Wishing I was down there today, but some of us have to work! Just wondered how everyone did and what the crowds were like? Lets hear the stories and see some pics!
I would have to say that my top choices would be a Crackleback, Scuds, sowbugs, san juan worms, adams, and minijigs seem to be the best that I come across. Usually can't go wrong with any of those in the fly box.
Good luck to you and your father. Looks like the weather will be great for you. I know my father and I are going to make a trip down there mid march sometime. Already getting excited. Let us know how you do!
It is a big issue that is occuring daily at the lake. If you look at what it does to the trouts food supply you might think again. Like everyone has said before you are just getting rid of the trouts food supply. It is a stocked lake and we like to keep it in the same shape and form as it has been. It is known that the enviromental issues are going to take its toll everywhere, but why not try to preserve what we have. The pollution issue is a big issue to me as well, but I think the shuffling thing to start off with is something that could make a big difference in the way the lake is. Besides if you have to shuffle your feet just to catch a fish something is wrong. I would rather ask one of the nice fly fisherman that are down there what he or she suggests on catching a fish. Might as well just start fishing with bait then in the trophy area, essentially when you are shuffling that is what you are doing.
Congrats to you and your wife on the little one. My wife and I are expecting our first one Sept 4th! Very exciting time. My wife would be excited to hear you name Olivia, same name we have been thinking about as well! She is already 13 weeks into it and flying right by. Congrats again!
My Father and I are planning a trip down that way in March and probably will plan a little nighttime fishing. I have tried it once, but that was at my beggining fly fishing stage so didn't have much luck. I am ready now, so the fish better lookout! I am really looking forward to going at night in March sometime though. By the way, what are your guys favorite flies to use at night?
Thanks for all of your help guys. I can't wait to try and hook this up next time I make it down that way. Now, what are your guys favorite fly setup using this method? Do you usually use a dry and then drop a nymph below it or what? Just seeing what the best setup for this type of method would be?
WOW, that would be a shame. I have been in that area, but have never fished there. I can't imagine them doing that, but nothing surprises me anymore. I would hate to see that though!
Just curious if anyone has seen any shad this year? I am guessing that the temps were not cold enough this year to have any real big killoffs? Anyone have any guesses?
My Father and I are going to be making a trip down to Branson mid-march sometime and was wondering what the closest campgrounds are? I know the KOA there and there is one right down the road at Table Rock. That was the closest I could find campground wise. Not sure if we are going to camp, camp in the truck, get a cheap motel? Just know we are ready to get down there again and catch some fish. Hope to maybe meet up with some of you.
I had a similar situation happen with a gull. I was fishing a Zara-Spook to surfacing white bass and wipers at a lake in KS. The zara-spook was running along fine and waiting for a bass to explode on it, here comes a gull dive-bombing it. Well ended up taking off with it and luckily I was using my big baitcasting rod and he was flying......I was a yanking while the line was zipping out. Luckily he couldn't handle me and it finally came off of him and I got it back. Nothing wrong with it except a little bit of bend in the hook. One of the most crazy moments on the water I have ever had!
1. ?
2. Looks like somesort of mysis shrimp?
3. I know it's some kind of caddis
4. Maybe an earthworm or bloodworm?
5. Neat fly, but not sure what it is?
Go in the middle of a march thunderstorm that will get you plenty of room for yourself! No seriously, I think usually midweek is the best time to go down there. It's hit or miss to me, but I would probably avoid weekends unless that is your only time available. Seems midweek has always been the best times for me and earlier in the morning seems to be less crowded.
Just looking this morning Brian and looks as if we just hit the 500 member mark. Great to see so many people finally hearing word of such a great place for information about everything. Keep up the great work and lets see how quick we can jump up to 1000 members!
Thanks for the tip Dano. I have heard of people using it quite often, but have never tried it myself. Going to have to try it next time I make an outing.
Wow, that would be pretty interesting if they did sleep in that tent this weekend. I could think of better places to stay in the winter time, even though I have been guilty of sleeping in a tent in the middle of winter! Okay, I had to, it was Boy Scouts!