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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. I thought about that when I left my truck at Greenfield Access last night... 3 trucks left in the lot when we returned real late. Perfect place for vandals, dark and secluded. I left a fly rod and reel in the back seat plain site... regretted it after on the river. No issues though. I was amazed how many blacks I caught on a chartreuse swimming minnow yesterday. The bass were RIGHT on the banks. I'd hit a rock, drop in and have a fish. Several 16-18 inch blacks. Wasn't targeting blacks either.
  2. Dutch- I don't know the lake at all... when we left the ramp we headed to the left, north, went around the first bend. Bluff on the left. We trolled that bluff, then went on to the next bluff on the left and trolled there. Caught them every once in a while all afternoon. Mostly shorts. This is the bank the crappies moved up on at dusk. There were 2 boats about 600 yards up or NE of us that were catching them too so I bet they were all up and down this sloped gravel bank, not just close to the transition where we were.
  3. Got to Greenfield Access WAY TO EARLY- about 3 pm. Met friend Paul Crews from Neosho- he'd been fishing a while already. I'd never been on that part of Stockton before- only been on Stockton twice and the last time was over 10 years ago. Anyhow... We went up the lake (north), found a bluff bank and slow trolled swimming minnows, 1/8th oz jig head in 20 feet of water. We picked up 6 keepers and twice that many shorts in the next 4 hours. Caught a dozen blacks when we stopped and threw to the bank- some nice ones too. But they all went back. Sun set and Paul was bummed cause the trip hadn't gone better. He had fished over there several times and he'd done well. But I kept telling him that the crappie should be going to the bank anytime, we just had to find the right bank. So I told him to head to the bluff bank and go till it changed from bluff to sloped and there's where we found them. Caught crappie on every cast for the next hour +, finishing our limit easily plus 10 more keepers and quite a few shorts. Plus 6 white bass to boot. I thought they'd quit biting at dark but they didn't. When we left, about 9 pm, they had slowed down a bunch but we still could have stayed and caught more... but both of us had a 90 minute drive home. Didn't keep anything less than 11 inches and up to 13 inches- nice slabs. Sorry, no crappie pics.
  4. Who, where and when to qualify for the contest.
  5. Who, where and when to qualify for the contest...
  6. See http://forums.ozarka...showtopic=32618 for details. Post your crappie pictures for the contest here... on this thread. Who- Where- When- Image.
  7. I thought it would be fun to offer this contest for all OzarkAnglers readers. Crappie are beautiful fish and are fun to photograph, as well as eaten. Take a good picture of your crappie and submit it. You might be picked as this years winner! Deadline: The last day of April, 2012 at midnight. Submission: Post on this topic by inserting the image or attaching the image. If you have any problems at all, please PM me and I'll do what I can to help. Where to submit/post: http://forums.ozarkanglers.com/index.php?showtopic=32624 Identify: With your picture, give your name and town you live in, where you caught the crappie (body of water) and the date. Limited: You can submit as many images as you'd like, as long as you don't submit more than one image of the same fish. Number of fish: I would prefer you take a picture of just one single crappie BUT stringers of fish will be allowed. Props: Now I'll just say right now, a picture of a crappie being held by your very cute daughter or handsome young son might get you some points but I'll ask judges to just judge the fish, not the person or persons in the image. Judging: After the first of May, I will post a poll on the forum and you, the members, will judge the winning image. ELIGIBILITY AND JUDGING: To ensure eligibility for the contest, all entries must have a resolution of 6 million pixels or greater (6 megapixels) to be made available upon request. Images that do not meet this standard can still be judged, but might not be honor from the competition (at the judges sole discretion) if the photographer is unable or unavailable to provide the proper resolution when asked. This is to ensure that the person submitting the photograph is in possession on the original image, not a copy from the internet. Resolution can be calculated by multiplying the pixel width of the image with the pixel height. For example, a photograph taken with a 6-megapixel camera set for the highest resolution and best quality produces images approximately 2832 pixels by 2128 pixels, which are acceptable under the rules (2832 x 2128 = 6 million). Although this can't be proven, I would prefer that images submitted be taken this year, 2012, and not from previous crappie seasons. Submissions may be watermarked if desired, but the watermark should be inconspicuous enough to not interfere with the judging of the photo. A watermarked photo might not be honored by the competition (at the judges sole discretion) if the photographer is unable or unavailable to provide a pristine, watermark-free version of the image when asked. Disclaimer: Now you know me... sometimes I miss things. So I reserve the right to add or change these rules at any time, especially if I missed something or didn't think this through right. I'm sure some of you will correct anything I haven't got right. I'm also open to suggestions. Just want this to be something fun to do this spring. Might even come up with more contests... Thanks- Phil Posted on General Discussion and other forums.
  8. I thought it would be fun to offer this contest for all OzarkAnglers readers. Crappie are beautiful fish and are fun to photograph, as well as eaten. Take a good picture of your crappie and submit it. You might be picked as this years winner! Deadline: The last day of April, 2012 at midnight. Submission: Post on this topic by inserting the image or attaching the image. If you have any problems at all, please PM me and I'll do what I can to help. Identify: With your picture, give your name and town you live in, where you caught the crappie (body of water) and the date. Limited: You can submit as many images as you'd like, as long as you don't submit more than one image of the same fish. Number of fish: I would prefer you take a picture of just one single crappie BUT stringers of fish will be allowed. Props: Now I'll just say right now, a picture of a crappie being held by your very cute daughter or handsome young son might get you some points but I'll ask judges to just judge the fish, not the person or persons in the image. Judging: After the first of May, I will post a poll on the forum and you, the members, will judge the winning image. ELIGIBILITY AND JUDGING: To ensure eligibility for the contest, all entries must have a resolution of 6 million pixels or greater (6 megapixels) to be made available upon request. Images that do not meet this standard can still be judged, but might not be honor from the competition (at the judges sole discretion) if the photographer is unable or unavailable to provide the proper resolution when asked. This is to ensure that the person submitting the photograph is in possession on the original image, not a copy from the internet. Resolution can be calculated by multiplying the pixel width of the image with the pixel height. For example, a photograph taken with a 6-megapixel camera set for the highest resolution and best quality produces images approximately 2832 pixels by 2128 pixels, which are acceptable under the rules (2832 x 2128 = 6 million). Although this can't be proven, I would prefer that images submitted be taken this year, 2012, and not from previous crappie seasons. Submissions may be watermarked if desired, but the watermark should be inconspicuous enough to not interfere with the judging of the photo. A watermarked photo might not be honored by the competition (at the judges sole discretion) if the photographer is unable or unavailable to provide a pristine, watermark-free version of the image when asked. Disclaimer: Now you know me... sometimes I miss things. So I reserve the right to add or change these rules at any time, especially if I missed something or didn't think this through right. I'm sure some of you will correct anything I haven't got right. I'm also open to suggestions. Just want this to be something fun to do this spring. Might even come up with more contests... Thanks- Phil Posted on General Discussion and other forums.
  9. I thought it would be fun to offer this contest for all OzarkAnglers readers. Crappie are beautiful fish and are fun to photograph, as well as eaten. Take a good picture of your crappie and submit it. You might be picked as this years winner! Deadline: The last day of April, 2012 at midnight. Submission: Post on this topic by inserting the image or attaching the image. If you have any problems at all, please PM me and I'll do what I can to help. Where to submit/post: http://forums.ozarkanglers.com/index.php?showtopic=32624 Identify: With your picture, give your name and town you live in, where you caught the crappie (body of water) and the date. Limited: You can submit as many images as you'd like, as long as you don't submit more than one image of the same fish. Number of fish: I would prefer you take a picture of just one single crappie BUT stringers of fish will be allowed. Props: Now I'll just say right now, a picture of a crappie being held by your very cute daughter or handsome young son might get you some points but I'll ask judges to just judge the fish, not the person or persons in the image. Judging: After the first of May, I will post a poll on the forum and you, the members, will judge the winning image. ELIGIBILITY AND JUDGING: To ensure eligibility for the contest, all entries must have a resolution of 6 million pixels or greater (6 megapixels) to be made available upon request. Images that do not meet this standard can still be judged, but might not be honor from the competition (at the judges sole discretion) if the photographer is unable or unavailable to provide the proper resolution when asked. This is to ensure that the person submitting the photograph is in possession on the original image, not a copy from the internet. Resolution can be calculated by multiplying the pixel width of the image with the pixel height. For example, a photograph taken with a 6-megapixel camera set for the highest resolution and best quality produces images approximately 2832 pixels by 2128 pixels, which are acceptable under the rules (2832 x 2128 = 6 million). Although this can't be proven, I would prefer that images submitted be taken this year, 2012, and not from previous crappie seasons. Submissions may be watermarked if desired, but the watermark should be inconspicuous enough to not interfere with the judging of the photo. A watermarked photo might not be honored by the competition (at the judges sole discretion) if the photographer is unable or unavailable to provide a pristine, watermark-free version of the image when asked. Disclaimer: Now you know me... sometimes I miss things. So I reserve the right to add or change these rules at any time, especially if I missed something or didn't think this through right. I'm sure some of you will correct anything I haven't got right. I'm also open to suggestions. Just want this to be something fun to do this spring. Might even come up with more contests... Thanks- Phil Posted on General Discussion and other forums.
  10. Not sure if Bill was going to post a report but I thought I would for him. I know he won't mind. He caught his limits + of big whites from the bridge down to Barker on the A-Rig yesterday. Fished from 3-6. Swimming minnows on 3 hooks. Hit them hard. Released all fish. Said the banks were lined- not much action except for one guy who was doing well.
  11. Point 15 was the spot. I heard about it AFTER I looked for them on Tuesday. Also the flat about 1.5 - 2.0 miles above 76 bridge- same day. Both parties were trolling. Both caught tons of whites in quick fashion- lots of 3-4 lb sows.
  12. Put in at the dam about 9 am with Dennis Schule from Blue Ribbon Fly Shop. Steve Brigman and I was down for the day to meet with John Berry about a project Steve is working on. But we had to do some fishing while in the area, of course. They were running what they said were 2 units of water, plenty of water to get Dennis's boat above the fish shoal to the dam. We drifted san juans and #18 zebras under an indicator about 5-6 feet deep and caught a dozen rainbows up to 17 inches. Drifting down through Cane Island, we picked up another rainbow but the wind was starting to mess with our drift and presentation. The rest of the day was tough because of the wind but we managed ok with Dennis's skill at the helm. The Caddis started coming off as we got to White Hole but the fish weren't keying in on the bugs, at least on the surface. After lunch, as we drifted on down, we noticed the bugs increased in numbers and at one point, a hundred or more filled the air around us. We started to see rises but couldn't get any lookers on the elk hair caddis we were presenting. They did, though, like our thing-a-ma-bob indicators. I told Steve and Dennis it was the same way on Taney - these fish must be related! We continued to pick up a rainbow here and there on the double caddis fly rig Dennis fixed for us. I did throw a jig occasionally and caught quite a few rainbows and we had 3 browns. They liked a sculpin color 1/8th oz jig. We pulled in at the top of the Narrows island and waded for a while. That when the caddis were in full hatch tilt and more trout were rising. We dead drifted Dennis's 2-fly rig and both of us caught a few more rainbows and I caught a tiny brown about 4 inches long. Took out at Wildcat. Great day on the water for sure. Good company and a very good guide - Dennis Schule. Really enjoy the White... can't wait to go back.
  13. No stain at all. It's clear. Doty is there not- at McCord. I can hear his reel singing from here.
  14. Yea but Tim's usually on a stream somewhere... not on the open water. Babler is an animal... there's no other guide that gives up the lake bass info he does.
  15. The fishing inside Montauk Park has settled down from the opening week. The weather has been great and the people are catching fish. The big majority of anglers fishing now seem to be the bait and jig anglers. The Dough Bait’s that are working the best has been Secret Bait (It’s a hatchery type bait.) Berkley Power Bait in the orange glitter, white glitter, & Zeaks Orange glitter. The Spinner baits that are working are the Reed’s Special in brown and red, The Rooster tail in the Fire Tiger. The top Jig has been the 1/16 & 1/32oz White marabou. READ MORE
  16. Yes, I said Homesley on Table Rock!! He called in a bit ago and left this report. I really like listening to him give a fishing report!! HEAR MORE
  17. Well, not sure what to tell ya. The Corp has already proved my report wrong, changing their generation patterns yesterday and today. But here's my report, just as it is... READ MORE And here's my call in report from the other day, if you missed it. HEAR MORE
  18. http://www.ozarkanglers.com/blog/2012/03/12/hog-heavens-elk-river-fishing-report-march-12-2012/ Hear Russ's fishing report here!!
  19. Got out this morning about 11 am. Tried for crappies close to Bridgeport - nothing. No activity- lots of boats. Headed up the James and spent the rest of the day trolling and fishing below McCord. One white bass. Saw a few others caught but no pattern. Everyone said it was slow. One of our guides did limit on whites about 2 miles above bridgeport trolling shad raps early in the day.
  20. http://www.ozarkanglers.com/lake-taneycomo/2012/03/13/lilleys-fishing-report-march-12-2012/ Call in report.
  21. Russ gives us insight on what's been happening on the Elk River. Spring breakers, you should think about a float trip. Man, the weather is perfect and the rivers are in great shape. http://www.ozarkanglers.com/elk-river/2012/03/12/hog-heavens-fishing-report-march-12-2012/
  22. http://www.in-fisherman.com/2012/02/22/bass-fishing-for-trout/ I posted this on OA main page last week. It goes with this topic.
  23. http://ozarkanglers.com Link to Steve's report off our main page.
  24. Jay Melkus of Topeka, who is an on-call nurse for Grace Hospice, boated what may be the new Kansas record rainbow trout. Melkus and Steve Dawdy of Topeka were fishing Lake Shawnee during the evening of Mar. 7. Read More . . .
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