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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by MrsDucky

  1. May 19th
  2. We went down below the dam, since they weren't generating. We caught 3 nice ones that we kept, one really nice one in the slot (so we didn't keep it!), and one of the dinks that Terry missed! We caught 2 of them on a Leonard grey mink, and the others on brown San Juan worms. They were kind of slow, but just enough to keep us there for the afternoon! They really seemed to like anything that was lighter colored. We could not get them to go after green or brown wooly buggers, red midges or scuds. I couldn't even get them to bite on a roo bug! John did lose his chamois worm to a fish. The SJ does bring up an interesting question...If you are fishing with a buddy (or your wife) and you are out about 20 yards, with the fly box holding all the SJW, and your buddy (or wife) asks for one, and on your next backcast you wrap your line around your buddy's (or wife's) line, and leave the SJW you are using hooked on the last eyelet of your buddy's (or wife's) rod, is that good luck that now you don't have to walk back in to give your buddy (or wife) the box with the worms, or just bad casting?????? (As John is cleaning them, he found one with PowerBait in it's stomach. It reminded me that when we parked the car, by outlet 1, there was a hook with white PowerBait hanging from a tree behind the car, and when we arrived, there were a couple of people leaving with a stringer full of what LOOKED to be about 15" fish. I like to catch fish as much as the next person, but there are rules for a reason!)
  3. Maybe the earliest founding fathers who were voted down were right-there should be requirements for voting and holding office other than just be free, white, and over 21. Did you know that one city actually had it in their charter that if the mayor cannot serve, the Student Body President at the high school becomes mayor? He did a great job, and was very impressive, but still! Too many people feel that one person can't make a difference...and sadly, they are usually proven right! No, I do NOT think that there should be restrictions placed on voting due to color, status, wealth, or sex. I would like to ask people if they actually know the difference between a tax levy and a bond issue, or if they think the former is that actor from American Pie, and the latter is a baseball player's nightmare!
  4. I think it'll be fun! And, yes, there is more to life than fishing...there's football! GO, CHIEFS!!!!!!!!
  5. I just realized I have a great tying table, and haven't been using it! It has my sewing machine on it, but that will change VERY soon! I got it from my sister, who got it because some one was throwing it out. It has a revolving top, and the base is about 4" deep, which will be great! I can turn it slightly, attach my vise, and all the clippings will fall into the base! I will let ya'll know how this works out...if it doesn't you won't hear another word about it!
  6. These are what Tim at Tim's Fly Shop by Roaring River turned us onto that same weekend! I can't remember how much they were, but they really are great! (He also said Mr. Ducky needs to learn to tie knots, and when to NOT cut the line, but that's another story! )That was the first time I saw them, too.
  7. We won't be able to make it...Good luck, though!
  8. Glad to have you! Ask any question you want, and use any terminology you like...Terry will mess with it no matter what you say! Seriously, no one on here will harass you if you say something wrong...well, they will, but only in a good natured way! I am new to fly fishing, and I have learned people understand if you say, "that thing that you use to wrap the stuff on the hook" better than you would think! Have fun, and happy fishing!
  9. Welcome aboard, Chief! Dano's right...Terry? He ain't right!
  10. I just thought I would give an update on the prayer requests we have made. My dad ended up going through some testing, but they decided it was acid reflux at this time. There was some concern about some of his blood work, so they will keep an eye on it and him. He is doing fine, and still on track for his next trip to Africa! (If he would go fishing there, I would post more about it. Mostly, he works with the Watoto Children's Villages and takes really cool pictures of the animals!) My sister has been diagnosed with Crohn's Disease (which affects the digestive tract) and Grave's Disease (thyroid). Each of them has it's own set of possible treatments and side effects, so they are just playing wait and see with the symptoms. Both are treatable, and although not fun, at least she knows what she is dealing with! I am now looking for a teaching position. I believe that God led me to Granby for a reason, and he is going to lead me somewhere else now. "'I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord, 'plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.'" This was written to people in exile. If this verse encouraged them, it can only make me ecstatic! Thanks again for the prayers!
  11. Stupid question...how do I package these to send? Do I put them in individual little tubes/boxes, or just one big package and let you sort them out? (See, I have horrible images of JJ submitting pictures of his hands, covered with 100 flies, all stuck through at least 2 layers of skin, and blood dripping...no, wait...that would be me doing it! But still...) I would like to do them individually, just to avoid anything unfortunate happening, but I don't know what you expect! (I am smarter than a 5th grader, believe it or not!)
  12. Welcome, Heather! These people are great to help, and a lot of fun, too. As some one who grew up fishing, went away from it, and has come back, fly fishing is a fun new hobby! However, plunking is great fun, too! Welcome, and good luck with correcting ANYONE'S grammar! The more you say it right, the more Terry can mess it up! (He's actually an expert at that...he can also find hidden inferences, and make them up if they aren't there!)
  13. John's Boss is gonna provide Chips and 2 cases of soda , he said also 2 cases of beer but John is hesitant .
  14. I didn't get the camera out quickly enough, but my son was trying the strip strip strip pause, wiggle rod tip, strip scratch butt technique...with no luck! I just found out our neighbor renewed his TU membership because of the chapter...don't scare him off just yet, Dano! I tried the streamer again, and although I could still get them to follow, I just could not get them to actually bite! I wonder if it isn't too big, and that's what they don't like... I appreciate all the help!
  15. Well, the Ducky family went fishing yesterday, and the good news is we had fun! Much thanks to Tim, who hates to see a Possum Child without his own equipment, and gave us a GREAT deal. Devon was over the moon with his very own fly rod, which we complemented with an Altoids fly box with his own special assortment of flies. He had fun trying to figure out how it all works. Note to anyone who tries to teach a child to fly fish and reads this forum: If your spouse tells you to teach your child to strip, check and see who else might hear the conversation before saying "You unbutton your jacket like this!" Devon did not get too badly tangled, but he also didn't manage to land one. He did learn what it feels like to get a bite, and he fought a couple, trying to land one. He also spent some time building rock dams around the walkways in zone 1. John and I managed to decorate some fish with our flies. (If anyone finds the trout that stole my new one, make sure you scold it! Rotten thief fish!) We did land a few, but didn't bring any home. The ones we landed were too small, and the others were thieves! I will have John post a couple of pictures of Devon. I can't find the camera right now, and he knows exactly how to post them. The fish seemed to be biting on gnats, which were abundant! They also liked anything that had "wings" and was brown/tan. It was the first time I caught anything on my fly rod, and with my very own flies. I was very satisfied!
  16. Well, anything to raise some money for the new vise and reel I want! The only thing I'll be stripping is the line! The Women in Waders photo shoot will have to wait!
  17. By now, ya'll know I'm what my grandmother used to call "Scotch", which really means I'm too cheap to pay for something I can make myself! The vise I have (which I am already trying to talk John into upgrading) is a clamp type vise. I like it, but when I am trying to use a recipe off the computer, it is sideways for me to use and see the screen. I had a base for an apple corer/peeler that I thought would work, but it isn't tall enough. Does anyone have any suggestions? (I hope no one is offended by the term "Scotch." My grandmother traced our ancestry back to Scotland, Ireland, and England, so it does apply! And no, Terry and Leonard, it is NOT something you use in coffee!)
  18. It's actually a salmon fly, but I'm going to make it smaller (12) and not as bright, and I think it will work well. I'll try it out this weekend, and if it doesn't, I'll tie something else. I'm definitely in, though! Due by April 15th, still, JJ?
  19. I have had it, but my mother gets it every year...from the fire wood, from the dog, from looking out the window... The doctor told her that yes, it CAN travel in the bloodstream, but generally DOESN'T. She did have one case that did that. She kept getting new outbreaks in exotic and exciting locations of her body! They now just schedule her for a shot in mid-April, because by then she will have gotten it from somewhere! The Fels-Naptha soap is good for a lot of uses, and poison ivy is one. It is worth the money. Anything that can dry the area will help, but may cause damage to other skin, so don't go crazy with anything. Personally, I once mistook poison ivy for a fallen sassafras leaf. Now I don't pick up any leaves!
  20. Only to you Terry! The rest of us know what they mean, not just what they said!
  21. My son and I might be able to meet you on Friday afternoon, unless I take the day off. I am thinking about doing that, anyway...Hopefully, some of these other people will take the time off! Fishing is always better than working!
  22. Oh, my...where do I begin??? Maybe warm weather and you guys don't go well together...maybe we should only do this in the winter, when you have to keep your clothes ON! I can see it now... Appearing now, for one day only!!! Leonard the stripping skunk! Terry, King of the Jungle! And Mr. Ducky...sound the siren and watch the feathers fly! May 26 is Memorial Day weekend, I think. That could be good or bad for this...I'm good any time ya'll decide! However, if there is stripping involved, I'll be on the bank!
  23. I'm in, I'm in!!!! Ummmmmm...how does a poor man's spey sound on a 10? If you don't like it, PLEASE give me a suggestion! I won't be offended...probably thrilled if it's easier to tie! I'll even take suggestions on colors...I'm easy!
  24. So, basically, try something, and if it doesn't work, try something else? I can do that! I could watch the fish, and see them watching my hhok, and then turning around and going the other way. I figured I was doing something wrong with the line, but maybe they just caught sight of me, or they just didn't want that color. Fish are so picky! I was using a rabbit streamer, and they would watch and follow, but not bite. I tried a constant (or near constant) slow strip, and I tried to make it look more like Terry described the sculpin, but maybe that was not what the fish wanted. (I was nice and left out a bunch of comments I wanted to make...and I had to think carefully about how to word my comments! But still...Terry seems to know an awful lot about this stripping! And how the audience responds... Hmmmmmmm...does anyone see Terry and Leonard at the same time??? Or better yet, do you always see them at the same time??? And do their wives know about this hobby???)
  25. If you have a freezer in your garage, that's the one I'd use! Actually, I like the hot water idea better...it actually seems easier than "freezing until solid." As far as I'm concerned, my first pair of waders will NOT be felt soled, since I don't have a chest freezer! It didn't mention it, but what about putting them in plastic bags, to cut off oxygen? As I type this I see at least one serious problem with this idea...you MIGHT kill the didymo, however, the mold or mildew that would result would not be pleasant. What about aquarium algecides?
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