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Everything posted by taxidermist

  1. If rain does not pickup there will be a lot of other areas that will be wadable. Also dont forget the C&Rat Rim Shoals. As for trout a #6 eagle claw crappie hook Carolina rigged 1/4 oxz sinker Power bait in Sunrise has done well for us. Brown trout have been hitting 3 white Power bait eggs very well in the Wildcat shoals area.
  2. Maybe the oddest thing I have caught was on Norfork Out in the middle of the lake throwing huge Rooster tails for stripers and found a school of 2 pound smallmouth bass. Or the 5 pound largemouth bass across from Gastons on a rouge in Feb four years ago. Been catching several Walleye in the White River and even small yellow perch. While fishing for yellow perch and Northern Pike on the Regnitz River in Germany my buddy and I caught grass carp. Neither of us had seen grass carp before and they were hitting #5 Gold Blue Fox spinners. They did not taste worth a crap. Possibly the oddest thing to see in the water was on a night dive in Cozamel. I was swimming along and saw an huge yellow tang (these fish are oval shaped and blue with a yellow tang on the tail) then from out of the darkness came a huge and I mean huge Jew fish, it was gently easing toward the Yellow tang, I could hardly swim fast enough to keep up. The suddenly the Tang was gone, it was in the jew fishes mouth. I could see it trying to get out, the jew fish was huge and marked much like a smallmouth bass.
  3. Ozark Mountain Water System. will have a intake in East Sugarloaf near Diamond City and Min. flow for the White river below Bull Shoals dam is the reason. Water will go all the way to Leslie AR.
  4. A few weeks back at the Narrows there was a fellow with a 115 Merc jet and a Alum. boat doing wide open throttle up river on one generator. Another fisherman and I commented at the ramp the dude was lucky not to hit a rock. on the shoal. Would have been a bad deal had they found a chunk of mother earth. Our 48 has a ribbed floor and a dry storage up front. no long front deck. weights enough I cant turn the boat over by myself. It needs a bit of repair on the bottom its not been int he water since 2007, 1/3 what a new boat cost.
  5. Ar. taxidermist assoc, 2009 Best fish
  6. Crooked Creek Largemouth Bass
  7. 7 lb walleye
  8. 44lb striper from Norfork.
  9. There has been a lawsuit filed over the elk. If Arkansas does give them to MO. then the people incharge of the lawsuit has ask that all the elk be exterminated due to the fence damage. They have ask that instead of giving elk away to MO more tags be issued for Ar. residents. Since it is the Ar 1/8th% sales tax that currently supports the elk program. Remember too that the elk that were here 150 years ago were not Rocky Mountain Elk.
  10. Back when I duck hunted Bull Shoals I always took my fishing rod. Its amazing that largemouth will bust top waters int he middle of the decoys. We fish White River all winter long, wifes rules for her are 40F by 10am and sunny. Me I go everytime I get a chance as long as the launch ramp is not iced over.
  11. We bought a 48" used boat 3 spider seat and two additional seats. Going to try it with the 15hp 4 stroke. I dont know if this is a Shawnee or J&S it has higher sides than the other boats, I like that! Its a used boat needs a bit of work but it will do. and less than half to price of a new boat without seats.
  12. Back in the 1980s so big striper came from the upper end of Bull, under Powersite dam. No loco, they were big fish. What some idiot at the AGFC said is the current large striper population in Bull Shoals washed over Beaver dam and and then Table Rock through Taneycomo to finally end up in Bull Shoals. I simply said "You are an idiot, I have not heard of any stripers in Taneycomo." Well still to this day I have not heard of stripers in Taneycomo. The stripers did not even swim over the Powersite dam during the flood a couple years back. In the 1970s Bull Shoals flooded the east Sugar loaf nursery pond where striper fingerlings were being raised. Thus releasing them. This release did well providing all the large stripers you saw around Forsyth back then. The current large fish are all showing about 9 years of age, proving that there was an accidental release in 2001. Some 1 to 2 pound hybrids are also being caught, this could be from a natural spawn two years ago during the flood.
  13. Fishing was pretty good yesterday, some big rainbows 2 lb range plus lots of stockers. Wife had over 30 bows. I had a pretty good day on Brown Trout with 11 largest was maybe 2lbs and a some good rainbows. Bows were all in the middle of the channels, while browns were on the edges of the shoals. Red Power bait worked well for the bows, Gold CD-3 Raps for the Browns. We fished from Ranchette Access. Water report was 3 gen. for over 24hours. Water is very clear. saw a lot of fish, plus a lot of bass.
  14. For times when the river is very low I have a narrow aluminum boat. with a 9.9 and I can put a 4 HP mariner on it for smaller water.
  15. skeeter, I agree that maybe get over one dam through the flood gates,but not two. That is why I am asking about any stripers in taneycomo. I have never heard of one being caught in Taney. But with the flood some could have made it up river over Powersite. Even years ago back in the 1960's Bull Shoals had some huge walleye. The largest walleye are coming from White River between dam one and two. way down river, but there is also huge stripers there too. and noway they could get over Bull Shoals. Anyway doing this research to disprove the statement a Fisheries Biologist. said, that the large stripers in Bull Shoals came from Beaver Lake. Thought if anyone knew it would be on this forum about any stripers in Taney. Yes the Ark record did come for below Beaver dam some years back 64lbs. so tech. its Table Rocks fish.
  16. Finally at the point to up grade from my long red aluminum boat. I am wondering which most people prefer and why. The 42 inch wide or the 48 inch wide? I know the 48 will be more stable but the 42 seems fine. I know I will have to upgrade motor sizefromt he 15hp Merc I currently have if I go to 48.
  17. Bigger browns have been slow for me. lots of the little 6-10 inch brown trout. Did find a huge school of larger bows at the last dock before Angels, lots of nice hungry bows near the houses across from the railroad trestle. Lots of fish in Shoestring. Afraid to much work getting in the way of fishing going to have to stop other things and get fishing back in the top priority spot.
  18. I dont think there is a best way or best place, they are where they are. We have found them in the middle of the river near Gastons, along the rocky shore.
  19. > Norfork Lake Fish Stockings 2010 >> >> To date 154,792 striped bass, 46,775 hybrid stripers, 22,540 yearling >> channel catfish, 150,000 walleye fingerlings from the Arkansas Game and >> Fish Commission’s nursery pond. In addition, the Missouri Department of >> Conservation stocked 220,000 walleye. Still pending is 11,000 catchable >> channel catfish which should be stocked soon and 11,000 yearling blue >> catfish. However, a hatchery disease problem will prevent getting a full >> stocking of blue catfish. >> >> Next year Mr. Shirley is requesting the following. >> 1) 600,000 Walleye fry stocked into nursery pond ( should produce about >> 120,000 fingerlings into the lake). >> 2) 154,000 fingerling striped bass. >> 3) 44,000 fingerling hybrid striped bass. >> 4) 200,000 fingerling black crappie. >> 5) 22,000 yearling channel catfish plus 11,000 catchable channel catfish. >> 6) 11,000 yearling blue catfish. >> >> These pictures show 60,000 baby Stripers about to be dumped into their >> new home.
  20. Put in at White Hole Sat p, about 2 ran to the dam. Dam Land line claimed two units on, but noway one at best. Not much happened in the C&R. did not see anything caught. Went on down the south side caught some bows, average to small size. silver CD-3 &5 &7, gold did not do any better. Tried the middle of river not much going on there, few fish being caught even by the chumming guides. Zilch on the north side, fished to the Stetson hole a few bows in the middle on White and red Power bait on a 6 Eagle Claw crappie hook, Carolina rigged 1/8 bullet sinker. Just above White Hole about 90 minutes before to dark, fishing picked up. Suckers were facing the bank. Bows and small browns picked up. Down thru White Hole to the ramp Small browns did very well on Sliver CD-3 Rapala, Hit it again with gold and nothing. Sunday Put in at Rim Shoals due to no generation. Ran up river to Cotter. Silver CD-5 did pretty good. Wife did very well on three white and two red Power bait eggs on the one larger hook again Carolina rigged. I tried a variety of Rapala's and the results were about the same until about 5 pm. from Redbud Shoals down to the beginning of the C&R From 5pm on the Brown trout action was excellent. But floating Jointed worked the best. just barely and Imean just barley moved, just enough to make it wobble. all the big fish are not a the dam. Not by a long shot. One thing to notice is the numbers of yellow perch beginning to show up in the river. I have seen ahuge ncrease int he numbers and size. Catching a lot of small walleye also, by small 9 to 11 inch range, with an occasionally slam by larger eyes. Just cant get the hook set on the larger eyes. There is no size limit on White River on Walleye. Daily limit applies.
  21. Large schools of stripers are being found with side finding sonar from Calamity Beach up. Reef Runners, Walleye bandits at 25 feet are working as are pogys in the four inch pearl trolled 1 1/2 mph.
  22. MDC does not want the stripers in Bull Shoals. Their claim is they put to much money into walleye on BS. Well with the millions of walleye fingerlings AGFC puts into BS every year. I know why we will never catch large eyes. For some reason the AGFC has lost the work studies on BS before nine years ago. I know there are lots of huge stripers in BS. I am trying top prove to the current people in charge these fish did not wash down Beaver dam, through Table Rock and Thru Taneycomo into Bull Shoals. I have also seen some Hybrids from BS! one over three pounds.
  23. Fishng can be good this time of year, I hear the fish are up in the upper end of Norfork Lake.
  24. Doing some research. See post in Lower Taneycomo please.
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