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  1. saving that for later, thanks fishinwrench! You certainly got the drift of my original post - looking to put the boat in on a friday after work, motor up stream to a quiet camping / swimming / fishing hole, and then float back out sunday afternoon.
  2. Always good to see ya Al! And thanks to everyone for sharing so far, you're giving me lots to consider.
  3. @jdmidwest Good idea, going downstream to scout it out. I stumbled into an old thread on this forum where the venerable Al Agnew commented that the old timers used to run props up to Two Rivers, generally. That kind of helps me set some expectations. @trouty mouth A lot of the scanoe / motor canoe folks recommend a hydrofoil on the prop, and i'm genuinely curious about the performance, BUT, i car-top my rig, no trailer. So putting a big wing on an already awkward-to-carry 57lb outboard sounds like a Bad Time™. So I have the jet jon on my christmas list, we'll see if santa's workshop comes through 😉 And I probably agree with you about the mud motor being sketchy, mostly because of poor turning ability.
  4. Hello everyone! I have a square stern canoe with a small 5hp outboard. I know everyone runs jets these days, but i'm curious: How far up the river do you think i could go with the prop? My original goal was to get from Two Rivers to Bee Bluff for camping, but after some practice runs on the Lower Meramec, i have significant doubts. This rig is a lot of fun when there's enough water, I'm certainly hooked. But since the stern never really gets up on plane so much as plows through the water, i'm considering a predator 212 based longtail mud motor. My trip up the Meramec stopped when i got to a shallow part and couldn't pick the channel out any more, just inside Castlewood park and still several miles downstream from Eureka. It's awkward to have the boat draft DEEPER when it's WOT, which i think is the root of my concern for running a rig like this on the Current. Appreciate your thoughts!
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