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Phil Lilley

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Everything posted by Phil Lilley

  1. I would love to see the stats from Kansas and Oklahoma's smallmouth stockings. Any other data/studies to bolster Ned's case.
  2. Thank you, sir. Great report.
  3. http://sports.espn.go.com/outdoors/tournam...tory?id=3285242 Nevermind... I found it.
  4. Where was this one held?
  5. Glad you're here...
  6. Thanks for the pic...
  7. I got out today. Went downstream looking for whites and crappie- nothing. Lake temp - 41. Went up in Roark - 44 at the bridges. Good color water. Did catch a dozen rainbows in front of the single dock on the east bank across the channel and off the tree line. Jig and float- 5 feet deep, white jig or sculpin. Headed to the dam after a short break and tried white 1/8th oz jigs- caught 2 rainbows. Drifted on down to Andy's house and started there on the west side (shallow side) and drifted with spin gear a #10 gray scud 2 fly rig with a #4 split shot. Caught 8 on the first pass and 9 on the second. Half were smaller than 12 and half were 12-14 inches. Drifted on down to Short Creek and caught 6 more, again staying on the shallow side. But subed out on scud for a red san juan and caught half on it.
  8. Jsut received word that the Corp will very soon be shutting Bull Shoals down for the farmers on the lower White River and Bull Shoals will fill up like a bathtub. This is an annual occurance- nothing new. That's the way they designed BS- to hold alot of spring rain water.
  9. You should be able to. I did notice when I was helping Tim with his from photobucket- the first pic on your page is in a gallery. Click the images and then right click your mouse to get the image location. Or I think photobucket gives you the image link but in a couple of formats. You want the one with no tags. Not sure what they call it. If you still have trouble, email me the url to your account or gallery and I'll look at it. We'll get it.
  10. 20 pound trout? Pics please!!
  11. Kings River is a great river to float... you're fortunate to live close to it. Welcome.
  12. I would think the agency's mindset would be this: if it's not broke, don't fix it. Taneycomo, although narrow and heavily traveled, has not had any serious boating accidents in recent history. On the other hand, Table Rock and Lake of the Ozarks, on these lakes every season people are killed in boating accidents. Those lakes are where most if not all the patrolling needs to be done to try to enforce the laws on the books to try to lower the numbers of accidents. Taney has virtually zero accidents and no deaths due to boating accidents. Now- if that changes... yes they will try to fix it by making new rules. But until then, they won't change a thing.
  13. Quick look-through on their site and I didn't see anything... could you give us alittle more info???
  14. Hotspot called me almost 2 years ago and haven't heard anything since...
  15. Oh believe me- he had NO strength at all... not for a while. His game went to pot too.
  16. I did something stupid once... well may be twice. I was playing golf with some friends, one was my pastor at the time. I used to have a temper when playing most sports, including golf. Was having a bad day, missing short putts and shanking it on every other hole. One green, I missed a putt. Walked up to the ball and meant to backhand it with the putter towards my bag on the side of the green. Instead I caught it just right- nailed pastor right square in his left nut. Never seen anyone go to his knees so fast. He even said it left little dimple imprints. Oh yes I repented right on the spot- but we have a good laugh about it now. Learned a good lesson... always keep your pastor, and anything else of value, in front of you so you know where the ball is traveling to!!
  17. I agree there should be consequences but people/the media is relentless in crucifying people for mistakes, not giving any consideration of an apology or anything. He should be fined and punished but there has to be room for forgiveness and rehabilitation and ultimately respect for the guy for doing the right thing after the fact. History says that won't happen regardless of what he does. PLUS - the media also treats killing a bird, esp an eagle, with more zeal than people getting killed. There are so many injustices in this country, this world, that we, the people, the media, have become callas to it but when an eagle is senselessly killed, watch out!!!
  18. Using this technique with spinning gear is difficult. It's hard to put the weight exactly where you want it on every cast like you can with a fly rod. You pull out the exact amount of line to reach your spot and let it fly, hitting it every time. You can also hold a 10 ft fly rod high over the drift and lessen the line drag in the water, unlike a shorter spinning rod and mono line which sags too much, catching the water and pulling the weight and fly un naturally thru the drift. And casting this rig is much easier than a regular fly cast. Our clients in AK pick it up almost immediately and are very successful hooking fish. The technique is so successful at getting a fly to the bottom and keeping there longer and thus hooking more fish that it makes alot of fly caster jealous and they want to ban it. Others have different reason, some which I understand. But to ban a technique because it's too successful in hooking fish (fair) is ridiculous.
  19. Me too. But I feel sorry for this guy. Rome is destroying him on his show. The media is going to crucify him because of a freak accident- and I say freak accident because hitting a bird at 75 yards in the head is a freak accident by any standard, pro or not.
  20. Before you jump on the guy- how many times have any of you (anyone) done something stupid and the end results were or were not tragic. Everyone's done stupid stuff- in public and not. Don't be so quick to judge or it will come back and get you.... if it hasn't already.
  21. I fish for them in June off main and secondary points, pea gravel best, in 12-15 feet of water on the bottom using crickets. We catch really big ones- good fillets. Great fishing for kids. I'm sure they can be caught at different times a year but others will have to educate us on that!
  22. Welcome, sir. Glad to have you.
  23. I've explained it well enough, or should I say as far as I know at present. To be honest, I don't know what I'm going to do with the site membership. But I'll think of something.
  24. Water- high and fast. Won't slow down till Table Rock is back at 915. Roads are great here. I'm sure they are north of us too.
  25. I don't know why email works for some and not for others... heck I'm having trouble with firefox not opening things I know should work- try it in IE and it opens fine. Close firefox and reopen it and it works fine... for awhile. There are going to be glitches in the system... either here or on your end. I just wish I was smart enough to know how to fix them all- but I'm not. I have to rely on invision to fix it and it seems they can't 100%. So I'm sorry... we're doing the best we know how to.
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