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Everything posted by BFScott

  1. I’ll tell you the buzzbait that works best!!! The one you have the most confidence in!!!
  2. I remember a jack wackerman
  3. Wrench, he has two arms but only use of one. Polio wrecked the other, when he was young.
  4. Wrench, I throw it on 6’-6” G-Loomis 15# Big Game. So you remember Rod. So you know when you get you butt kicked buy a guy with use of one arm and electric reels You better stop and hear what he has to teach
  5. Hey Wrench, the buzzbait is a custom bait that I have made for 30 years. I was lucky enough to meet two men (John Brownsfield and Rod Oglesby) John passed years ago. Those two used to beat the pants off everyone. I was a young man with no clue. They took me under their wings and showed me what they were doing. They were making it then and it hasn’t changed much. Only the skirt, you can’t buy the ones we used to use. They showed me how to make the bait. Gave me all their stuff. I’ve never sold any. I’ve probably only gave a dozen or so away in 30 years. I figure it not mine to sell. I’ll pass it on to some young man one of theses days. That’s what they would want me to do.
  6. Friday— Pre fishing for Joe Bass on Saturday and Solo Pro on Sunday. Trying to improve on more places holding fish using the buzzbait only. Found 6 main lake spots that were holding fish that I was thinking that would reload with fish while they were roaming in fall transition. Saturday—- Fishing Joe Bass, finished 10th with 14.37lbs. Had the honor of fishing with my son. He’s in his senior year at Drury College playing basketball. He tossed a spinner bait all day and I threw the buzzbait. Fished from Bolivar Landing to Wheatland area. Just like in my last post. Visible targets covering water and lots of it. Sunday—- Fishing the Solo Pro, Finished 1st🎉 with 16.46lbs. Fished only the buzzbait all day. I cycled through the 6 places I found on Friday and some of the ones my son and I fished Saturday. Covering lots of water fast but fishing the bait slow.
  7. Every fish is a GREAT fish when you actually catch it!!
  8. It would of been funny as Sh$t if the fish would of came off in the water!!!
  9. Got’cha!! Then the answer would be main lake coves with cover. Stumps and lay downs The flats of these places. Fishwrench chime in 😙!! Fish love flats!!!!
  10. Conman, what do you consider main lake? My main lake and your main lake May differ.
  11. Same deal I’ve been doing. Buzzbait, visible cover, covering water. Daylight till noon. If something looks really good and you have that feeling there’s a fish there or ought to be there then I’m stopping to throw multiple cast. Even though I’m covering water I’m still fishing the bait slow. No big fish today. Had 16 keepers a few shorts.
  12. Hey Dutch!! I was on the pomme arm. Covering water and throwing to visible targets. I fish a homemade buzzbait,that I’ve made for 29 years and have won many tournaments on and it’s my bread and butter bait. If you have a chance to come over to Ol Tatter on a Friday,Saturday or Sunday sometime I would be happy to take you on a fishing trip. Just let me know if you’re ever interested. Might not be catch’n them on the ol buzzer but probably can find some to catch.
  13. Repot for Wednesday; Didn’t get gone as soon as I wanted. 🤷‍♂️ Had a few things to get done only fished till noon. Throwing a buzzbait the whole time. Caught 9 keepers , 1 about 4 1/2lbs 3 close to 3lbs the rest were just 14-15” fish a few shorts mixed in. Not bad for a few hours. No pictures, in a hurry to leave and forgot my phone.
  14. Hey thanks for the info. Live in Bolivar had about 20 drops here!! 😂
  15. Love fishing in the middle of the week!! Hope the rain doesn’t screw it up!! See there’s a bunch up around Ol Tatter!!
  16. Oh no!!! That sucks!!! Sorry about that Ranger!! Been there, done that!! Twice🤦‍♂️
  17. So today I went again chunk’in the ol buzzer just fishing visible cover. It wasn’t quite as good but not to bad. Had more just keepers but did get a few good bites.
  18. So I’m going to start this report off by saying....As you know if you’ve been reading my post I’ve been catching fish on the main lake and they were biting ex-e-lint-toe!!! Last tues was the last day I caught them. Their still there from what I see on the ol fish-o-matic!! But I think it’s turning into a timing thing. I like to keep moving trying to fire them up. Sitting in one spot with anchor lock on for 8 hrs in 100* weather waiting is not fun for me!! I was going to fish a tournament Saturday but with that in mind I decided to keep the 75bucks in my pocket. I went fun fishing with my favorite bait!! THE BUZZBAIT!!! And this happened!!
  19. Okie dokie!! Going to bed!! Give report tomorrow evening.
  20. Times all most up!! Going to bed😢
  21. 10:30pm times up. I’ll just go by myself.
  22. I’m inviting one person????
  23. Going with me??
  24. Going in the morning!! Interested???
  25. I think in one of my post someone asked to see what my graph looked like When I found bass. Well the last two pictures were out of this school. It’s amazing that you can only get four or five fish to bite out of a school this size!!
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