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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. I wanted to release this on the forum first. The long distance contest is pretty straight forward. So is the accuracy contest. But if we've made any errors in the explaining of the event, I wanted you all to find it, point it out before we send it to the media. I think the Helios 2 rod till bring a few casters out!
  2. Lilleys’ Landing Resort & Marina is celebrating its 30th year in business! In honor of this special occasion, Lilleys’ Landing and the Branson Chapter of Trout Unlimited will host the first area “Rio Gold Long Distance Challenge” June 8 along with its own accuracy casting contest at the Family Fishing Fair. The main host for the fair is the Shepherd of the Hills Trout Hatchery. The Family Fishing Fair is held each year on the Saturday of Missouri's free fishing weekend in June at the Shepherd of the Hills Hatchery at the base of Table Rock Dam. The event runs from 10 a.m. till 2 p.m.. The Family Fishing Fair is a great event to bring the whole family to. There will be many different activities and learning opportunities available during the event. Events will include: free fishing for trout in a designated area for kids 15 and younger, a fish cleaning and cooking station, a station to learn about aquatic critters, how to rig your rod station, fish identification station, and the Fishin’ Magicians, along with our casting competition. Both of these free competitions will be held together at the Shepherd of the Hills Fish Hatchery from 10 a.m.-1:30 p.m. in conjunction with the Family Fishing Fair. Prizes will be awarded for first place through third place in both accuracy and distance. First place winner in the professional division of the Rio Gold Long Distance Challenge will receive an Orvis Helios 2, 5-weight, 9-foot tip flex fly rod worth $795, donated by Lilleys' Landing. First place winners of both divisions will receive any RIO fly line up to the value of $75 (MRSP). Second prize is the choice of any fly line within RIO's Avid Series. Third place is the choice of any fly line within RIO's Mainstream Series. Prizes for the accuracy contest will be announced at a later date. A drawing will be held for additional items donated to the event. Other prizes will be donated by Lilleys' Landing Resort & Marina, Rio, Angler's and Archery Outfitters, River Run Outfitters, Redington, Templefork Outfitters and more. Organizer Darin Schildknecht said anyone can fish in the professional division, but guides or those professionally fishing in competitions are prohibited from entering the amateur division. “Fly fishing can be such a solitary sport,” Schildknecht said, “but this will bring many together to test their skills and enjoy the company of other anglers.” Entrants can register early at Lilleys’ Landing fly shop, 367 River Lane in Branson, MO, or on the day of the competition, up until the end of the contests. In the distance contest, each entrant will cast five times within two minutes with the longest cast recorded. See Rio Gold Long Distance Challenge Rules. The accuracy contest is a timed event. Anglers cast into five different rings placed at different distances and at different angles. The shortest time to finish wins. The objective involves casting to rings at different distances. Points will be awarded for time and accuracy. Competitors will be allowed to compete twice (2 rounds). There will be only one division. Prizes will be given to the top 5 place finishers. No one can win more than one prize. There is only one division in the accuracy contest. “We are excited to be apart of the Family Fishing Fair this year.” Schildknecht said, “I believe we will see some great casters at this event as well as showing anglers how to fly cast. This contest will give families at the fishing fair some exposure to fly casting and all its finesse.” Rio Gold Long Distance Challenge Rules 1. Each caster can make up to 5 casts, within 2 minutes of starting. After the 5th cast, or 2 minutes (whichever is sooner) the caster must hand the rod back to the person manning the competition, and their turn is finished. 2. No practice casts are allowed. 3. Each competitor must use the allocated RIO Gold line. 4. The leader must be a 7.5 ft, 2x leader (provided by RIO), with a small tuft of yarn attached. 5. Any cast that lands in front of the caster without yarn will not be measured, but will still count as one of the 5. 6. There is no limit on how many times a person can enter, but a new entrant will take priority if time is short. 7. A 9 ft, #5 fly rod of any make or model can be used, but it must be one provided by the participating store. Competitors may not bring or use their own rod for this challenge. 8. The competition is open to all attendees at the prescribed (and registered) event. 9. No competitor can win two prizes, even if they have more than one of the longest casts of the day. Their single longest cast is judged. Amateur Division: · The person who made the longest cast will win a RIO fly line of their choice, subject to a maximum value of $75 at suggested retail price. · The person who made the 2nd longest cast will win a line of their choice from RIO’s Avid series. · The person who made the 3rd longest cast will win a line of their choice from RIO’s MainStream series. Professional Division: · The person who made the longest cast will win an Orvis Helios 2, 5-weight, 9-foot, tip flex fly rod values at $795 suggested retail price. · The person who made the 2nd longest cast will win a line of their choice from RIO’s Avid series. · The person who made the 3rd longest cast will win a line of their choice from RIO’s MainStream series. 10. One competitor can not enter in both the amateur and professional divisions. If you enter as a professional in one contest, you are required to enter the second contest in the same division. 11. In the event of casters being tied with the first cast, their second longest cast will be compared and the longest of these will win. If the second longest cast is tied, then the third longest cast will be considered, then the fourth and finally the fifth. In the event of all five casts being of equal distance, all tied casters will receive the applicable prize. 12. The winners will be sent their prize directly from RIO, assuming they have filled out a registration form. 13. Every competitor who casts will receive a 3 pack of 9 ft 5x RIO trout leaders. 14. The entry award of a 3-pack of 9 ft, 5X leaders will be handed to each competitor by the rep (or the shop staff manning the event) after the competitor has finished casting. Only one pack per person will be given out, regardless of the number of times the competitor tries. 15. The RIO sales rep that is present at the event will make the final call on all mitigating issues – including cancellation of the event due to inclement weather. Contact Lilleys' Landing Resort and Marina for more information at 417-334-6380.
  3. After writing fishing reports for one body of water for 15 years, I understand how difficult it is to come up with a new way to report the same thing, week after week. If conditions don't change, fish are going to bite basically the same thing day after day. The colors may vary but that can happen on an hourly basis- they'll hit pink for a while, then white, then orange. Flies, lures, bait - it doesn't matter. Change size and color and you'll probably find something that'll work. As far as the post date -- might have been an error.
  4. http://www.ozarkanglers.com/lake-taneycomo/2012-m-d-c-lake-taneycomo-annual-report/ http://www.ozarkanglers.com/lake-taneycomo/2008-09-lake-taneycomo-creel-survey/
  5. Nice walleye. Any details? That's a life time catch!! Congrats.
  6. Turtle farm. Turtles are eating good tonight.
  7. We are too (in the flight path) ... I like seeing them fly in with all those people who want to spend money here in town. I don't mind it. Sorry- didn't mean to change the subject... On the subject- I like the idea bringing in new groups that, again, spend money in our community.
  8. Mocarp... you're one of the "old guard" here on the forum. Missed seeing you around. I'd be glad to help with your login and get you back to your old account and screen name. Phil
  9. Gents.... I had plans to crash your party Friday but my grandbaby isn't cooperating... he doesn't want to come out and play. My daughter's due date was Monday so I have to stay close so we can run down to Rogers when we get the call. NFOW is on my short list this spring.
  10. I've been told the walleye are stacked up in the creek but it's catch and release after dark above the bridge.
  11. I can see it!
  12. That's some pretty warm water... they might be at the bank fairly quick now.
  13. I've been told water is perfect and lots of whites.
  14. Heard they caught them early this am off the Powersite side, gravel bar while the water was running on gray jigs. Most limited. Also they caught them- heading up from the bridge (76), gravel bar on the right before the channel swings back to the right. Catching drifting minnows, swimming minnows but best of stick baits.
  15. Had a friend there today till about 4. They were catching pretty good and getting better as they left.
  16. Is there rip rap up around the corner and into the field? Or just there next to the road?
  17. Yes! They were being caught up above the whistles last evening, mostly by fly rodders. From a reliable source!
  18. Fall Creek Resort is spending a fortune at our local rock quarry. They are in the process of rocking the bank from below their dock to the Narrows. Not saying it's a bad thing... in light of the high water we've had and the damage they've sustained, they should. But they are adding 30 feet to their real estate, and illuminating that much of lake. This area at Fall Creek is narrow already. The water screams through there when running full tilt and with this addition, it will just a little faster. What is it... when you make adjustments to a stream, it will have an affect on the structure below it? We will see. The Corp is not supposed to let people do this. I did call the local Corp guy but got no answer. I know when we've done construction, we were told not to push dirt or rock into the lake. Then I saw this yesterday. They are rocking the creek itself. Again, they are smart to do it BUT on the opposite bank of this rock is a high dirt bank. They are narrowing the creek mouth and will push water to the dirt side. Unless they plan to rock both sides (and that will be a trick), they may have trouble when we get a gully washer.
  19. Kinda has a turn down eye.
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