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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. I guess not. Honestly, I hadn't noticed the old version did that.
  2. It's been a long time comin' ... hadn't upgraded the forum version in quite a while so the change is pretty dramatic. I'm still looking around trying to figure out where everything is, especially in the admin section. But I think everything is working. Report anything that's not. One thing - invision said you're profile image was merged with your avatar images- in other words your profile pic is now your avatar image. Some of you didn't even know you had 2 images... no big deal. My avatar looks pretty grainy - I may go in and refresh it or change it. There are some new whistle and bells I'll be adding this evening. You'll see them show up soon. More of that social stuff. Make sure everything else is working- let me know if you see something that's not. I've gotten several emails lately saying they can't log in. Email me please... don't just let it go and get frustrated. I'll be glad to help. Thanks Phil
  3. As soon as the update is done, I'll reinstall the plug in. Phil
  4. I'm working with invision on several things and this is one. They should change all the image files to reflect the domain change tonight, plus a forum upgrade. The upgrade should fix the upload issue. If it doesn't, let me know and we'll keep working on it. Sorry about the trouble!! I hate it- I hate having to wait on others cause I don't have the know-how to fix things. Hopefully the upgrade won't disturb too many users... it'll be a change. I've seen some of the other newer forums. They should act the same- just look a little different. But it's been a couple of years since the last one and I've been told I need to keep up better for security reasons. Thanks.
  5. Great report! After working on the Current River maps and reading your report, I feel like I've been there. Any pictures?
  6. Launched at K Dock Ramp about 2 pm. Headed up towards the flats at Snapp and started on the bluff bank on the right. Jigs and swimming minnows working in all depths, caught one 10-inch crappie on the bottom in 18 feet of water. Tried the edge of the channel off the flats at Snapp- nothing but the wind was tough there. Headed up to Cedar and fished the mouth. Caught a bunch of small bass- no crappie. Tried out in the channel on the bottom for whites, where we've caught them in years past in the winter- nothing. Worked the bluff bank heading back down- nothing but small bass. Headed back to K- wind was still tough. Wanted to try the channel drop up from the dock (K) - too windy. Went into Trigger to get out of the wind. Fished around the docks there and caught one short crappie. Wind died- went and tried the flats/channel drop in front of the ramp- nothing. Water temp 41.
  7. <a href="http://www.ozarkanglers.com/current-river/maps/"><img title="Current River Map One" src="http://www.ozarkanglers.com/current-river/files/2012/01/Current-River-Map-One.jpg" alt="" width="500" height="215" /></a> With the help of a couple of very experienced fisherman, we just posted all new Current River Maps on OzarkAnglers.Com. Check them out!! Thanks to Gavin Poppen and Al Agnew for their help!<img title="More..." src="http://www.ozarkanglers.com/wp-includes/js/tinymce/plugins/wordpress/img/trans.gif" alt="" />
  8. Yea but it was after a very cold spell and shad dying. Not even close enough this year for that.
  9. Football games is boring so I'm posting some short videos on the OzarkAnglers facebook page. If you're not a friend, you should be!
  10. Thanks for posting Herb. Looking forward to hearing more from ya.
  11. For those who do the following social sites - Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin . . . Ozarkanglers is now on all 3. The facebook page is a little outdated (674 friends waiting to be accepted although many are people I will reject probably). Twitter and Linkedin are new accounts but will become actively used. So if you're into the whole - being connected thing, search us out and you will find . . . and be connected.
  12. <img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-2117" title="Bill Babler with clients on Lake Taneycomo" src="http://www.ozarkanglers.com/lake-taneycomo/files/2012/01/Bill-Babler-with-clients-on-Lake-Taneycomo.jpg" alt="" width="500" height="276" /> As we say in the Ozarks, "Just wait a day if you don't like the weather." I would not have said that yesterday, though. But I guess this is winter and today's turn-a-round in temperatures, winds and snow is an indication it really is January and not April. We hosted a private trout tournament this past Saturday in which 27 teams competed for 10 spots. The top four winning teams earned decent money prize. It was a blue bird day -- no wind, high blue skies and no generation which usually is the kiss of death when it comes to fishing. The weigh-in was at 4:30 p.m., and as the boats started pulling up to the dock I couldn't help but think that the guys wouldn't be happy with their day or their catch. I was wrong. When you fish in a tournament, you get some sense as you're putting fish in the live well of how you're doing compared to past contests, whether your fish are big enough to be towards the top of the gang. I guess most of the guys were feeling good about their chances as they sized up the rainbows they brought in to weigh. Normally eight trout weighing 10 pounds would put you close to the top, if not the top, but not this day. As I weighed fish, I couldn't help but ask, "Where did these fish come from?" I got my answer after the award ceremony. Evidently, the Missouri Department of Conservation stocked these large, 14- to 15-inch rainbows off the boat ramp at the railroad trestle mid-week last week. Guide Bill Babler confirmed this when he took clients down there this week and caught fish easily on a combination of lures and baits. He said they were brutes, hundreds of them swimming all over the place. Babler caught them casting silver or gold spoons, Rooster Tails and marabou jig (pink, white, black, olive in one-eighth ounce). He also did well putting a Gulp Power Egg (pink) on a small jig hook and fishing it below a float five- to six-feet deep. I'm sure you could troll and catch them, too. Now freshly stocked rainbows might not stay in the same area they were stocked. They have been known to move upstream rather quickly, so you should look for these rainbows at Monkey Island if not at the bridges in downtown Branson. Fishing has also been good just up from and below Fall Creek. We fished from the Narrows down past the mouth of Fall Creek yesterday using a pink micro jig under a float seven feet deep, paired with a #12 gray scud tied 18 inches below the jig . Half the trout we caught on this rig were on the jig and half on the scud. We stayed in the channel most of the time. The water was still moving from generation being shut down prior to our outing. Night crawlers are still catching nicer rainbows from Fall Creek to Short Creek. Minnows are also going well. I've noticed huge schools of minnows in the shallow water behind our dock lately, so I'm sure our trout are targeting them as food elsewhere on the lake. <img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-2118" title="behind the scenes" src="http://www.ozarkanglers.com/lake-taneycomo/files/2012/01/behind-the-scenes.jpg" alt="" width="500" height="302" />
  13. Not sure what you mean. What's changed on your end so that you can't post images?
  14. Wow- that is high.
  15. I understand 90% of the traffic is on the forum... no problem. But it is my attempt to add to the information the forum provides. The site provides a hard base of facts and live links to current conditions as well as current reports. The forum provides live reports of all kinds as well as other perspectives, relavent and not, to fishing. The site now offers the ability to comment on posts and articles which is new, and makes the site interactive. One concern is the sign-in offer -- I'm not sure if people will take the time to join livefyre or even want to to make a comment. Might have to change services...
  16. I got it linked on the Taneycomo site. Should work now.
  17. Right now I am working on several new waters and I'll get back on them probably next week after we get all the issues we're having with the startup and server move taken care of. Pomme De Terr is on my list. It will take several weeks though.
  18. About what are shuttle rates?
  19. What does everyone think? New news and reports appear on the index page of each water or site. If you go to http://www.ozarkanglers.com/table-rock/ the latest report or article is at the top linked to the full story. Overview is the home page for the site. I tried to add all the information I could think of for those who wanted to make this their home page and links to vital information to other sites. All the content is original, no copy and pasting except for a couple of pages but I provide references (Table Rock history is one I can think of). I've tried to take all the information I could gather of the lakes and rivers and put it in one place... a go-to-all site. If ANYONE has any suggestions or something I've missed, got wrong or can add to, please let me know. I really want OA to be THE site to go to for fishing information in the Ozarks. Thanks!
  20. I need some humor injected into this today.... my head is spinning. Redoing all the ads now.
  21. I am still dealing with issues on the forum We moved the newly redone ozarkanglers.com site to a new server - actually the website people who helped me do the new oa, it's on their server. It was better not to move it so we separated the forum and the main site, thus the change from http://ozarkanglers.com/forums to http://forums.ozarkanglers.com Well I'm finding out that all the images and links to the old ozarkanglers.com/whatever are broken referenced on the forum. They powers-that-be are working on an solution. The banner ad at the top of the forum I just found out- my contract was not renewed (my fault) and they will go away. I have been told that google ads would pay me more $$$ and I have started to add them BUT to my displeasure, when I added the first ad at the top of the forum, BRANSON SINGLES came up. UHHHGGG!!! Websites are a PAIN!!! Not the people on them - you guys are great!
  22. Clear your cookies on your browser.
  23. Seeing deformities in stocked rainbows isn't unusual for Taney... we don't see many but we do see them.
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