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fish hunter

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Everything posted by fish hunter

  1. Here is my best scud pattern. Feel free to tweek & improve as you may. Many 30" fish have fallen victim to this tried and true pattern!!!!
  2. At 700,000 trout/year. 58,333 trout/mth 14,583 trout/wk ~2000 trout/day Seems like one could keep a few fish if they choose! Oh yah. ~31,818 fish/mile & ~336.5 trout/acre Thats just based on the #'s given. Something to put into perspective. Catchable trout stocked per year KOKANEES once roamed the waters of Taneycomo!!
  3. Ahhh. Taney glory days... Not that it is all bad now.
  4. "...Lake Taneycomo receives 700,000 catchable trout per year..." Straight from the MDC site! Hmmmm --700,000. www.mdc.mo.gov
  5. Butts, The tailwater is just about impossible to wade and very impractical to throw a fly. Rip rap full of line and other junk. Also, the current can get tricky with the H20 running. I always imagine being there throwing a big clouser or the like, but I just don't think it would work out. Maybe at the right spot at the right time? When it is on the fishing can be CRAZY. Crazy with people and crazy with fish. There is always room to fit in though. I Always fish there with spinning gear. Its a ton of fun in the spring b/c you never know what will be at the end of your line. A slab crappie, nice eye, a freight train hybrid, silver bullet, paddle fish, #10 buffalo, or maybe even a catfish. Generation helps considerably. Have had many good days there. Usually hit a few small cricks and tribs of Truman in search of Mr. Crappie also. The hardest aspect of the white bass run is deciding where to go. We spend a lot of time with the fly on the L. Sac and the James (looking for those 1st big females), but also give attention to one other trib of Stockton! Hit the pot hole, Beaver, and Swan as well. So many places in the area to run to its hard to pick only one. Haven't ventured to Caplinger or Theodosia yet but plan to. Sure there are many other spots to hit too, but throw mushrooms, turkey, and small jaws into the mix and I've got a big mess. Best fishes!!
  6. What about those close calls during spring white bass? Have seen some real whoppers. I can think of 1 river in particular.
  7. I completely agree. Absolutely love hitting the creeks in the spring CHASING the white bass around. Would really enjoy getting in on some of the striper/hybrid action. Usually hook into a few below Truman in the spring. What a battle!!
  8. Where in the Big Sky state?
  9. Heck yes I have!! Hard to beat sight fishing to a carp. As for the fight, better hang on!! That whole pound for pound saying.
  10. Anything by Duncan is up there on my list!
  11. The River Why---David James Duncan
  12. Fly Fisherman is pretty good. Usually has good info on all the attributes you speak of. The cover photos have been nice lately also!! Check it out b/f you subscribe. American Angler is good as well.
  13. What about the "boot and a scud" technique?
  14. If you haven't already you guys may want to give "The Earth is Enough" a read. Written by Harry Middleton.
  15. Heard of a few squatch sitings down there lately as well !!!
  16. FJ80-- Thanx for the refresher. I thought hypolimnion was the sensationion ones feets get at ~3 am while standing in Taney!!
  17. And maybe a surprise or 2.
  18. Waiting on the Dogwoods.
  19. Just watch your backcast!!
  20. Ohhh Crane Creek!!
  21. powerdive. Hear of a few showing up from time to time. A fellar landed a pig pushing 10lb about 3 years ago while night fishing!!
  22. Hey FJ80. Could you splain to me this hypolimnion business again?
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