well bill, i probably know every piece of off shore structure in that area, and there just is not the bass population that we used to have. in "yester" years, you could see fish everywhere on a paper graph. now, you can almost count on one hand all the fish you see all day on the electronics. i will be the first on to tell anyone that we are forcing the bass to become open water feeders. they never go to the bank or bottom, but just stay suspended following shad schools. pressure and lack of cover factor into this. but, another factor is all the sludge that is covering all the trees left and also the bottom of the lake. i believe that this brown sludge is having a negative affect on the crawdad population also. i noticed all year when loading the boat at night, it was seldom to see a crawdad on any boat ramp. you used to see crawdads all over a boat ramp at night. i will tell you that i caught only two or three big bass from big m on up this spring. but, i caught well over 100 of them from the kings down to the dam. in normal years, i will catch the majority of my big bass night fishing in the spring up here on the upper end, but not this year. all of my retired fishing buddies that live at emerald beach all had the same results as i have had. last year(2011), was a very good year on the upper end, but 2012 was just a big reversal. we caught small bass, but the big ones eluded us.