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Steve Smith

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Everything posted by Steve Smith

  1. There are no restrictions outside the park other than standard MDC rules that apply everywhere
  2. I hate to say anything good about Tim, but he taught me something. If the fish start "midging" [dimpling the surface]tie on a parachute style dry fly. Color or style doesn't seem to matter or at least it doesn't too me. The first Monday of C&R, the fish started picking something off the surface during a shower late afternoon. I dropped a parachute adams with just enough floatant to float the hackle and let the body break the film. The rainbows were fighting each other over that fly.
  3. Everyone regardless of age has to have a Missouri trout tag to fish during the C&R season at RRSP. Chances are the youngster won't get checked, but better to be safe than sorry. I'd just stop at Wally World and pick one up
  4. It would be great to have you Ollie. Don't forget we will have lunch up by the hatchery
  5. I checked the river gauge and it said a rise of 1.30 feet. Water was over the low water bridge at the hatchery end and really dumping out of Dry Hollow last night. It will most likely be still high Friday as TRD shut generators off this morning so it should back up from the 86 bridge.
  6. I can tell you one thing for sure, those rocks are excellent at cutting tippets. I got mine cut twice last week, and it's hard too turn a good fish away from them.
  7. Looks like cold and dry Friday morning for the opener with lots of water. RR was flowing pretty heavy last night with a lot of water coming out of Dry Holler
  8. Geno; look for Tim's Fly shop post or stop by his shop for the best advice.
  9. It’s that time of year again. Regular trout season closes Monday October 31st and opening day for “Catch & Release” season opens Friday November 11th from 8AM till 4PM Friday through Monday. As has been our tradition in the past five years, Bob Garrison and I will sponsor Opening Day biscuit & gravy breakfast and noon hot dog feed. We will be cooking up biscuits and gravy at 7AM opening day morning at the last campsite in the “Fly Only Zone 2” near the Old Dam and Ball Park. In case of inclement weather [as happened last year], we will move to the sheltered picnic area on Hwy F. Then around noon, we will be grilling hot dogs for lunch up by the hatchery pool. We will move to the shelters at lunch too if needed. Donations are not required, but chips and condiments for lunch welcomed. Just look for a red Ford Escape with “O-GRAT1” tags. We’ll be looking forward to seeing everyone again for the opener. Freinds and families welcome and ignore Tim Homesley’s [TIMS FLYSHOP] rumor that we grind up roadkill for the sausage and dogs. Garrison just uses the hides for his hats that I hope he leaves at home this year.
  10. The steak house in Shell Knob is called Steak Inn. 417-858-6814. Darn good steaks cook over an open pit.
  11. Ran through the park at lunch. The campers are setting back up and no rain yet today. Lots of water still flowing through the lower end [coming out of Dry Holler]. The gage site says it's dropping but didn't look like any less flow to me than Monday. The old dam hole looked the same anyway - about six feet or more high. Right on about the upper end being fishable, but it's all murky. We got another inch last night
  12. I'll drop down there at lunch and let you know. Monday it was rolling pretty good and looked like they emptied the campground. I'd advise you to call Tim's fly shop, but he's closed today.
  13. A good part of the park is blocked or barricaded off, but I did take a few pictures. I sent them to Dano to post as our firewall blocks them outgoing. Mostly deadfall and trash. They have closed the bridge in front of the old lodge. Looks washed out at the west end, but hard to tell. I was told water flooded over the 112 bridge across Dry Hollow. A park guy said it looked like a ten foot wall of water. From the debris left from the high water, I'd say that would be pretty accurate. I can't really tell how much infrastructure damage there was as everything is closed. MDC has heavy equipment on site, and are doing a good job cleaning up. Doubt it will be open by this weekend.
  14. Cassville and Roaring River about flooded away, but not as bad as other areas of the Ozarks. I would consider Roaring River tough fishing at least through the weekend - if it can be fished at all. The park folks were clearing debris off the bridges yesterday so the roads would be passable. High water swept logs and trash onto the roadway and bridge closing off access to the hatchery area. I can’t speak to damage to the hatchery area, but there surely will be some issues. Some of the roadway is mud covered in Zone 1 from the rushing waters. The catch and release area doesn’t appear too bad. The campgrounds have a lot of debris swept around the campsites, but not as bad as I expected. The lower end of Zone 2 [Campground #3] has a lot of deadfall washed about, but doesn’t appear severely damaged. There is going to be a lot of cleanup required, and hopefully minimal infrastructure damage. Thought about pictures, but most of the effected areas are roped off.
  15. Tim showed me how to make tying on tippet rings a snap. Just put them on a safety pin and pin to your vest. And, yes, you can float small dry flys with them. Just grease them up
  16. Don't forget the traditional dry patterns. Cracklebacks, renegades, etc are often effective in the dead of winter.
  17. Everybody is welcome. Don't forget the dog feed will be up by the hatchery
  18. Time for the sixth annual C&R season opener biscuits & gravy feed in Roaring River State Park – just three weeks away on Friday November 12th @ 7AM sharp. As usual, we will be located at the last camping spot in the bottom campgrounds [end of Zone 2 near the old dam] off Hwy F. Just look for all the vehicles. Everybody is welcome and no need to bring anything except your appetite – and fishing gear of course. We always have plenty of food and fishing stories to tell. We’ll also have a hot dog feed at 12PM up by the hatchery pool at the head of the river. Hope to see everyone there If it rains, we will have both in the sheltered picnic area along Hwy F.
  19. Go to BPS and pick up a tub of Gulp leeches. Use them every year in Canada and they are just as effective as the real thing. Last longer and you don't have to fuss with keeping them alive.
  20. I mostly use the Loon Aquel since it stays a liquid in cold weather – Thanks to Tim. On CDC I use the dust as recommended. Albolene is great stuff in the summer, but turns to mud in the winter. For that matter so does Gink. Never tried Scotchguard or Watershed as there are times I want the fly to submerge. Several good ideas here
  21. has not set their status

  22. The park closes the second Monday in February, then reopens March 1st. Most of the good fish will be in the 12 to 18 inch range right now with a bunch smaller thrown in for entertainment. Look and fish deep for the hogs and yes - still some left. I broke off twice last Saturday on a dandy. Unfortunately, folks abuse the big ones too much and the don't last long. Bring some good sunglasses as the water is perfect for sight fishing right now. Suggest fishing high up the river in the hatchery area.
  23. The park is great right now - really good through the holidays. MODOT keeps the hill cleared and graveled when need be due to the weather. Most of the river is close to parking so you can get in the truck and warm up. Water is about normal to me and running real clear. There is also still a lot of nice fish to be caught and plenty of stockers to keep you entertained. See Tim [Tim's Fly Shop] for the best patterns to use right now. Best patterns for me have been San Juans and crackleback at times
  24. I broke the tip on the TFO 2WT Lefty Kreh Professional Series rod about two years ago. I dreaded to return it as I thought it would be weeks before I got it back. Finally decided to face the situation and send it in. I sent it UPS last Monday afternoon, and Thursday it was sitting on my front porch repaired. Four day turnaround on a rod that was broke due to my negligence is darn good service from those folks. NO doubt in my mind that TFO sells quality rods and stands behind their warranty.
  25. Wow. That's all can say about the changes. The site actually remembers me and allows me to move around without having to re-login every keystroke. And, RSS feed too. Impressive. Great job Phil
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