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Everything posted by JHuffman-STL

  1. Hem, well I'm still learnin and I'm always open to suggestions. Thanks so much for that! I'll get after them this summer....
  2. Hi, Bob. Thanks so much for posting this. I realize I'm a bit later than the post , just stumbled upon this but this is great info. Do you know what the time of year was for the marking on the maps? In other words, is this for spring, fall, year round? And any thoughts on the time of day these areas seem to hold the fish shown on the maps? Hard to imagine that the markings for topwater Kentucky's would be valid for a hot July day. Maybe thats spring just before the spawn? Would appreciate any insight you could provide on the maps. These are really great, just want to understand a bit more of the assumptions and how best to use this info. Thanks, John Huffman
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