I've been with several guides/charters various places like catfishing on the Mississippi and fishing goliath grouper off of Florida and they're very fun, but I'm less looking for fun and more looking for the sense of accomplishment I get from doing something on my own.
Any idea WHY the places rent boats out on Norfork so late? Literally every other place I've rented a fishing boat will let you take it out sometime around sunrise because duh, that's when fisherman want to go fishing. It seems so obvious that if you rent fishing boats and want business, you should rent them out when the fishing is best? This completely baffles me, any idea what's going on down there?
One of the marinas I talked to told me that even though they open at 7, I can't take it out until 8 because they need to come in and "get it ready" and 8 is the earliest they can do that by, which I really don't understand what that means or what needs to be done for an hour to get a fishing boat ready. All the places I've checked down there seem to be the same, are the marina owners and their buddies taking out the boats at night/early morning then bringing them in to clean up and rent to suckers like me or what gives?
Thanks for the info either way. If that's just the way it is I guess I'll have to give up on Norfork for now.