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Everything posted by gonefishin
I am about an hour from Bennet so I fish there in the summer. Like you I spend most of my time at Taney in the fall/winter. Maybe we will see each other on the stream sometime.
I think it is great that there were a lot of posts on this subject and I think it is great Phil has set up this forum that gives us all place to discuss these items. I for one was never mad at anytime or at anyone. To me a discussion is a lot like a ball game, if there is no opposing team then it isn't much of a ball game. My wife and I were down at Bennet last summer. I was fishing on a bend in the river, to my right and somewhat around the bend there was this really nice flyfisherperson (being politically correct) who had a great casting form. To make a long story short my wife thought I was looking over my shoulder to much. I had a really hard time convincing her (my wife) that I was just watching my backcast.
lilly: I had not read your blog when I made that post where I used the term holierthanthou. I certainly did not mean to offend you or anyone on the site. I did not use the word as a slur or with any religious thoughts at all. In hindsight there are words that would have been a better choice. Again if I upset you please accept my apology. gonefishin
js: Nah, I'm not worked up. Just chattering about a subject that doesnt want to go away. Sorry if I offended anyone. Ferrets (Errrr Mink....sorry Phil) are more fun to talk about. Personally if I want a trout to eat I want a smaller one... the big ones aren't as tasty. And to be honest Walleye or Crappie are better. If someone wants to talk to me about a subject I am open and willing but when someone starts harassing me for not agreeing with their view and for doing something that is legal and within my rights I stand my ground. Fox said something I agree with. The mortality rate is to high to ethically practice catch and release. That is my opinion but, I keep my opinion to myself. If someone wants to practice catch and realease it is fine by me because it is legal and it is in their right to do so. Especially so as it is part of our fishing culture and the MDC stocks enough fish to offset the loss. Eventhough it is kind of a shame to think of all those big fish dying and going to waste. I did see three Eagles the last time I was there so I reckon the dead fish are serving a purpose. As to Ferrets or Mink I think probably the best way to cook one is to nail it to a board , cook it at 350 degs, baste it liberally with Chevas until the board is totally saturated..then throw away the Mink/Ferret and eat the board.
Fox: Very well said. I couldn't agree more. I have been fishing for over 40 years with all kinds of equipment from Fly Rod to Bait Caster. I fish because I enjoy fishing not because I want to lord it over others. Again....Great Response.
Howdy Dano: I liked your intro. I like you really enjoy the forum and havent met anyone I wouldn't share a stream with. I havent been on here long but am enjoying the chat with people.
BB: Mind if I PM you?
I agree poaching isn't right if it is done intentionally. I think however the point porochi was trying to make is unless someone physically handles and measures the fish how do they know it is a 13 incher. I think he is complaining about the same one I complained about. It is the attitude that if someone keeps a fish they are immediatly suspect of breaking the law and then someone jumps them. If someone does jump them and it turns out they were wrong and the fish is legal. do they back off, no. They start lecturing about them being trout killers. I agree with porochi, if a person is that worried about it they probably shouldn't be fishing in the first place. The point that has been repeatedly made is it is legal and it is my right to keep a legal fish if I decide to and no one should harass me about it. I personally know a guy who fishes nearly every day..he is a catch and relese fisherman exclusevly yet he kills nearly every fish he catches. He uses treble hooks and one of those old plastic hook dislodgers to remove the hook from the fish. Every fish he releases is a bleeding floater. But hey, he is a catch and release fisherman.....obviously a better sportsman and on a higher moal ground than me, after all I am a trout killer who keeps a fish to eat once in a while. No, I have never called the law on him because the law doesn't say he can't use treble hooks and an old plastic dislodger to remove the hooks from his fish. So here is a guy who kills hundereds of trout (some very large) every year who is on a higher moral ground than someone who keeps a fish once in a while to eat simply because he is a catch and release fisherman. I am sorry but I simply don't agree with the holierthanthou attitude some people have.
Amen to that. I wish there was more public bank access. I have RA so it is kind of hard for me to get around in a boat unless it is really stabil and there aren't that many places with decent access from the bank. I don't own (read .. can't afford) a big boat so I try to find places I can fish from bank. I have tried some of the docks and sometimes a person can fish from them but most of the time they are full up. Makes it kind of rough.
How big were the crappie? Any good sized ones?
j: Hello and how are you? Like you I am a part time trout fisherman. Heck come to think of it I am a part time just about anything fisherman. If it swims and can be caught on hook and line I either have or probably will fish for it. I fish for trout mostly in the winter. When spring comes I swithch to White Bass and Walleye then Crappie and Bluegill then Bass and Cats...........and so on until it is winter time again and I find myself back to trout fishin. My favorite fish however is big Bluegill or preferably Redear. They are a blast to catch on fly rod or ultra light. Hope you find something in the forum you enjoy.
Hello NoBarb. Hope you enjoy the forum. Where do you do most of your fishin?
I think this is a great idea. Most of the time I have been in agreement with the MDC and am proud of what has been accomplished here in MO. It would be nice to have a place to discuss the issues and know the discussion is being heard (in this case read) by the MDC. It would also be nice to have their imput on some of the issues discussed in this forum.
Jenny: Hello I have been to The Station a lot. I would guess your IRA is probably well funded by the purchases I have made there over the years. Are the catfish biting in the tailrace? Are they picking up any Walleye or Stripers?
Hi Grumpy. How ya doing. I lived in KY for a few years. I used to trout fish on a river on the KY/TN state line. I can't recall the name of it right now. There were a lot of rainbow in there but not a lot of big ones. I used to watch people fish for them on the lake. They were about all using heavy rigs and downriggers. I always figured there must be some really big trout in that lake. Speaking of big fish in TN there was a record Blue Cat caught while I lived there. Weighed 121 lbs if I recall correctly.
I lived in Ft Scott and Iola KS for several years. I used to fish the Neosho from Iola all the way down to Miami Ok. There is a lot of good fishing along that river. Would love to get over that way again. There on the west side of the dam where you are talking about, I have fished a lot for 'bills and cats. I have never fished for Whites there. Would love to tho.
Why did they drop off the stocking rate by more than half? Are the pay per day parks sucking up that many fish? I knew the stocking rate was way down, I didn't know it was that much. It is kind of agrevating when we pay more for licenses and stamps and get less fish for our bucks.
Say, don't I know you from another post/topic? Yep. I think you mentioned you were a Crappie Fisherman. I am too, when they are biting good. Did I mention that I like 'gills? Especially big Redear? Thanks for the tip. I will give Bull Creek a try. I have caught some Redear in the rock so I know there are some there. Let me know if you come across a good location. I will let you know if I come across a hot crappie spot.
A YANKEE??? I may have to suceed from this topic!! Heh heh. Just kidding. Welcome to the Ozarks and I will check out your Rock Reports. Let me know where the Redears are.
Do you pan fry or bake Ferret?
Where are all the panfish or panfishermen for that matter. Seems kinda quiet here. I am waiting for someone to tell me where in all the Ozarks is the best place to catch the big 'gills and Redear.
Lenord: Thanks for the reply. I really like to fish for trout but I love catching big gills or better yet Redear but as Redear dont like cold water, I doubt there are any in Taney. I have a boat. Just bought it this fall. Hopefully I will have it ready to go in the spring. I will give you a call sometime.
Knuck: My sentiments exactly. I have enjoied this 'spirited' conversation and it has been good to discuss the topic where people can express their opinion without anyone getting nasty about it however, it is time to move on. To that end I have already started another topic and am abandoning this one.
Bluegill are my favorite fish. I love catching them on a flyrod. I have heard several times that there are some really big 'gills in Taney. I have only caught one on a spnning out fit, and it wasn't very big. Where is a good place to catch some of the good gills people talk about?
Heh heh. Yes, spirited indeed. I have no issue with someone who doesnt want to keep the trout they have caught. It is their right. I dont like to be harassed becasue I want to keep a trout once in a while. Some people have the attitude that anyone who keeps a trout is killing the fishery when it is a well established fact that a certain amount of fish caught by a catch and release fishermen will also die. I get to go fishing about once per month. If I were to keep my limit everytime I go I would kill 48 fish per year. How many does a catch and release fisherman who catches hundreds or perhaps thousands of fish per year kill? Of course if nobody ever kept trout there would no longer be a need for the hatcheries and a very healthy industry for the state would die. I support a persons right to support catch and release. I also support a persons right to keep em if he/she wants. This is what keeps the industry and the fishery healthy. As far as extremisim goes; If it walks, quacks and looks like a duck, I assume it is a Duck unless shown otherwise.