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Everything posted by Masterbaiter399

  1. I want to post the flyer for our tournament on June 5th. If you have any questions let me know.
  2. Hahah yes there was a few guys who went out on a night we cancelled that beached a 20 foot skeeter on the sandbar just south of GW. They got pretty lucky. Could of been way way worst
  3. I will try to post on here. As it doesn't sound like anyone is to happy about it on here I post more regularly to our Facebook page.
  4. That's fine if folks think that way.. keep the pressure off the river. Lol It's not the best Fishing in the world but I've had some darn good 20-30 fish keeper days on that stretch of river. It's got some pretty good ones in it as well, if you know where to look.
  5. I don't think having a 10 boat weekly tournament is blowing anything up by any means. Move along and troll elsewhere bud.
  6. I am aware of that and appreciate the input brotha!
  7. I'm not sure of anyone that had any sort of prop damage in a tournament. We typically cancel for anything under 10 foot at the Arnold gauge
  8. Howdy all I am new to the forum here but wanted to let everyone know that we started this summer, a Tuesday night tournament out of Flamm City Access every Tuesday evening (river level permitting). Fishing is not the greatest, but we have an absolute blast and it's close to home for everyone in the STL area.We plan on doing a Saturday all day tournament in the spring with increased entry fees out of George Winter. Check out our Facebook page Lower Meramec Bass Club and let me know any questions you may have! Thanks.
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