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About tylerupton

  • Birthday 10/09/1987

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  • Location
    Republic, MO
  • Interests
    Computers, fishing, photography, amateur radio, astronomy, etc. Too many interests.

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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. What's a good weedless lure can cover water quickly from the banks?
  2. What color senko should I get? What's a safe bet?
  3. Message me if you've got one you're willing to sell I'm willing to pay up to $70 for one used. After that, I'd just go buy one new.
  4. Moved to Republic a few months back. Lived in northern China before that for 4.5 years. -30 winters. I've seen most of the fishing around here is meant for boats, so, I'm on the lookout for good bank fishing. Also got my amateur radio tech license since I've been back. And trying to find an entry level job into the IT field. Aiming for Linux/networking. Thinking about getting a Lew's Speed Spool, but that's a heck of a stupid investment for bank fishing maybe. But it is made of aluminum, so I'm guessing it'd last a long time. Yep. Also never tried walleye, musky, or trout. And I want to try fly fishing. Although it seems most of the lakes around here are for boats, you have an awesome assortment of fish around here I want to try. I grew up in southern Illinois. Not a great assortment and the water is brown there.
  5. I wanna catch a fish dangit. And I want a Speed Spool LFS.

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