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Everything posted by Alaskageek

  1. Sounds like a great day on the water!!! Thanks for the report Hunter. Will be heading over to Pomme from Colorado for our annual Family 4th of July trip and staying at our normal spot at Wheatland Park. So ready for a week of fishing, floating, swimming, drinking and fireworks. You happen to run across any white bass chasing bait?
  2. I'm no expert on Pomme or Truman, but Ranger and Oneshot have never steered me wrong over the past two years. They know their stuff and have helped put me and the family on fish every time we come over from CO spring, summer and fall. I've tried both standing timber and brush piles on Pomme, have done good on both, but tend to do better on brush piles (when I can find them, really need a finder that isn't as old as I am) especially in the summer when we come over for the 4th of July Turman Lake is a crappie factory for sure!!! Like oneshot said, lots and lots and lots of good structure. Haven't spent as much time on Truman in a boat, and when I have it has mainly been around the Fair Field area, but always seems to find some fish. The docks below the dam are one of my family's favorite spots. Fishing is almost always good enough to keep 3x 11 year olds and a 13 year old interested and fishing and will often light on fire where I don't even get to fish cause I'm unhooking and re-baiting everyone else. One piece of advice on the docks, it can get crowded at times. We normally try to get there around 2-3pm, a little ahead of the evening rush, so we can claim our spots. But even when it's crowded, everyone is really nice and all seem more then happy to try and make some room. Also a decent place to throw out a line or two for catfish, while you crappie fishing. Picked up several 3-7lb cats off those docks. Have never tried the actual "river" below the dam, but I've heard good things.
  3. So excited to get over it's been super rough trying to concentrate on working!!! Will be on the road in just over 48hrs. Will definitely chat you up and let you know when we are going to be on Pomme, chances are good that we'll be around on the Wheatland side come Sunday evening, as long as there isn't anything big wrong with the fishing boat. Last weather check seems to predict a nice evening on Sunday.
  4. Sorry Ranger520 to have left you out, you know your stuff too.... for the life of me I couldn't remember your handle. Thanks MoPanfisher....... when you say "upstream" what does that mean in a lake? Can't say I know much about how a river flows through a lake due to mostly being a River Rat up until this point, but I would imagine on Pomme things flow towards the dam? I have been hearing good things about LOZ lately, seems like pitching docks is producing, and there are no shortage of docks in LOZ. :-)
  5. I will also be coming over from Colorado for my Father/Son Turkey hunting/Fishing trip this weekend and staying for a week. Planning on fishing Pomme and Truman.... maybe some Table Rock. Been trying to keep up with this Forum as well as the Truman Lake and Table Rock ones. Seems like most of the post have been about Bass fishing, which seems to be doing ok, a little hit a miss but thats fishing. Haven't seen any good reports on White Bass, which sucks as if my research is right, they should BE spawning or have just finished spawning. Have seen some post were guys have had good days on crappie, but doesn't sound like the spawn is going strong yet, and the crappie seem to be in pre-spawn pattern, moving between 6 to 20 Fow and suspending 3-15 foot down. Water temps still seem a bit low, 50 - 55 degrees. Water clarity seems to be ok, a bit stained and changes daily depending on rain and dam runoff, location on the lake. Again, this is all based on "reading" and not at all on actual fishing. Hope some of the members that are lucky enough to actually be fishing, will jump on this one and give some current info about Crappie and White Bass (even some catfish would be appreciated). MOPanfisher is the man and I hoping he'll throw in his two cents worth! Hope to see you on the lake KC Steve, although I have never been over to the Lindley side, always seem to stick to the Wheatland/Lightfoot landing side of Pomme, but I'm hoping to be able to do more exploring since it's just my son and I and we will be in our fishing boat, not the big Slow (but fun) pontoon.
  6. Thanks for all the great info!!! Did some research on morels over the weekend so will be sure to keep an eye out. Sounds like the crappie should almost be jumping in the boat in either lake while we are there. My father must have been looking over us from above, as over the weekend I was able to make contact with a hunter in the Warsaw area who generously offered to take myself and my son out turkey hunting on his 700 acres and show us the ropes, maybe even get us a Tom or two. :-) Let's hear it for these great MO fishing and hunting forums, Colorado should take a page out of their book!!! The only other activity I want to take a shot at (and my son is begging for) is to go catfishing. We've caught a few cats on both Pomme and Truman, but always as incidental catch when fishing for other species, and nothing over about 2lbs. I've got (or I should say dad had, so now i have) some good catfish poles, line, hooks, and various weights up to 3lbs. I also found a stash of dip bait and sponges that looks like dad was mainly using when he went after cats, but have to say by the look of things cut bait is the way I'm leaning toward. What i don't really know is what kind of area to target for cat fish, on Pomme or anywhere else for that matter. I've done some quick research on it (been mostly researching turkey) and it seems that a good place to try for cats on Pomme is over by the dam, others say "any cove" will do. Yet others say look for sharp depth changes and muddy bottoms. Was wondering what you all would have to say on it.
  7. MOPanfisher......... that sounds like a dream day in the outdoors to me.... only problem is I wouldn't know what a morel mushroom looked like if I sat on it. Might have to add that to my research!! Learned long ago in the wilds of Alaska..... always mark a GPS way point for your transportation. (learned after getting stuck out an extra day when I got turned around hunting moose and couldn't find the canoe for awhile)
  8. Been looking at what maps I can find for Pomme and Turman, showing public lands, Corps land, and WMA land. Found a good Turkey hunting forum, based in MO that I've been getting info from. Not narrowed down as granular as this forum, but getting some info from hunters in the Hickory, Benton, St. Clair area. Always look forward to any info from you MOPanfisher, you've put me on the fish more than a few times. I am right that during that time frame the crappie should be about to spawn or spawning, right? Fish the shallows, right? Or should I stick to the standing timber and brush piles in 7-20 feet of water? You mention whites, will they be catchable that time of year? Same kind of jig trolling that I get them with in July? or something else? Thanks again for getting me all knowed up on all things MO!!!
  9. Howdy from CO everyone, Hope the MO winter has been kind to you all and you've been keeping your lines wet. I know this isn't a hunting forum, but I really respect the members of this forum and the advice they have given me over the past couple of years, helping me and the family make the most out of every trip we are able to take to Pomme or Truman. (although the Pomme forum seems to be much better than the Truman one) I'll try to keep it short and sweet. My oldest son is turning 13 in April, and I am planning a surprise father/son only trip over. We are hoping to hit some great crappie fishing as all the 7-8" dinks we caught the crap out of last summer/fall should be good eating size come April. (should be around the spawn, right?) I stumbled upon the fact that the Spring Turkey season will be going on while we are over there, which got me thinking about how great it would be take my son on his first actual hunt (something almost impossible over here in crowded CO), maybe not shooting, but at least hunting. Basically, I'm wondering where we could go, as well as what our chances would be to even see a turkey, let alone call one in for a possible shot. (bought my first box call and mouth call about a week ago, still working on sounding like a turkey) I've looked for public land around the Hickory and Benton county area, seems to mostly be around the lakes and rivers, but I have no idea if you can access those areas by truck or boat, or if they have any turkey in them, and have no way to scout them before we come over. I'm also hesitant about public land, as the experiences I've had here in CO are not good. Crowded and over hunted. Any advice you have would be music to my ears, even it it's "... wrong forum moron, try this one www. xxxxxxxxxxxxx.com"
  10. Coming over from Colorado this weekend, just me and my girl, none of the seven kids. So thats going to let me take out the fishing boat. Was thinking of maybe showing her sapps landing area. I've only ever fished it in the fall, is it worth checking out this time of year? With the high water?
  11. Best advice I can give would be to keep an eye on this forum. I found it last year just before my 4th of July trip over from CO and Ranger520vx and MOPanfisher really helped me get all 7 of my kids into some great White bass fishing on Pomme. I am heading over this weekend for the holiday, first time since my father passed away just after Christmas in Bolivar. Will make sure to post a report, but from what I'm reading and seeing, fishing's been rough. Water is way high. I hear it's coming down some, but fish are scattered and not really holding to any one pattern. Not gonna keep me from getting out in the Alaska Fishing Machine on Pomme and probably drowning a few minnows at the Truman lake dam docks too.
  12. No worries MOPanfisher..... We'll be coming over again..... ASAP! We didn't spend much time in camp.... thats for sure. If we weren't fishing we were taking turns tubing behind the jet ski with the pontoon boat anchored up in a swimming cove and when we wern't on the lake, we were up and the old man's place eating or sitting on the porch BSing!!! Thanks for the great tips!!! Look forward to picking you brain alot. Next trip over will most likley be in October and will be just me and my girl so will be fishing fishing and more fishing!
  13. Count another vote for the 254. They do up the tenderloin several different ways... all are good. Love the 254 burger as well! Biscuts and gravy is another favorite. It's a must go every time we come over. Portions are huge.... no matter what you get.... and prices are right. Can be a bit crowded if you hit it wrong.... but always worth the wait!!
  14. Howdy all!!! The trip was totally awesome!!! Sorry for not posting during, but I was purposely trying to stay off my computer and phone!! Fishing was great! Caught a ton of keeper 10-14” white bass both in the cove indicated by Ranger as well as in the cove directly south of the one indicated and got two just over the 18” mark. Picked up more thrower’s than I could count as well as a bunch of drum. Kept a few of those for jug fishing bait. Also picked up two nice 2lb cats Tried several different lures….. Rattletraps, flick a shads but the winner was defiantly the 1/16 and 1/8 white marabou jigs, again suggested by Ranger. I used some with the chartreuse body like the ones Ranger pictured, as well as some with straight white, both did great. We did a mixture of trolling the outside of coves in about 8-15 fow, and would keep an eye out for breakers deeper in the coves. When we would come across a cove on fire with breakers, we’d pull in and do some casting with jigs, as well as a couple just hanging off the edge of the boat, sitting at about 3 ft down. We fished mainly evenings and the biggest bite was always from about 7pm to dark, and at dark it would shut off! Some nights were better than others, but we caught fish every night. The water level really went up after the big rains on Saturday and Sunday and we found better luck going deep into the coves and working the flooded brush with the jigs on those two days, but by Monday things went back to troll…. Look for breakers, stop and cast for a few, then back to trolling and looking for breakers. It was a string of perfect fishing evenings, with enough action to keep three 9 year olds, an 11 year old, and a 13 year old fishing the whole time without becoming bored. We also tried some jug lines for catfish on two nights, in two different areas, but came up empty. I can surly say that without the help of everyone on this forum and especially Ranger… we would not have over 20lbs of white bass filets in our freezer! Thanks to all for your advice. Will be coming back over as soon as the I have the leave time and $$$ to do so!!!
  15. Amen Brother!!!!!! The Lady ain't happy.... ain't no one happy!!!
  16. The day is finally here!!! Will be on the road headed east to the promised land of Missouri by 2pm MST!! See you all tomorrow!!!!!!
  17. I sure will MOPanfisher.......My tent should be fine... was designed for winter camping in Alaska. My girls test is more of a Walmart special (kids are staying in it) so I"m gonna make sure to stake her down nice and tight, bringing an extra trap or three and as always keep an eye on the horizon. If it looks too bad, we can always escape up to the old man's place to wait it out, he's less than 5 minutes away! Will be sure to keep the coffee pot going (as usual) and will look for you.
  18. I've been watching the weather over there like a hawk..... hoping it's a little lighter than they are predicting for this weekend.... but I'm camping either way rain or shine... now lighting might move me to the car for a bit but....... a little liquid sunshine is not gonna stop this Alaskan from enjoying his time down on the lake... never has.... never will! We are staying for a full weeks so hopefully we will get what we normally do with a mix of great weather, good weather, and OK weather. Looking forward to meeting up with you Ranger. We will drive safe and I'll try to keep it under 85mph on the way over, but only because I'm with the family in the suburban pulling a jet ski.... If it was just me and my beautiful lady... we'd be cruising along at over 90 in my Dodge Charger!!!!! That will be this fall!!! See you all soon!!!
  19. MOPanfisher - We're gonna be in the WPAR loop, Site 21 of the wheatland campground. Tents should be setup by about noon on Fri the 1st. Will have cold beer and hot coffee...... Always!!!! We'll be camping at that spot until the 6th. Swing on by. :-) Ranger520vx - Finally did find some white maribou jigs that look close to what you pictured and picked up 1/2 dozen as I expect to loose a few. :-) T-Minus 3.5 days and we'll be on the road headed east!!! Gear is packed, expectations are bursting..... If i had the vacation time, I'd leave today!!! See you all on the water this weekend!!!!
  20. SheAngler - check out my thread 'Getting close to my MO Vacation' the folks here have done great in giving a nice recent fishing report.
  21. MOPanfisher - never heard that one.... but went out and bought me two yesterday and will keep one rigged up. I'm guessing a good time to throw it would be when they are feeding breaking the surface? Ranger - looked for some of those jigs, or something close but JAX didn't really have anything that would closely match. I'll keep looking... maybe sportsmans warehouse. If not i'm sure I can find them over there at the triangle or maybe the walmart in Boliver... worst case will have to make a run to Bass Pro in springfield.....twist my arm!!!! River Rat - Thanks for the heads up! I was planning on trying my hand at cast netting some shad to use for bait....it's been quite some time since i've thrown one but i'm hoping it comes back so we'll see. Pretty sure dads got a few buffalo in the freezer for bait as well. Was also thinking of running some jug lines, anchored. I've never done it before but it sounds like fun.... sorta like a fish trapline!! The old man has probably 30 or more jugs tied up that he hasn't been able to use since his health went downhill, so thinking it's time to blow the dust off them. Alaskageek MO camp should be setup this time next Friday come on by........Can't fricking wait....need some time on the water in a bad way!!!
  22. Thanks Ranger..... I'll have to look over the old man's plethora of tackle boxes..... willing to bet he's got a few... if not will pick some up for sure!!! Cgarym7.... Thanks for the info. Had been looking at Big Hollow cove for some possible catfishing, was thinking where it and Fugat cove kinda meet up with the main lake would be a good spot to try for cats, as each cove seems to have a little creek running out/in the back of it. Might be able to make it a two-fer and work the timber/brush piles for crappie with a catfish line or two out. Down to 7 days!!!!!! Sure wish I could figure out that whole time travel thing!!!!
  23. Awesome!!!! This is just what I was hoping for!! Ranger..... thanks for the great map. Had been looking at that cove on several sites and was planning to work it a bit on my trip and now will for sure. I've been reading up (when I have found time in between windows 10 installs here at work) trolling with jigs. Seems like 1/8 oz white jigs should be what I'm pulling this time of year, at least on a few of the rods in my spread. It also seems like there are tons of ways to get the jig down to where the fish are at. I have some experience with Jet Planers, as we've used them in Alaska when fishing for King and Silver salmon. Although the ones i have are not to fancy and show some wear, I think they should do the job I've also read about using a crankbait at the end of your main line and then tying a 16 -24" leader onto the last hook of the crankbait and then tying your jig to the end of that (spoon or tail optional) so was thinking of maybe trying that if the old man has some crankbaits laying around (which I'm sure he does) Any other simple setups I might want to try? Keep resting that shoulder and while this trip may be limited to just a coffee/beer BS session, when I come over in the fall we could hit the water together! :-) Cgarym7..... Sounds like you had a good day on the water!! Any size to them or the usual 7-10 inchers? Where you fishing anywhere near the wheatland campground/martin flats area? River Rat Randy..... Thats a nice mess of cat!!!! My oldest son (he's 11) is fixated on catfish. He likes fishing for crappie and white bass, but every fish he hooks he hopes it is a catfish. The biggest one he's pulled in so far was maybe 2.5lbs so I keep trying to hook him into something a little bigger. My catfish fishing method to this point has been from the shore, weight, hook with bait (usually a sponge bait or goldfish) and chuck it out as far as i can and let it sit till something comes along. I'm not really sure what to look for as far as terrian, current, or underwater structures to fish, hence my limited success in the cat fishing area. Know you don't want to give up your Pomme hot spot, but would really appreciate a general location on Pomme to try for cats (from boat or shore) as well as any rigging expertise you'd like to share. Any thoughts on fishing for cats morning vs. evening? Thank to all you for this great information and the time you've taken to share you knowledge with an up and coming warm water fisherman. Hope you're out enjoying the water!!! See you all in 8 days!!!!!!!!!! Jim
  24. T-Minus 9 days and counting until I'm on the road headed to Pomme for the 4th!! Spent all day fathers day getting all the gear cleaned up and ready to go!!! Have been checking here daily.... but don't see many updates on water level and fishing reports. Anyone been hitting Pomme for Crappie, White Bass or catfish recently???
  25. Thanks for the tip Walleyeguy. I'm checking them out now
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