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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. OK so I will speak to guiding in general and not fishing in particular. I guide waterfowl hunts and have for 23 years. There WILL be days that suck!! Embrace that part. However I have always said that outside of having good equipment, safety, and such PERSONALITY is a must. You have to have one. I learned years ago that customers wanted to be part of the whole experience. They wanted to know why I did what I did and as long as you are honest and up front about their opportunities then you should do fine. I never advertised this part but if I took folks and they did not EVER have a opportunity to shoot I would bring them back on me for a trip. Example they paid me out for two days of hunting and got a third day at another time free. They appreciated that and it normally turned into a 4th paid day. Lastly YOU HAVE TO ABSOLUTELY LOVE to see people enjoy themselves because if it is for the money then don't do it. Just my 02c
  2. Thanks
  3. Looking for a hydraulic steering system to install, any names or sites that have some for sale. Hoping to find a good, used system to save $$
  4. Where is it right now any idea what the depth is?
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