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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. They will only open the dam to the north (or the auxillery) dam if Beaver Dam breaks. Now this is new news, for me anyhow. I've been miffed at the Corp why they've kept Beaver Lake's level right at the top of the flood gate or flood pool. As some are saying, the waves are lapping over the top of the flood gates. Now I understand. Beaver is the first in the chain of lakes. They are letting just enough water out of Beaver to keep the level where it is. It's acting as a spillway essentially. They will do the same thing with Table Rock. This revelation came as a news article in a paper tonight. They won't let any more water out of Table Rock UNTIL it's level reaches 931 or the top of the flood gate. Then they will let out enough water so as to not let the water spill over the top of the gates. Again- the floods gates will act as a spillway. The water they will let through will match the water running into Table Rock. That's why they have no idea how much or how high it will go.
  2. Yes it would be in the parking lot and shelter I would think. We're pulling boats out because our dock is the only thing that will be affected by this event. I have no idea what higher and faster water will do to our dock so why take the chance? We won't be letting any boats out anyhow thru this. You're in a completely different situation down there. Your water level won't rise much at all. Thanks Don.
  3. The powers that be in Taney County met with the Corp this afternoon. The Corp advised that IF the current predictions of 4-6 inches of additional rain occur tomorrow night and Thursday, they will open the flood gates at Table Rock Dam further. Worse case scenario is an unknown as far as exact water levels. Western Taney County Fire personnel came by this evening and met with us and gave us the news. He gave us the following details: Presently releasing 20,000 cfs. Lake level at the dam is 713.1 and 702.2 at Powersite Dam (lower lake). In 1961, the Corp released 30,000 cfs, the most ever released from TRD. That raised the level of the tailwater to 717.0- an increase of 4 feet. Worse case at this point, it is reported, is set at 60,000 cfs. They are guessing that could mean 10 feet more water or 727 feet, but that's only a guess. What that level would be here is questionable. Ten feet more water would not get into any of our units but barely. We know that water will spread out before it gets here. Not sure what it would do to our dock. We are going to start pulling our boats out first thing in the morning. The Corp doesn't do anything in related to a prediction. They won't release more water today in anticiaption of rain tomorrow. When it happens, they will release water. There will be no warning. We have had all the warning we're going to get. Some residents on the Hollister side, uplake, have already evacuated including a gal that works for us. What this does to Bull Shoals- it's your guess. I've been saying for a week now that something is going to have to happen down there. There's just too much water and more is coming. If I had a place below BSD I'd be making preparations tomorrow!! To our guests who have reservations... we will not hold anyone to deposits or penalties for cancellation but I wouldn't act too quickly. We've all seen these rains pass us by untouched. But it's up to you. Pray for us and all other affected by this event. It's all just "stuff" unless someone really gets hurt. And please don't ask what it will do to the fishing... The trout will be fine. They won't get washed away. Probably will find lots more to eat out of all this. I'm sure it'll be good but I don't think you'll see us fishing too much IF IT HAPPENS AT ALL.
  4. Goggleye bite in June on grubs- great to put clients on when bass are slow and good to eat. Buster will kill me if he finds out I gave up his spot... but I did it last year too so... there.
  5. No I didn't. Send them again please.
  6. The Corp must have a direct line to God or a great meteorologist because what if Norfork's watershed get another rain like the one 3 weeks ago or even a fraction of it? What if they get so much water they can't control the flow? I would think holding that small of margin would be playing russian roulette with the properties below the dam, wouldn't it? They're doing the same with Beaver Lake. Will they do the same with Bull Shoals too?
  7. Spoken by a true bass fisherman. It's stained but clearing. It really is a great color to fish right now.
  8. They watch Swan closely mainly because Buck lives just over the hill, our Taney agent. That's why Jeremy double checked before keeping a few walleye the other day- to make sure he was legal. On keeping walleye when there's whites... well I think walleye taste alittle better than whites but there's alot of people who will swear they are 100 times better so you may have an argument on your hands. Up until a couple of decades ago, white bass were considered trash fish in neighboring states and were thrown on the banks when caught. My how taste buds change!!
  9. Docks I'd say. LOZ is a big dock lake.
  10. Oh you're on our goggleye banks!!
  11. Better enjoy it while you can. Water level on BS is rising 12 per day with 8 feet left in the flood pool. Plus with rains today and Thursday, it will push it to the limit quicker. I wonder how close the Corp will let the level get to the top before releasing?
  12. Mike- have you lost your mind!!!! Al, bowlers bowl every week, most twice a week- every week. Most anglers fish, what, 2-3 times a year? I'd say a good percentage of our guests, esp in the summer, only fishing once a year and that's when they're here.
  13. Lots of choices this afternoon. Table Rock Dam area and looking for whites in the back of coves, ie denjac's report this morning; great report from Beaver Creek but putting a boat in and the extra 20 minutes on the road... or Swan Creek where we felt like we had the best chance to catch some whites IF we could put in. Not sure if I can give the directions to the place where we did put in but it was the road that's flooded that runs along the creek from Shadow Rock Motel- from the other direction. You get there by going up the hill at Shadow Rock thru the housing addition. Not the easiest but it worked. No one else used it tonight. Ran up past the bridge plus another 1/2 mile. Lots of debry in the water on the way up. There's a road upstream- that's where the creek met the lake and the current started. Gin clear water. Saw quite a few species of fish in the water when we got up there. Shad, buffalo, walleye, whites... At 6:30 pm the sun was still up and the whites weren't cooperating. Wasn't till closer to 7 did they start chasing our baits. We caught whites from the bluff on the left down for about 100 yards, alot of them on the shallow side close or in the brush. Best lure was Jeremy's rebel- blue with an orange belly- he can tell you what size. Also did well on a 1/8th oz purple jig (Vince) and swimming minnows - smoke, purple and motor oil. Ended up with 50 plus between the 5 of us. Mostly small males with a few sows up to 2.5 pounds and yes we did release probably half of what we could tell were females with eggs. Vince is cleaning them so I can't say how many had eggs but if I were to guess alot of them were females that were spawned out. We saw them circling all thru the area. One boat on the way out was about 300 yards above the bridge. I asked them how goes it and they said very good. So there must be alot of whites all thru the creek, probably alot still staging, waiting to move up. There were people fishing from the road and catching fish. Not sure how to get there... get a map or ask in town. But it isn't the easiest place to cast- lots of trees and it's a steep bank. Jeremy with a keeper walleye (released) I think we had 4-5 "eyes" with 2 keepers. Saw some real big ones up there. One of the seed sows that's dropping her eggs as I type!!
  14. Met and got to know a gentleman this weekend at Al Crise's Fly Casting Clinic in Glen Rose, TX. Steve Hollensed is a CCI and a darn good one. He's also a fly fishing guide on Texoma and his speciality is stripers. He's the only fly fishing guide on Texoma and if you're thinking about going there for some striper fun, look Steve up. Here's his site - http://flywaterangling.com
  15. Are you sure - never? :) :)
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h6vSxR6UKFM Interesing on both fronts. I'm withholding judgement until more facts are in.
  17. Marsha and I decided to stop for the night here in Wagoner, OK on the way back from Glen Rose, TX and a weekend with Al and several other CCI's and his fly casting clinic. First let me say what a fantastic teacher Al is, as well as the other instructors at the event. But Al is the cream of the crop. He uses clear illustrations and language you can understand EXCEPT when he uses 12 official FFF casting terms in a row and then I'm lost. Just kidding. Second- I've been casting a rod since I was in JR High, casting an old glass rod in my front yard of the house on 22nd street in Parsons, KS. Totally self taught, I watched one of Lefty's videos about 8 years ago I think- otherwise I have no other fly casting influences. I'm alittle embarrased to even admit it, seeing the business I'm in and what I promote. But at 50 years old, I found myself in the advanced groups of casters not knowing why I was throwing tight loops. You know what the answer was? It was by accident. Why? I wasn't really doing it right. I knew when I would get tired in casting, my loops fell apart and I'd start getting tangled and knots. The more I tried to correct the problem, the worse it got because I tried to "think" about what I was doing. I needed to KNOW what I was doing before I could THINK about it and correct it- right? The other frustration I've had in trying to teach someone how to cast or correct their casting. Sure I'd do alittle for them. They could catch fish only because on Taney it's relatively easy to do, esp with a fly rod. But I wasn't giving them meaningful, lasting instruction. So I had a whole new part of the world opened up to me yesterday and today and I'm excited to see where it goes. If I persue getting my CCI, and I think I will, I don't want it to be just another knot in the 'ol belt. I've always like to educate people whether it's fishing or anything else. Knowing you're teaching someone the right way is a great thought and seeing them enjoy and grow in it is a joy. Thanks again, Al, for the opportunity and I look forward to working and fishing with you in the future.
  18. It would be great if everyone who is catching alot of nice whites, sows in particular, would release ONE sow with eggs as seed. Just think what that would do for the spawn. Not to say that fish would survive the next guy if she's caught. But we've discussed this with trout, walleye, smallmouth and now white bass in this water forum and others and there's always going to be differing opinions. Some are more passionate about it on both sides. What we all have to agree on is to nail the poachers who take all they can catch during the heat of the run and stick them in 3 freezers at home, letting half of them burn before they're eaten. PS- I know Jeremy and I bet you a $100 he and his dad did release a sow or two.
  19. Ahhh.... I didn't get what he said. Then he may have been hurrying to get the fish back in the water. May be this has a happy ending after all (for the trout too!).
  20. You might try the Indians west and north of the dam. Cow Creek across from point 5.
  21. The only way they open the new auxiliary flood gates is if Beaver Dam gives way. That's the reason it was built- so that the earthen dam at Table Rock would not be compromised if that happened. I should post this statement my forehead cause I've answered that question a hundred times in the last week. That's the buzz here in Branson... even on the local news channels. That got it all wrong. Just like CNN did a couple of weeks ago when they reported Branson was flooded. That costs motels and eateries here a ton of money and continues to even this week. Talked to a couple of motel and resort owners this week who were having to explain that we weren't flooded to callers. We're getting those calls to. Your post is correct, denjac. But the Corp will never admit there's a problem with Beaver Dam, but there is. Imagine if Beaver gave way, particularly right now when TR and BS are so full. If Beaver went, then Table Rock, it would certainly take Bull Shoals Dam too. It would flood half the states of Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi and Louisiana. And you think Katrina was bad...
  22. Rural Springfield... close to 2 trout parks, take 60 towards the NFOW and other fantastic trout streams; close to Crane Creek; central to Table Rock, Taneycomo and Bull Shoals to the south and Stockton, Pomme and Truman to the north. Jobs- better than outlying areas including Branson proper. Cost of living lower. Gas is definitely cheaper. Plus you may have Beeson as a neighbor who will show you all the good fishing spots.
  23. Thom- don't see the link you're referring to. Watched it again a couple of times because I didn't get the impression she knew him the first time but I think you may be right. Was thinking about the whole video today and thought I'd post a different version of it but I'm not sure now, in the light it could be his wife, that it would be right. I thought maybe he was running up the hill to show someone in a vehicle, like his wife, the fish and then would run back to release it. That still could be plausible unless Thom is right and she posted what he says she posted. Anyhow- even if he did release it after running up the hill, he's still technically in violation cause it's supposed to be released immediately... but we don't do that while fishing from a boat- taking pics and all. REGARDLESS it's a great video to be viewed by the world on youtube... makes you think twice about posting videos on youtube cause somewhere, someplace on a forum in Kyrgyzstan, people may be talking about you.
  24. When flood gates are open, strange things happen below the dam. I'm sure they are fish that have made their way to the dam from down lake to see what the fuss is. I guess they recognize the nutrient value of scuds, just like trout do.
  25. Boated to the dam about 2 pm with Dave Gianini (rainbow) and made a few drifts between storms (literally). Had the whole place to ourselves the whole time. Saw one other boat on the way up. Same conditions- floods gates and turbines. 2 or 3 guys at outlet #2 and one guy at outlet #1. And the trout were hungry for white. Dave had tied on 2- 1/8th oz jigs- said he'd done well using the rig the day before. And he proved it by landing 3 rainbows before I boated one. I was using a rig with a #2 split shot and a white rabbit PMS and a red san juan. Broke the sj off on the first when when releasing it and didn't tie it back on the rest of the afternoon. We caught 2-3 trout on a slow drift and 6-9 on a good drift. Most were good drifts. Caught one brown, one rainbow pushing 17 inches (Dave) and several 16's. Most bellies were buldging. A few spit up scuds. Did matter where we drifted- middle or side, they were looking for white. Dave said they drifted white jigs from Monkey down thru the bridges and were doing as well there as at the dam. And the trout were good sized too.
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