Sunday, 9/24 I got to the Lake at 3:30 PM. They were generating with one unit on line so I fished below Outlet #3 where I could wade. I used a #10 Olive Wooley Booger and a #14 Gray Crackleback, both with sinking leader with no strikes. I quit at 5:00. I saw no fish caught.
Monday - 9/25 I started fishing at 9:45 with one unit still on line. I fished below outlet #3 and caught one 12 inch rainbow on a #16 yellow Crackleback. They stopped generating about 10:30 so I moved to the rebar hole and fished with the Crackleback and had no strikes. I tried #14 White and Pheasant Tail Soft Hackles above the rebar area with no strikes and quit at noon.
I started back fishing about 3:00 PM at the rebar hole with a yellow Crackleback and had no strikes. I tried the PT Soft Hackle above the rebar in the riffles with no strikes. I caught one 12 inch rainbow on a #14 White Soft Hackle before quitting at 5:30. The only strikes I had the whole day were the two fish I caught.
Tuesday - 9/26 all generation was off. I started fishing at 8:45 in the rebar area with the #14 White Soft Hackle and fished about an hour with no strikes. I moved below the gravel bar and fished awhile with a #10 Olive Wooley Booger with no luck. I switched to the #14 Yellow Crackleback with a sinking leader and caught a fat 13 inch rainbow. I had one other strike and thought it was improving, but I had no other strikes and quit at noon.
When I got back to the Lake at 2:30 PM there were two units on line. I tried to fish above outlet #1 with an Olive Wooley Booger, but fishing was so difficult I quit at 4:00 after many tangles and no strikes.
All in all, fishing was about as tough as I've ever seen it. I caught three fish and felt fortunate. I saw very few fish caught even at the outlets. The weather was perfect, however, and as usual the opportunity to stay at Lilley' and fish was most enjoyable.