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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. Today's fishing was tougher. We didn't get to the dam till 8 am and only caught a handful on a couple of drifts. Took the kiddos out this afternoon and still slow for us. They did catch some nice rainbows- started below Cooper and drifted just past Monkey Island with white/orange Gulp eggs. Babler did real well though- fished most of the day and they caught alot more rainbows.
  2. A member here on the forum can't log in on the forum, even after Dan and I both could using his user name and pw. He's even re registered and still can't get in. Any ideas? IE and Firefox
  3. Thanks Tito. Well put. Fish do more damage making a net to spawn than being drug on rocks... and the video showed the trout barely out of the water. The comment complaining about it was close to saying "don't even fish!" Hooks, even barbless, cause more trouble for fish than what this trout experienced. Comments like these are why alot of people don't post on forums. They don't want to be taken to task by something they may doing wrong. Thank you for posting the link to your video and for taking the video.
  4. Sorry- late this week. And had a terrible time getting this online. I've been using Switch to convert the WMA to MP3 and it did not want to work. Said the WMA file was corrupt or something. Looked for another converter program.... on and on. Created this mp4 file and I hope it works for everyone. I would have put it on youtube but it's too long. http://ozarkanglers.com/podcast/4-2.mp4
  5. http://lilleystacklestore.com/xcart/product.php?productid=16939&cat=0&page=1 - ONE PAIR http://lilleystacklestore.com/xcart/product.php?productid=16940&cat=0&page=1 - TWO PAIR It should come up with the right price, no tax, no shipping.
  6. I thought about that. I'll have to see if I can set it up there. Problem is possibly setting the shipping rate correctly. I don't want to charge too much. I'll work on it later today (hopefully). I'm grilling/smoking for the whole extended family tonight. Gotta go to the store!
  7. Depends on how much rain...
  8. That's the email that didn't work. I'll call the number. I'm afraid that if the email on his site isn't working, something might have happened to him.
  9. Have to add my phish to the thread. Not as long as some of the rainbows above but will hold it's weight in a fight. This guy headed upstream like a train- thought I may run out of line which doesn't enter my head very often. Hooked him on a white jig at the boat ramp. Not a bite till then though. Caught another chunk of a rainbow on the next pass and that was about it. They just weren't in the mood.
  10. Oh... I did put my home phone on the forum... WHAT WAS I THINKING!!
  11. Jigs- drop to the bottom and hop them. Carp- when you smoke them, the meat falls apart is sections and you can pick the bones out easy. No issues. Last time I soaked the carp in brine and it tasted like pork.
  12. Anyone heard of this guy. http://www.arkansasnaturephotography.com I tried the email on the site and it bounced.
  13. Wonder if there's a parking lot up on the hill.
  14. I'll check. It was out last evening so it could be water but thanks for pointing it out.
  15. I got mine on google images.... I stole it.
  16. When Babler leaves and I go out.
  17. Only when I know Babler is out fishing.
  18. Catch and Release Certificates issued by Branson Trout Unlimited. You get a pin too. They are given out to all those who catch and release a trout 20 inches or longer. If you qualify for one, send your name, address and details about the trout to me and we'll mail one out to you.
  19. Fishing is awfully good for you guys to be kicking each other around... again. And for the most part it's the same old crowd too, I might add. You're not going to change minds here - especially the way you all go about it... and especially each others. Sorry Trav, you should have jumped in while you had a chance.
  20. Ozark Anglers
  21. Here they are. 3-inches in diameter. Vinyl so they should peel off easy if you need to remove them. Cost will be $3 for 2 stickers with postage, $5 for 2 sets. More - 75 cents each. Payment - check mailed to the resort, or best yet, paypal. Payment to lilley@lilleyslanding.com I would take cc# but really have no where to call it in. Our resort's phone is ringing off the wall during the day with guests and I can't tie it up with this deal. Don't want to give out our home phone- my wife would not appreciate it and I can't do it on my cell. You can pick them up at the resort office for $1 each... no tax... we'll take care of that. Thanks for the idea. Hope it will work like you want it to.
  22. I'll let speak to this... he had a pretty good trip this morning.
  23. The title says it all.... report coming.
  24. Last night, from about 6:45 till dark, we fished above the tin whistles for whites. Caught a few but not as much action as previous evenings. Water temp was in the mid to upper 50's and I think alot of the whites have moved upstream to spawn. Did catch this buffalo carp- took a white jig. Jimmy had a great time getting it in on 4 pound test. Fought real hard. Going to try smoking it today. It's fun fishing up there and listening to the town's people on the bank talk. It's like community time, talking about what everyone's doing... and not doing. It's quite a celebration on Beaver Creek's bank during white bass season. They haven't had a good season in quite a few years because of weather and high water.
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