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Everything posted by 10pointer

  1. yeppp sally hansen hard as nails is a great final coat. I need to start to use the powders because the laquers/enamels etc really arent very user friendly most of the time as they are a pain to keep from drying out or getting way too thick
  2. Its pretty low and really clear as of last friday....compared to usual spring conditions. Its going to take a couple inches to the west/northwest of montauk to cause any real problems down there. As long as it doesnt rain for inches in consecutive days you should be okay. Its fishing well now and friday i choked all day on the hatches coming off. It was insane! btw 230 cfs or under is pretty good....but once it gets near 300 or over its not much fun IMO Good luck!!! Id be there this weekend but i have meetings at Bennett this weekend
  3. nice fish eric! Im guessing thats the fish from just above hudson that a guy with a flyrod broke off early in the morning? your dads pic is on the MDC website, i didnt know if you knew that or not. I eeked one out with a 3lb2oz right about 20"....Most of the lunkers i saw except for your dads were all super skinny torpedos. I was only able to stay til 11am on the opener because i had to get back home because i had 3 exams to study for the next day Ill be heading down for the day here in about 3 hours. I heard there are quite a few big fish left around
  4. I did well down at montauk, and landed another lunker late in the morning that I spotted....3lb 2oz torpedo male that was about 19.5"... that barely made the board but oh well The water was pretty churned up with all the people in the water so seeing the big ones like we saw the day before the opener was difficult. We didnt stay all day as i had to get back home and study for 3 exams on tuesday Ill be going back down for the day on friday and i have heard where quite a few big ones have still been hanging in the park as of tonight after the buzzer.
  5. to be honest with you...its going to be chaotic. I have heard meramec is the worst of the parks on opening day because of it's close proximity to St.Louis.. but ive never been to an opener there just the crazy derby days and that was enough!!! You literally will be touching shoulder to shoulder with other fishermen. Id suggest getting there a couple hours before the buzzer if you want a good spot but that wont stop people from crowding in on you. I go every year down for the opener at Montauk. Its not a day for fishing but really just go for the camaraderie of it all. It just comes down to tradition with our family and friends. Go down relaxed and try not to get upset, because it will be a madhouse. Its a great time if you can sit back and take it for what it is. Good Luck!!!
  6. Lily lake is where its at! well for greenbacks anyways! Had a great evening on dries there a couple years ago caught 25+ in less than a couple hours my family has a house up in estes so i know the area well but havent been able to get up there the last year or so because of school and work. You might want to try morraine park just inside the estes entrance RMNP, its absolutely awesome for catching a ton of little brookies and cuttys. The high mountain lakes are also definitely worth the hike especially the lake of glass hike. Like the others have said, the big thompson and st.vrain are great places to catch some trout too!
  7. great report I too was down this weekend but only for sunday. Went down with my buddy and one of our assistant deans at school who teaches flyrod building and fly tying and casting. She had a great time in the catch and release section in the stream that runs off of the lake and through the brood stock tanks. The fish were rising usually 3 or 4 at a time and she easily caught a dozen. She had takes on every drift and had fish on on 90% of her casts. It didnt really matter what she had on, the fish were hitting parachute adams, caddis, and really any light hackle top water she threw at em. It was really great to see her have a good time because she had never fished the park before and just drove through once on a trip she was making several years ago. Ill be down Feb 27th- Mar 3rd
  8. I got a chance to try out my new simms waist highs down at montauk today and they are absolutely awesome. They are extra heavy in the fronts I believe compared to my other pairs of simms (5 layer? fronts according to a simms rep i know... if i remember correctly). They are much thicker than my other simms and they definitely seem like they can take a beating in that respect in the front thigh through stockingfoot area. They were very easy to adjust and tighten and the velcro straps made very very solid contact and locked in really well. I could adjust them to make them looser/tighter to allow for more knee bending/ climbing. The gravel guards are always a plus. Im about 6'0 and 185 and they fit really well even with a couple shirts and a hoodie tucked into the waders. They came up a few inches above my belly button and right to the bottom of my vest if i wanted them pulled up high. I have the g3 guide vest so it is a little shorter and better for deeper wading than some other vests out there> (just added this so you guys could get an idea of how high they come up...at least on me anyways). I really like the fact that i can loosen the velcro straps and drop them down closer down to my waist to allow for free movement. My friends loved them and definiitely said they were going to pick up a pair very soon. I really love the fact that i dont have to have the constraint of the chest highs and the shoulder straps. I know these waders are going to last just as with any simms product. Its great to have a pair thats comfortable for shallow water wading or summer time wading Retail on them was $250 fyi Hope this helps you brian
  9. anywhhere in the 200's is okay by me and im really a sight fisherman. It does really depend though on how fast it comes up. It looks like it was on the rise as of a little bit ago when i checked but i still plan on heading down with some friends and one of my professors on sunday before the super bowl. I drive a little black honda with black wheels....cant miss it! gray simms vest and gray/tan simms waist high waders and a blue and white g loomis hat (my lucky hat!! lol). Say hey if you see me!
  10. Awesome to see you revived that fish, ive seen too many people hook big trout, play them out and dont end up riviving them and they end up belly up. Saved about a 7lb a guy let loose a couple years ago at bennett, i got super soaked but i saved the fish and that guy was grateful for me showing him how to properly release big trout as no one had shown him how to before. Ill be down this coming sunday (last day of c&r) with several friends and one of my professors, it should be a nice little trip before the superbowl starts! How were the conditions and water clarity/ flow? We were planning on going last saturday but the water got just a wee bit high and muddy for my liking
  11. I actually asked an agent a few years back down at montauk and he told me that you could use as many droppers as you wanted up to 33 or something along those lines. I cant say that would stand for anywhere else...
  12. you absoultely can't go wrong with any simms products. Ive never had a single problem with any simms products i have (several pairs of waders, boots, vests). I am very rough on waders and the pairs of simms i have take a beating and ive never had a hint of a problem. If you happen to have a problem like the guys have said they will take good care of you and they will make it right. Even if you wear out the stocking feet they will charge next to nothing to replace them too. Cant beat the product and the customer service! Ive had quite a few brands of waders...and ill never buy anything but Simms ever again. Actually going to buy some headwater waist highs next week from hargroves
  13. Talked to my buddy kevin and he was down with the guys for derby day. They had some serious oxygen/ water temp issues because at the whistle he saw a tail up in the murky water and grabbed it and it was a dead 7lb. There were 5 lunkers dead from what he saw just after the whistle. It was crazy he said, and not many fish we being caught at all.. Biggest caught alive was 3 lb. Real sad to see those fish go out like that and not give someone the thrill of fightin em
  14. I second reed's, they are great people Kelly and Art, they always take good care of me. They really do continuously improve things, its really expanded lately
  15. small small small jigs for me. Im strictly talking about trout fishing though...Im a fan of greens, tans, and browns, etc in super clear water. I think the fish definitely take better to natural colors in that situation. When it comes to bass ill still go smaller profile like a fishdoctor or centipede or a small jig in natural colors....
  16. Its crazy up there as far as snow goes. It looks like a blizzard sometimes in July up there...but it never accumulates long on the ground though. Id love to move permanently out there but dont know if i could handle the big snow during the winter. I love cold weather but it gets a little too nasty for my liking up there!
  17. We have a house up there in estes, although with my schedule i havent had a chance to gett up this past summer with school and work It is absolutely amazing up there and those lakes like dream lake and those other hike in lakes are awesome for cutthroats...i havent caught greenbacks in any of the lakes except lilly lake. I catch a bunch of greenbacks in there. Best evening i had was 20+ on dries!!!! Oh and its super torture to wake up and look out the window and see a herd of elk, big ole 6x6's, and big ole muleys hanging out eating your shrubbery lol
  18. glad to have you here! like the others have said, stockingfoot, and id suggest felt or felt/studded as far as the boots go. Rubber bottoms will only cause you to break your neck! but watch the studs though, tile floors etc will cause a wipeout too!!! As far as a brand goes, eveything i own is Simms...waders, boots, vests, outerwear. Its going to be pricey but im really tough on equiptment and i have never had a problem with any simms products. The waders are layered alot more that the cheaper waders and they will take a beating and last a long time. There warranty service is superb and most products are made in bozeman montana which means the money stays in the states If you are just going to be using these once in awhile or are on a tight budget then the cheaper cabelas waders are fine. Id never buy a pair of white river waders from BPS again. Unless they have drastically changed the quality isnt very good. When i worked for bps about 5 or 6 years ago i had a pair of white rivers and i think i went through 5 pairs in 2 years. The seams were absolute junk....and with their warranty only being 1 year the waders almost become disposable. The white rivers may have changed but id be very weary! A simple cheaper pair will work, but if you see yourself fishing for years to come if you can afford it like the others said go with the simms because after replacing several pairs of cheaper waders you could have yourself a pair of nice ones that will last. And you wont have that good ole wonderful freezing water running down your leg feeling early in the monring!
  19. I know I shouldnt let people bother me but after awhile it just gets annoying that people make the comments they do. Im there to have a great time and enjoy our resources. Oh and i make small talk with everyone down there and 99% of people like to talk. Id like to think of myself as very friendly and when people ask i help them. Thats what fishing is all about. The people i show are always people ive talked to just before and make comments on how nice the fish is. I explain how things are always said and show them. I dont say verify where the hook is necessarily but say "yep here is what she took" and show them the fly she liked right in the mouth.... or something along those lines because those people always come around to watch the fight. I know i caught it legit, but its always a better practice to have someone else see that you did it correctly. I wish i wouldnt feel the need to do that, but the people that blatantly snag fish give everyone a bad name. I love to sight fish but i wont sit there and drift it into a fishes mouth. Thats not fun or a challenge to me. Ill bring it right into their zone and they will choose to take it or not. I hate to see people force feed them. Ive seen it alot and I definitely dont condone it one bit. I could have force fed that fish a thousand times but thats not the way i like to catch them. There are alot of guys ill admit that will put it right in a fishes mouth when they werent even trying to feed, but thats not the way i like to roll Ive foul hooked fish many times before but if i see that the fly/jig etc isnt where its supposed to be i break it off ASAP. The little ones ill bring in and release but they tend to be alot tougher than bigger fish when it comes to living after being caught. I cant stand to see people fight a big snagged fish out and land them and release them without reviving the fish properly. Foul hooking fish does happen no matter how much you try to avoid it. Ive had plenty of nice ones swirl after a fly and hook themselves in the gill or fins. Ive seen way to many big fish get unproperly released and go to the bottom and go belly up. And yes i did end up keeping that fish though ive released quite a few nice ones in the park, but with the way things are some yahoo would come right down and foul hook it and keep it with last weekend being a small derby. I NEVER keep anything outside the park or in trophy waters that is of significant size even though I legally can. Id love to see the fish live and love to come back and have the opportunity to land her again or have someone else get a chance to catch it. Now i will keep some stockers to fry up in the park but ill usually land alot of fish and release many fish in a day. I only take fish from the parks, I wont keep them in places that they have a better opportunity in surviving. Thanks for the congrats and the support guys, and I just had to let off a little steam last night
  20. First of all i would like to say i had a wonderful weekend and we couldnt have asked for milder weather....other than the rain we had. Alright now down to the business lol Im about sick and tired of people who arent even around when a big fish is caught always run their mouths that fish are snagged. Its funny to hear from someone who has no idea who you are that "oh some guy up that way snagged one earlier" when talking about the fish you caught. Absolutely hillarious.... or the guys that say the only way big trout are caught are by snagging. It has got to be a jealousy thing, there are just certain people who cant admit that they got beat or that the only way they didnt win was because someone cheated. EVERY single fish i catch is caught 100% totally legit, and i put alot of time into tying and trying new things to get fish to bite. EVERY single time I net the fish and take it right to people to show them the hook is in the mouth.... i wont even touch the fish until i show someone hook location. Its sad i have to do that but it helps keep trash out of peoples mouths I love fishing all over current, taney etc, but im about ready to call it quits in the park because of all of the drama people bring down there. I fish to have fun and enjoy the limited free time i have. I like to catch big fish no matter where at because its a challenge to get them in on 1 or 2 lb line or 6x or 7x tippet. Saturday i worked a big ole female for about four hours off and on. I hooked up with her after a couple hours and drifting everything i had at her and finally got her to take. I had her on and she booked upstream. Meanwhile there was a gentleman who was right there and i politely said excuse me (as he was retying) and i cut through him in about 6 inches of water in front of him............. the old crab says next time dont walk through the pool (he didnt catch a single fish maybe because he was using 6 lb test lol ). Its common courtesy that if someone hooks into a nice fish that poeple will not mind pulling in their lines and let you scoot by to play the fish out. Id do it for anyone else even if it was a small stocker. Im happy to see someone land a fish of any size. Well anyways I break the fish off after about 30 seconds. She settles down about 45 minutes later and starts feeding again and miraculously she took something else. That time i was fortunate to land her. The old crab was there so i took the fish over to a couple and showed them where the hook was RIGHT IN THE ROOF OF HER MOUTH before i touched it in the net. But the thing that really ticked me off is that old guy was in the showers at the campground and a buddies dad heard him telling people how two brothers stood in front of him and snagged a big one (talking about my friend and i who were fishing together) He made it sound like we came in and crowded him when in reality we were all by ourselves at that hole before he even showed up. People just amaze me!!!!!!! oh and she was 26" and 8 lb 11 oz. Sorry for the rant fellas
  21. horrible first post, definitely a troll lol .... you dont usually make a post like that if you are new and want to get along with people i would say i would whoop ya with the spinning or fly rod take your pick but ill be the grown up and let it ride
  22. i know i couldnt believe i forgot to grab it out of my car....we met friends and were in a hurry transferring stuff to my dads friends suv. Small black case with a 4 piece rod in it in the dark. Oh well though. Ill remember next time. Woulda been awesome to get her on the flyrod. We should be down some this weekend though Oh and the tricos were crazy. 20 or smaller....the fish were really goin crazy for em.
  23. i was down on thursday and lemme tell ya the fishing was awesome....the hatch was crazy in the morning and the fish were taking topwater like crazy...........only problem was i forgot my flyrod but others were doing well. Lots of nice sized fish in the stream right now and they should finish the season strong from what i see I did manage to catch a 7 lb female rainbow just above the dam boy oh boy did she fight like crazy it was a good ten minutes or so before i landed her. I caught her on my "lunker suicide" as others have named the jig i tie. Lost another 5lb+ but oh wellz. Caught a tonnnnnn of fish, they really are stacked up this year IMO..... lol what about all that reduced numbers talk? we talked with tom the hatchery mgr and they were only supplying meramec as of a few months ago. Couldnt ask for a better hatchery mgr than him, compared to the other parks i really believe he blows the other guys away! He can really grow some nice fish!
  24. i have a loon outdoors waist pack system....granted it came loaded with all the branded accessories (hemos, sink putty, aquel, dry shake, the hotpink/yellow moldable/rollon stike indicator putty, 2 water bottles etc) IIRC it runs about 80 bucks or so i cant remember. I absolutely love it!!!
  25. strapping tape, rubber rings, split rings, duct tape are all great ways to fish senkos....the problem with the yamamoto baits is they are very fragile and cost and arm and a leg when it comes to going through bags per trip. Id look at the ozark tackle "senkos" they are super soft, much limper than the yamamotos and i think they catch just as many fish if not more!
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