater cam is doing great- if you're in the cleaning shack looking at the monitor. Problem is... I'm dependant on someone else for the expertise. They are friends and won't take any $$$ for the work which honestly I'd rather pay and get it DONE!! Capture cards... routers... they're all way over my head and it's frustrating.

    Newletter- I'm finally going to get the White River Journal out next week. Been trying to work on in between everything going on.

    Brochure and other things- we've been trying to design/print a resort brochure for several months now... our last brochure is 12 years old. Also designing a logo for ozarkanglers, the resort and new catch-n-release pins for trout unlimited's c/r program. I'm not doing much of the designing but the guys who are seemed to be as busy as me.

    Friends in town- the last 10 days have been hospitality time for us. Not complaining too much- they all have been dear friends and we've had a blast... but fitting it all in with Christmas programs at church, YMCA, resort dinner and fishing with everyone, it's been interesting. I see the light at the end of the tunnel- I think it will be Monday next week.

    My daughter and son-in-law are coming in Friday before Christmas. Am looking forward to kicking back and sending time with the kids. Meg and Cob move back home tomorrow from C of O so all will be here for the holidays.
  7. Phil Lilley
    Correction on the preaching Sunday... I have to be here for the dock for most of the morning Sunday so Tom Johnson is doing the honors. I'll have to go ahead and post at least the notes on this blog as soon as I get them done.

    You know, this is supposed to be our off season- they say. December is the slowest month but my calendar doesn't say that.

    I've been messing with the images on the forum... I'm sure you've noticed. It will get better I promise. I'm going to have some real professionals look at it- I want to do alot with the forum. I just need alot of help.

    I see conservationcafe is changing. My vision for this forum is to keep it geared to fishing only and to keep it clean. It's not that I'm judging anyone... I've learned to appreciate alot of the guys and gals on cc over the years but there is alot of sarcasm that gets out of hand at times. My number one thing is - to respect others on the board. Respect people as people and not to use they key board to bash and bite. At best, this kind of communication is impersonal and because it is, sometimes people think what they type doesn't mean anything. It does- much more than we realize.

    So I'm going to try to keep this forum focused on fishing... positive enjoyment of an activity we all have in common and love.
  8. Phil Lilley
    That should get some attention- money. This is a short entry cause it's late and I still have to do the cash drawer at the office before turning in but I thought I'd warn you...

    I'm delivering the message next Sunday at church and unless the Lord leads in a different direction, the subject is money. I'll be running ideas by the blog during the week so stay tuned.
  9. Phil Lilley
    "Men choose a religion, but a Christian is chosen by Jesus Christ. To be a Christian means to belong to Christ. Jesus asked me to renounce even my life, to follow Him faithfully, not to hear the world even if my body must perish. I prefer to know that God, the Almighty, is with me, even if it means that the whole world is against me.

    "I am in God's hands. For 45 years I have walked with the God of miracles, and His goodness is for me a shadow that protects me in His love.

    "the God of Daniel, who protected his friends, protected me during my nine years in prison, and all torments changed to my good, so that I have the fulness of love and gratitude.

    "of all the prophets, Jesus alone was resurrected from the dead, and He remains our living Mediator forever. I gave me life into His hands. For me, life is an opportunity to serve Him, and death is the privilege of getting to be with Him."

    Pastor Mehdi Dibaj of Iran was on trial- these were the words of his defense. He and his family had converted to Christianity and he had been translating a Christian radio station's programing into his native language, Farsi. he was arrested in 1985, accused of apostasy, denying the Muslim faith. He was facing a death sentence.

    He was imprisoned in a cramped hole for over 2 years, a hole so small he couldn't even stretch out his legs. While in prison, his wife was force to divorce him and remarry a Muslim.

    International pressure force the Iranian gov't to release Mehdi but soon after his release, he was found beaten to death in a park near his home, his attackers were believed to be Muslim leaders.

    Despite his death, his children continue to follow in the faith. Voice of the Martyre, Jesus Freaks

    There are many, many stories about persecution throughout the world because of what one believes. We are blessed to live in a country where we are free to believe what we choose. That does not mean what we believe is truth though. Every man is not a god unto himself although he develops his our "religion" on how things are in this world, in this life.

    There is absolute truth. There has to be for there to be meaning to this life. There is a God, one God, one way to God and that has to be through Jesus, His Son- a man who lived, died and rose from the dead (all historical factual). And if a man seeks God with a whole and true heart, he will find Him... it's a promise. Ask Him for help- He's waiting for that chance.

    Have a blessed holiday with friends and family. If you feel lonely, quit thinking about yourself and focus on others in need. Go to a shelter or kitchen and help out. Do a clothes or toy drive and give to your county welfare office or Salvation Army. Ask God to direct you to a church and get involved... but beware of this- don't put your faith in people-- there are great people of God in churches and there are bad people in churches. Just be careful.
  10. Phil Lilley
    It was just a couple of days ago I shared about my friend's 50th birthday celebration. Don't they say the eyes start going at 40... I mean the doc informs us we might think about bifocals... What happens at 50???

    I'm sure Chuck didn't see it coming... pardon the pun. Yesterday he started seeing double and this morning he had surgery for a detached retina. Doc told him he may lose some sight in the eye. Fifty is way too young for that- right?? But you know, the day we are born our bodies start to die slowly... some slower than others but you get my point. Life is a vapor that lasts a second in comparison to eternity.

    Chuck is on his belly with orders not to lift his head for 2 weeks. They glued the wall of the retina like wallpaper (the tear), gas is injected in the eye to put pressure on the wall till the glue dries. Keeping the eye ball pointed down also holds pressure on the "wallpaper". This is a fairly new procedure- before people who had this condition would just lose vision in the eye so I'm sure he's grateful.

    Marsha and I prayed this morning... these things happen for a reason- we either learn what God has for us to learn or we don't learn anything - suffer through for basically nothing. We prayed Chuck would learn and learn good! He said he would be spending alot of time praying... and I'm sure he will. He can't read- we're going to make sure he has books-on-tape. We also asked God to help the docs in their procedure. I know without any doubt God could just do a creative miracle and fix the eye without the help of the docs... and we did ask for that... but at the same time trust Him to do the best for Chuck and his wife Terry, whatever that may be.

    Tomorrow we have church... then Thanksgiving dinner afterwards. It won't be the same without him. We may have to go over to his house and harass him... on his belly.
  11. Phil Lilley
    It's so amazing the difference in climate between north and south.... Missouri. I don't see how people stand the wind and cold up there, let alone further north in Iowa and Nebraska. Tuesday- blowing snow 30-40 mph and totally horizontal. Wednesday - 15 degrees and winds 30-50. Thursday am - 5 degrees but thankfully no wind. Sitting in a stand was incredibly tough and the lack of deer was worse. Too much cover- too much woods where we hunted (east of Trenton about 30 miles). But it was a great trip with my fishing/hunting buddy Vince.
  12. Phil Lilley
    When we moved to Branson in 1983, we knew a couple of people - Rex Grady, a resort owner who befriended us while trying to sell us his report down on Lakeshore Dr, John logan, the realitor who sold us Rosadaro and Lulu Roman who's husband had a hair salon on the strip at the time.

    We started attending a church - Branson Hill Assembly of God - where we met more people, people who became life-long friends to this day. One couple was Chuck and Terry Puckett. They had a little girl like us and went on to have 2 more... we had 3 more. We became best friends, took vacations together, changed churches together, started a church together, and yesterday by best friend turned 50. Wow! How time flies.

    Chuck is the pastor of our church, Covenant Life Church. He has a pastor's heart... he helps everyone that calls, he's compassionate and patient... all the things I'm not. I've always said Chuck's there to help people who I loose patience with- I'd just as soon slap them on the third or forth go-around.

    Chuck is passionate about life and about God. He has walked the walk long enough to have God's wisdom on a lot of life's situations.

    The world would be a great place if everyone had a friend like Pastor Puckett We don't call him that cause it sounds so corny.
  13. Phil Lilley
    Polycarp was a bishop of Roman controled Smyrna (now Izmar, Turkey) in 168 AD. He was the last living link with the twelve apostles, as he had studied under John.

    At 86 years of age, he was arrested by the Romans and brought into the arena for trial and execution. The proconsul tried to get Polycarp to deny Jesus Christ; "Swear by the fortune of Caesar. Take the oath and I will release you. Curse Christ!"

    The bishop stood firm. "Eighty-six years have I served the Lord Jesus Christ, and He never once wronged me. How can I blaspheme my King who has saved me? Let them come, for my purpose is unchangeable," replied Polycarp.

    He had been threatened with wild beast and burning at the stake.

    "You threaten me with a fire which will burn for an hour and then will go out, but you are ignorant of the fire of the future judgement of God reserved for the everlasting torment of the ungodly. But why do you delay? Bring on the beasts, or the fire. or whatever you choose; you shall not move me to deny Christ, my Lord and Savior."

    They brought dry wood and piled it in the center of the arena. Polycarp's hands were tied but he wasn't nailed to the stake by his request.

    His final prayer he prayed, "O Father, I thank You, that You have called me to this day and hour and have counted my worthly to receive my place among the number of the holy martyrs. Amen."

    At that, the officers lit the fire. The flames rose high above his body, but miraculously, he was not burned. Those who watched said, "He was in the midst of the fire, not as burning flesh but as gold and silver refined in a furnace. And we smelled such a sweet aroma as of incense or some other precious spice."

    Since the fire did not burn him, the executioner was ordered to stab him with a sword. As soon as he did, so much blood flowed from the wound that it put out the fire.

    As a young boy, I heard the stories of martyrdom and was scared that may happen to me. Since I have learned that God's Spirit gives us just what we need at the time of need, whether it's a word of wisdom or knowledge, strength to face a fearful circumstance or an action that comes from out of the blue, unexplainable. Am I still concerned about dying for my faith? I am more fearful I may fail, but my trust is in Him and Him alone.
  14. Phil Lilley
    I hesitate starting something like this... I work/type/share enough now online that I'm not sure how much I'll do on a "blog"... but there is purpose for all this. There is a reason for what I do in front of the eworld. Fishing and the internet are tools given to me to share the Gospel of Jesus, the reason I continue to live and breathe. For without the relationship I have with Him, I would have no reason for this life, no foundation of why we are here, no hope for the future. I can't imagine anyone living without hope, especially in this day and age.

    I'm reading the book "Jesus Freaks" put together by Voice of the Martyrs. It's an account of people through the ages giving their lives for their faith. I plan on sharing some of these stories- true accounts that will bring to reality life in the true sense.

    I encourage anyone to start a blog (journal for us old timers) if it helps keeping you in the Word (which is one of my downfalls). The blog can be fishing, golfing, political or whatever.

    Can you believe this fall??!! Our trip to New Mexico and the San Juan - the trees (what few there were) were in full colors there. Everything is 2-3 weeks behind. But I was telling my daughter Sara who is visiting from KC this weekend, our trees are more colorful than ever the last 2 days. We've been taking some pics- will share them later.
  15. Phil Lilley
    It's cold. It's snowing tonight. Water is off... finally.

    Three thoughts tonight as I watch the white stuff pile up outside my window.

    So far this winter shows signs of being a cold one with few warm breaks in the temperature. We've always had days at least up in the 40's in years past but not so far this winter. And nothing in the foreseeable forecast. I personally haven't adjusted to the cold yet. My fishing buddy Vince suggested it's because of the fat I've lost in the last 3 months. I've been watching what I eat and working out. This revelation makes me think about adding that fat back to keep me warm! Guess we better get used to ice in the guides.

    Snowing!? I commented to Marsha, as we crept up the hill on the strip this evening, avoiding the 8 car pileup at Roark Valley Road, that this snow was much better than the ice we've had the last 3 winters. Still slick but nothing sticking on the trees.

    Water is off!! We've been waiting for this for many months. So far what we've noticed is the bug population is huge and our trout are fat and strong. Scuds, sow bugs and lots and lots of midge hatches. I talked to Duane on New Years day about him seeing gobs of midges on Table Rock while duck hunting. I say gobs because he said they were hatching to fast that they were sticking together on the surface creating clumps of bugs. The only place I've seen that is on the San Juan River. I would love to see that on Taneycomo.

    Now I can't speak to how the fishing has been since the change in generation yet. I fished a little on the first up below the dam but too little to get a feel for what will happen in the days to come. I can guess... it's really going to be good! The trout are there. It's the first of January when we see some of the best fishing of the year here on Taney. Our rainbows haven't seen much pressure the last couple of months and have had a chance to rest and grow. Water quality is in great shape. Everything looks fantastic for this winter's season.
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