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Everything posted by Conehead

  1. I'm here. Usually I only scout this forum a few months before my annual Jan-Feb. trip. This year (2010) we are vacationing in Branson the last week of April. Lived in Springfield for 4 years; I miss being close to taneycomo. PA is a 17 hour drive. Enjoy what you all have.
  2. Is it true? Door prizes = Genuine Arkansas fishing shirts (plaid shirts, no sleeves) Terry (arkie fly guy). I'll be down the end of January, and I'll be sure to stop in and see you, I may even give you some fishing advice. Seriously, I have never been in the shop, and do want to stop in. Sorry, I can't make it for the Christmas party Conehead
  3. difeld, There is a fly pattern data base. But when I type in PMS in the search window, it comes up "No results". After Phil's post, I saw the PMS pattern in the data base; It must have been there all the time, but I missed it (just like my kids used to do). (Duckydoty) Daune, Do you still have the same cell # as you did last January, if not PM me. (EDit: Duh, I just noticed your website, I got your number) A friend and I are flying into Branson on (Thursday) Jan 28 at 2:15 pm. We will fish Tanney on Thurs, Fri, and plan on hitting Roaring River over the weekend. My friend will fly back on Monday, Feb 1st at 2:00 pm. I'll run him to the airport in my waders, and then back to Tanney. I have business meetings Tuesday to Friday and will fish when the company offers any free time or do a little night fishing (tempatures permitting). I understand Lilly's is hosting a tournament on the 30th. We have not even thought about that yet (I'm guessing you would need a boat to be competive). Not sure I would want to rent a boat for Tanney high water since I am not all that familiar with the channels on the lake. The wife and I are vacationing in Branson the last week of April, perhaps dinner with you and the Mrs and a little fishing may be in order if you have not left for Alaska by then. Catch you in a few weeks. George
  4. Well, Thanks guys for your input. And Leonard, thanks for your help. Leonard I usually fish with Daune D. when I hit Tanney and he always speaks very highly of you. Thanks again. I did not mean to rock the boat of friendship. Both Brian and Leonard are in the "fishing buddy" group, but not sure they are fishing buddies. Fun post, hope to see some of you in Late January. George
  5. Hey friends, Making my annual trip to Branson at the end of January. (can't wait) I see a lot of talk about about PMS. I think it's a fly and not a state of mind. I have searched this forum and the web and cannot come up with the pattern. Anyone able to help me out?? George
  6. Good morning friends, Thnaks for having this prayer forum, I have just joined, but have hung around this site for a while. My wife and I and both turned fifty years old this past year. Yes that means more routine tests, including the dreaded colonoscopy. We both made light of such an invasive procedure. She took me several weeks ago (clean bill of health) and I took her last Thursday. We were both in a state of shock when the Doctor met with us afterward and told us Debbie has Colon Cancer. She did not have the usual symptoms of a cancerous tumor, but now we are glad that we decided to get the checkup. We saw a cancer specialist late Monday morning; again it is a miracle that we could get in to see him so quickly. We are not sure what stage the cancer is in. Only surgery will give us more information. My wife is scheduled for surgery on February 13. We are people of faith know that God is still in control no matter what the circumstance. We are trusting God for a touch on Debbie’s life and body. For those of you who are the praying kind, we value your prayers. I leave for Branson, MO tomorrow for business and have scheduled a few days fishing with Duckydoty, Uncletube, and possibly Arkieflyguy. Funny how I am not as excited as I was last week about leaving. On a side note: Debbie and I are amazed how quickly everything else in life that seemed so important can fall to the bottom of the list. Replacing that old dishwasher or planning that fishing trip has lost its appeal. When the doctor tells you that 90% of those with this type of cancer live for 9-10 years if all goes well, life changes. Suddenly 9-10 years seems like only hours. Unless you have had this kind of news it is hard to understand. No matter what the outcome of this situation, I will never look at life the same. Those of you who have experienced situations like this understand. Remember this; God is good all the time. Thanks again for your prayers, George AKA Conehead PS: Let me encourage you, never be too proud or frightened to get regular check-ups no matter how uncomfortable they may make you feel. We have a dear friend in Tennessee, who ignored all the symptoms of colon cancer and was diagnosed in stage four last spring, his prognosis is not very good. This is what prompted Debbie and I to get checked.
  7. I hope you guys can do it again. I plan on being there Thursday afternoon. Duckydoty, after reading the generation reports, I thought I might be wasting my time fishing Taney, but you have the magic touch. If Taney does not work out, I can always hit Roaring River. Good memories from that place. Let's see egg flies, zebra midges, (larger than usual) and, oh yeah, Hershey’s chocolate (for Mrs. Duckydoty). "Here's your candy Mrs. Doty. Can Ducky come out and play? Conehead George
  8. Thanks for the welcome guys, Dano, Yes the fishing is good in Central PA, But I love the white river system. Who am I kidding, I love fishing every and anywhere. Duckydoty, I'll bring my flashlight and a box of batteries. I should arrie in Branson early Thursday (1/25) afternoon, but then again I am flying through Chicago (last year I spent the night at the airport with thousands of others). Ducky, I plan on fishing Thursday-Monday (marathon) and possibly catch a few hours sleep as well. LostMyWife, Even my wife had a great laugh when I read her that thread. Glad your wife enjoys fishing more than you. AKFlyfisher, I was born and lived in Pittsburgh (Cheswick) until I was 37, moved to the midwest (MO) for five years and then lived in IL for a while. Now I live in Camp Hill and fish the Yellow Breeches, Little J, Penns Creek, and anywhere there is water. You got to make a trip back to Irwin sometime, and I'll take you fishing. Terry, What can I say, I hope you can free up some time at the end of the month, it would be great to fish with you, I'll even bring you some sleeves. We always get a kick out of your comments on the FTF. Dude you need to write a book. Gary, Thanks for the welcome, You all have some great water there. I used to live in Springfield (5 yrs) and understand the ice storms. saying prayers for you all You won't see me too often on this board, probably right before a trip to MO. It does feel good to be welcomed by "The Good OL Boys Network" George AKA Conehead
  9. I just joined the site today and have been reading a few past posts. This story and the evolution of the posts, especially when LMW jumps on, has to be the best of the web. This should win an award. I don't think I have ever laughed so hard, seen so many make comments, and then seen so many put their feet in their mouth. Thanks all, Conehead PS: Visiting Tanney at the end of Jan; I will be looking for the LMW hats.
  10. Terry AKA Arkie, Conehead from Fly Tying Forum, Now I know where you hang out How are you doing. I did the same thing to my right knee four years ago, had surgery, it's now fine. Did the same thing to my left knee in June 2006, had surgery in August. Have fished much but have moved slow. Hills and steps are a killer. the last knee took about 5-6 months and it was back to normal. I did not know you could tear the same knee twice. I guess thsat will teach you to live on a diet of beef jerky and swamp water. Hey Guy, I'm comming down to fish the hallowed waters of Taney on 1/25-28/07. Take care of that knee. and thanks, I always enjoyed your sense of humor Conehead
  11. Hello everyone, I just signed on, but have been using the site for info for about 4 years now. You all have helped me a lot. I am from Central PA and have been fly-fishing (big-time) for about 7 years. Before that I just played around with the fly rod. I still spin and bait fish once in a while. I lived in Springfield in the late 80's and early 90's. and fished Tanney at the boat docks. Catch my limit and go home. The wife and I have vacationed in Branson a few times (in the last 6 years) and I began to fly-fish it. I usually go to Branson once a year for business and usually fish for 3-4 days. I'm going to be there the end of January and can't wait to fish it again. I already have a few friends on this board (local guys) that I have met from another fly-tying site, The Flytying forum. I wish I could fish your great waters more than once or twice a year. You folks have a great fishery; take care of it. Greetings to Phil: (Always stop in the shop when I'm there, thanks for all the info) Greetings to Duckydoty: See you in a few weeks Greetings to ArkieFlyGuy: Find some sleeves for that shirt, it's cold out. Thanks to all, Conehead
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